urbanist oor Engels


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town planner

˗Održavanje čistoće ulica može za lokalne vlasti biti skupo i većina urbanista voljela bi predstaviti čiste asfaltirane površine diljem naselja i gradova.
˗Keeping the streets clean can be costly for local authorities and most town planners would love to roll-out dirt free pavements across towns and cities.

urban planner

Na to će londonski urbanist -
And the urban planner in London goes,

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urban planners


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Ovo su farmeri, elektroinženjer, strojar, inženjer zaštite okoliša, računalni znanstvenik, znanstvenik za biljke, ekonomist, urbanisti.
These are farmers, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, environmental engineer, computer scientist, plant scientist, economist, urban planners.ted2019 ted2019
A gdje su urbanisti za zvuk?
Where are the urban sound planners?ted2019 ted2019
Urbanisti su pokušali izvesti neka poboljšanja izgradnjom ulica i stvaranjem boljeg standarda; no to nije lak zadatak.
By creating streets and installing amenities, urban planners have attempted to make improvements; but this is no easy task.jw2019 jw2019
Urbanisti piju pivo u dvorištu utorkom.
A couple city planners like to drink beer in the courtyard on Tuesday nights.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Čitavo područje je industrijska zona i urbanisti neće zbog vas promijeniti urbanistički plan.’
That’s all manufacturing, and they won’t change the zoning for you.’jw2019 jw2019
No ako danas posjetite poldere, vidjet ćete da su urbanisti dobro obavili svoj posao i da su na tlu koje je nekad bilo pod morem sagrađena krasna naselja!
Today, however, if you visit the polders, you will see that the city planners succeeded in building livable communities on what used to be the bottom of the sea!jw2019 jw2019
Vassilis Zotos, istaknuti arhitekt i urbanist, te predsjednik lokalnog Društva britanskih diplomaca, ne slaže se i kritizira sustav
Vassilis Zotos, a noted architect/town planner and president of the local British Graduates Society, disagrees and criticises the systemSetimes Setimes
Želim biti urbanist.
I think I'd really like to be a city planner.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Urbanisti i dizajneri parkova iz cijele zemlje zadivljeni su, videći u koliko velikoj mjeri stanovnici grada žele ovakav park, primjećujući da kad ga imaju, revnosno sudjeluju u njegovom čišćenju i održavanju.
Nationwide urban planners and park designers have been amazed to see how much city dwellers want this type of park, noting that when they have it, they eagerly share in its cleaning and upkeep.jw2019 jw2019
Tisuće ljudi je to vidjelo, a jedan od njih je bio i urbanist Manual Sola-Morales koji je redizajnirao rivu u Portu, Portugalu.
Thousands of people saw it, and one of them was the urbanist Manual Sola-Morales who was redesigning the waterfront in Porto, Portugal.ted2019 ted2019
Gdje su urbanisti zvuka za urede?
Where are the office sound planners?ted2019 ted2019
Kao što znate, preporuke geodeta i urbanista imaju samo savjetodavnu funkciju.
As you know, the recommendations from zoning and planning are merely advisory.Literature Literature
Zajedno sa svojom suprugom i partnericom, Denise Scott Brown, osnovao je tvrtku Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates čije je djelovanje pomoglo oblikovati način na koji arhitekti, urbanisti i studenti doživljavaju i razmišljaju o arhitekturi i američkom urbanizmu, ali ponajviše širenju dijaloga o arhitekturi.
Together with his wife and partner, Denise Scott Brown, he helped shape the way that architects, planners and students experience and think about architecture and the American-built environment.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Imamo urbaniste.
We have urban planners.ted2019 ted2019
Kad je pao Berlinski zid, 1989., jedan urbanist u Londonu je zaprimio telefonski poziv kolege u Moskvi koji je rekao: "Bok, ovo je Vladimir.
Back in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, an urban planner in London got a phone call from a colleague in Moscow saying, basically, "Hi, this is Vladimir.ted2019 ted2019
Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho (Rio de Janeiro, 15. prosinca 1907.- 5. prosinca 2012.), najpoznatiji kao Oscar Niemeyer, bio je brazilski arhitekt i urbanist; jedan je od najvažnijih predstavnika moderne arhitekture i pionir upotrebe armiranog betona.
Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho (December 15, 1907 – December 5, 2012), known as Oscar Niemeyer (Brazilian Portuguese: ), was a Brazilian architect considered to be one of the key figures in the development of modern architecture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No gradski urbanisti koji su davali konačno odobrenje odgodili su projekt.
But the project had been delayed by city planners who held final approval.Literature Literature
Usluge inženjera, građevinskih projektanata, crtača građevinskih nacrta, planera, arhitekata, arhitekata krajobraza i urbanista
Engineering, building design, technical drawing, town planning, architecture, landscape design and urban developmenttmClass tmClass
Znate, oni sada žele inovatore, urbaniste, žele ljude koji bi nešto mogli učiniti.
You know, right now, they want thinkers, the want planners, they want people to do something.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mišljenja arhitekata, gradskih urbanista i povjesničara umjetnosti također su bila podijeljena.
Opinions of architects, urban planners, and art historians were also divided along similar lines.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deset skupina arhitekata, urbanista, geografa i pejzažnih arhitekata ponuditi će svoje vizije izgradnje metropole Pariza 21. stoljeća u eri Protokola iz Kyota i izraditi buduću dijagnozu Pariza i predgrađa koja će definirati budući razvoj u Velikom Parizu idućih 40 godina.
Ten teams gathering architects, urban planners, geographers, landscape architects will offer their vision for building a Paris metropolis of the 21st century in the post-Kyoto era and make a prospective diagnosis for Paris and its suburbs that will define future developments in Greater Paris for the next 40 years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nećeš mu dati stipendiju jer želi biti urbanist?
So you're denying him the scholarship because he wants to be a planner?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
poziva države članice i Komisiju da stanu na kraj raznim oblicima ekstremizma kao što su ksenofobija, rasizam i sve vrste diskriminacije uvođenjem mjera za koheziju u zajednici kojima se može uspješno boriti protiv gospodarske i socijalne nejednakosti i koje uključuju širok raspon aktera kao što su urbanisti, socijalni radnici, zajednica, crkve i vjerske udruge, nastavnici, organizacije za potporu obiteljima te stručnjaci u području zdravstva, čime se jamči socijalna uključenost te formalna i stvarna jednakost, promiče raznolikost i potiče kohezija zajednice;
Calls on the Member States and the Commission to prevent extremism, such as xenophobia, racism and all forms of discrimination and marginalisation through community cohesion measures that are able to successfully challenge economic and social inequalities, involving a broad range of actors such as urban planners, social workers, community, churches and religious associations, educators, family support organisations and health professionals, with the objectives of countering extremism, ensuring social inclusion as well as formal and substantial equality, promoting diversity and fostering community cohesion;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Neki proizvodi koji se pružaju u okviru usluga iznimno su važni za javni sektor i lokalna tijela: neki su od korisnika usluge praćenja stanja kopna urbanisti, gradske uprave i tijela nadležna za promet.
Some of the products supplied by the Services are particularly important for the public sector and local authorities: the land monitoring service registers urban planners, city administrators and transport authorities among its user clients.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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