usporedan oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


adjective verb noun adverb
Važno je ostaviti prostora za usporedna ili namjenska rješenja za određene svrhe ili za inovacije.
It is important that there is room for parallel or dedicated solutions for specific purposes or for innovation.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

collateral · comparative
at the same time
usporedni nosilac
reference carrier
usporedno sučeljeparallel interface
parallel interface
usporedne mreže
parallel networks
usporedni podatci
parallel data
usporedno računanje
parallel computing
usporedna sabirnica
parallel bus
usporedna crta


Advanced filtering
U Finskoj je u 2017. ukupna stopa zaposlenosti radno sposobnog stanovništva u dobi od 20 do 64 godine iznosila 74 % te je relativno niska u usporedbi s nordijskim usporednim gospodarstvima.
At 74 % of the total 20-64 working-age population in 2017, the employment rate was relatively low in Finland compared with its Nordic peers.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
AA || || površina na dijagramu kočne sile, određena: – crtom usporednom s osi y pri v = 0, – crtom usporednom s osi y pri v = 5 km/h, – crtom usporednom s osi × pri sili zadržavanja F = 0, – krivuljom kočne sile za referentno sidro A. Model dijagrama kočne sile (određivanje površina AA i AB) AB ista definicija kao za AA osim što se primjenjuje krivulja kočne sile za posebno sidro B.
AA || || the surface area on the braking force diagram defined by: – the line parallel to the y-axis at v = 0, – the line parallel to the y-axis at v = 5 km/h, – the line parallel to the x-axis at holding force F = 0, – the braking force curve for reference anchor A, Model braking force diagram (Determining the surface areas AA and AB) AB same definition as for AA except that the braking force curve for special anchor B is used.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pomoćno sjedalo može biti istog tipa kao i sjedalo koje se ispituje i mora biti postavljeno usporedno i neposredno iza sjedala koje se ispituje.
The auxiliary seat may be of the same type as the seat being tested and shall be located parallel to and directly behind the seat being tested.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pletenice i slični proizvodi od materijala za pletarstvo od ratana, neovisno jesu li sastavljeni u vrpce ili ne; materijali za pletarstvo, pletenice i slični proizvodi od ratana, međusobno spojeni u usporedne strukove ili tkani (osim prostirki, pokrivača i zaslona; zidnih tapeta iz tarifnog broja 4814 ; dijelova obuće ili pokrivala za glavu)
Plaits and similar products, of rattan plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips; plaiting materials, plaits and similar products of rattan, flat-woven or bound together in parallel (excl. mats, matting and screens; wallcoverings of heading 4814 ; parts of footware or headgear)Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
„površina rešetke” znači površina koja se sastoji od usporednih šipki ravnomjerno raspoređenih i međusobno udaljenih najviše 15 mm;
‘surface of grille’ means a surface consisting of parallel bars which are spread evenly and have a mutual distance of not exceeding 15 mm.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Države članice moraju osigurati da pružatelji usluga krajnjim korisnicima prije zaključenja ugovora omoguće pristup usporednim informacijama o pokrivenosti mobilnih mreža, uključujući o različitim tehnologijama u njihovoj državi članici, kako bi se tim krajnjim korisnicima omogućilo da donose informirane odluke o kupnji.
Member States should ensure that providers enable end-users to have access to comparable information on the coverage of the mobile networks, including different technologies in their Member State, prior to the conclusion of the contract, to enable those end-users to make informed purchasing decisions.not-set not-set
navedene sile primjenjuju se pomoću klipa s odgovarajućom zglobnom vezom (npr. primjenom univerzalnih zglobova) usporedno sa središnjom uzdužnom ravninom vozila preko površine koja nije veća od 250 mm po visini (točnu visinu i širinu treba odrediti proizvođač) ni veća od 400 mm po širini, s polumjerom zakrivljenosti uspravnih rubova 5 ± 1 mm; središte površine postavlja se redom na točke P1, P2 i P3.
The specified forces shall be applied by rams which are suitably articulated (e.g. by means of universal joints) and shall be parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle via a surface not more than 250 mm in height (the exact height and width shall be indicated by the manufacturer) and not more than 400 mm wide, with a radius of curvature of 5 ± 1 mm at the vertical edges; the centre of the surface is placed successively at points P1, P2 and P3.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Usporedno s ESM-om nastavljaju se i programi EFSF-a u tijeku za Grčku, Portugal i Irsku.
In parallel to the ESM, the EFSF will continue with its ongoing programmes for Greece, Portugal and Ireland.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Usto, sljedeća uputa se daje za ocjenu selektivne distribucije u pojedinačnim slučajevima koji nisu obuhvaćeni Uredbom o skupnim izuzećima ili u slučaju kumulativnih učinaka koji su rezultat usporednih mreža selektivne distribucije.
In addition, the following guidance is provided for the assessment of selective distribution in individual cases which are not covered by the Block Exemption Regulation or in the case of cumulative effects resulting from parallel networks of selective distribution.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(206) Jedna zainteresirana strana tvrdile je da je uzrok štetnog stanja industrije Unije povećanje troškova rada i usporedno smanjenje produktivnosti.
(206) One interested party claimed that the injurious situation of the Union industry was caused by the increase in labour costs and the parallel decrease in productivity.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U izvješću Europskog parlamenta o usporednom bankarstvu na vlastitu inicijativu naglašava se važnost odgovarajućih mjera u ovom području.
The European Parliament's own-initiative report on shadow banking also highlighted the importance of appropriate measures in this area.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) sudjeluju u usporednim ispitivanjima (provjerama stručne osposobljenosti) među različitim nacionalnim laboratorijima iz točke (a);
(c) participating in comparative testing (proficiency testing) between the various national laboratories referred to in (a);EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zajednička klinička procjena koja se predviđa u ovoj Uredbi znanstvena je analiza relativnih učinaka zdravstvene tehnologije na učinkovitost , sigurnost i djelotvornost , koji se zajedno nazivaju kliničkim ishodima, koja se evaluira u odnosu na usporedne pokazatelje koji se trenutačno smatraju primjerenima i odabrane skupine ili podskupine pacijenata, uzimajući u obzir kriterije središnjeg modela procjene zdravstvenih tehnologija.
The joint clinical assessment provided for by this Regulation constitutes a scientific analysis of the relative effects of health technology on efficacy, safety and effectiveness, commonly referred to as clinical outcomes, that is evaluated in relation to the comparative indicators currently deemed appropriate and chosen groups or subgroups of patients, taking into account the HTA Core Model criteria.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Usporedno s potrošnjom u Uniji koja se smanjuje, tržišni udio kineskog uvoza zabilježio je blagi pad s 4,4 % na 3,1 % (vidjeti uvodnu izjavu 53.).
In parallel to the shrinking consumption in the Union, the market share of Chinese imports slightly decreased from 4,4 % to 3,1 % (see recital 53).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
budući da je u okviru neovisnog istraživanja izražena zabrinutost u pogledu velikih nedostataka u usporednoj procjeni, npr. činjenica da, usprkos tome što su pronađene statistički značajne razlike u sastavima mnogih spojeva, nisu smatrane potrebnima dodatne istrage; kao i zabrinutost u vezi s ozbiljnim nedostacima u pogledu toksikološke ocjene, npr. činjenica da je uzet u obzir samo jedan način djelovanja Bt toksina, da nisu provedene istrage u pogledu kombiniranih učinaka i da nije provedena ocjena ostataka pesticida; te zabrinutost u pogledu nedostatka jasne procjene mogućeg učinka na imunološki sustav (6);
whereas independent research raises concerns about major gaps in the comparative assessment, e.g. the fact that, although statistically significant differences in the composition were found for many compounds, no further investigation was deemed necessary; concerns about serious gaps as regards the toxicology assessment, e.g. the fact that only one mode of action of Bt toxins was considered, that no investigations into combinatorial effects have been conducted and that no assessment of pesticide residues has been conducted; and concerns about an inconclusive assessment of the possible impact on the immune system (6);Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
U skladu s četvrtim kriterijem Altmark, ponuđena naknada mora biti rezultat postupka javne nabave koji omogućuje izbor ponuditelja koji bi takve usluge mogao pružiti po najpovoljnijim uvjetima za zajednicu ili rezultat usporedne analize s tipičnim poduzećem kojim se dobro upravlja i koje ima odgovarajuća potrebna sredstva.
In accordance with the fourth Altmark criterion, the compensation offered must either be the result of a public procurement procedure which allows for selection of the tenderer capable of providing those services at the least cost to the community, or the result of a benchmarking exercise with a typical undertaking, well run and adequately provided with the necessary means.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ESGO je zaključio da je Zelena knjiga (18) o usporednom bankarskom sustavu napravila važan korak u smjeru suočavanja s postojećim problemima, i to naglašavajući potrebu uklanjanja „usporednih” aktivnosti koje moraju biti podređene regulativnim bonitetnim zahtjevima kao i cijeli financijski sustav.
The EESC welcomed the green paper on shadow banking (18), considering it an important step towards dealing with existing problems, emphasising, among other things, that there should be no such thing as ‘shadow’ activities and that these activities should be subject to the same regulatory and prudential requirements as the financial system as a whole.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
57 Međutim, iz sudske prakse Suda proizlazi da se od javnog naručitelja ne može tražiti da ponuditelju čija ponuda nije prihvaćena dostavi, s jedne strane, pored obrazloženja odluke o odbijanju te ponude također i detaljan sažetak načina na koji je svaki detalj njegove ponude bio uzet u obzir u okviru njezina ocjenjivanja i, s druge strane, u okviru informiranja o karakteristikama i prednostima prihvaćene ponude, detaljnu usporednu analizu prihvaćene ponude i ponude odbijenog ponuditelja (presuda od 4. listopada 2012., Evropaïki Dynamiki/Komisija, C-629/11 P, neobjavljena, EU:C:2012:617, t. 21. i navedena sudska praksa).
However, it is apparent from the case-law of the Court that the contracting authority cannot be required to communicate to an unsuccessful tenderer, first, in addition to the reasons for rejecting its tender, a detailed summary of how each detail of its tender was taken into account when the tender was evaluated and, second, in the context of notification of the characteristics and relative advantages of the successful tender, a detailed comparative analysis of the successful tender and of the unsuccessful tender (judgment of 4 October 2012, Evropaïki Dynamiki v Commission, C‐629/11 P, not published, EU:C:2012:617, paragraph 21 and the case-law cited).Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Sljedeća usporedna tablica uobičajenih naziva i latinskih naziva služi isključivo za potrebe objašnjenja:
The following comparative table of common names and Latin names is provided exclusively for explanatory purposes:EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Ono što radi on i ono što radi ubojica možda su dva vlaka na usporednim tračnicama.
What he’s doing and what the killer is doing could be trains running on parallel tracks.Literature Literature
Stoga će se usporedno dodatno razvijati postojeći regulatorni i poticajni okvir.
Therefore, the existing regulatory and enabling framework will be further developed in parallel.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Što je više moguće usporedno s poprečnom ravninom vozila, usklađeno s oblikom, strukturom, konstrukcijom i radnim zahtjevima vozila, ako to nije moguće oznaka prati što je više moguće obris vanjskog oblika vozila.
As close as practicable to being parallel to the transverse plane of the vehicle, compatible with the shape, structure, design and operation requirements of the vehicle, if this is not possible, it shall follow as close as practicable the contour of the outer shape of the vehicle.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(8) Referentna os prolazi okomito na referentnu ravninu kroz sjecište dviju usporednih crta kako je prikazano na slici 5.
(8) The reference axis is perpendicular to the reference plane and crosses the intersection of the two parallel lines as indicated in figure 5.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
6. Usporedno s postupkom koji se vodio pred Oberverwaltungsgerichtom für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Visoki upravni sud u saveznoj zemlji Sjevernoj Rajni-Vestfaliji), njemačka su tijela 24. svibnja 2012. pokrenula postupak pred [Odborom] u vezi s Linoladiolom N u skladu s člankom 31. stavkom 1. Direktive [2001/83].
6 At the same time as proceedings were pending before the Oberverwaltungsgericht für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Higher Administrative Court, North Rhine-Westphalia), the German authorities made a referral concerning Linoladiol N to the [Committee] under Article 31(1) of Directive [2001/83] on 24 May 2012.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
11. kućište centrifuge/prihvatne posude u kojima se nalazi cijevni sklop rotora plinske centrifuge, a sastoji se od krutog cilindra debljine stjenke do 30 mm s precizno strojno obrađenim krajevima koji su međusobno usporedni i okomiti na longitudinalnu os cilindra do 0,05° ili manje;
11. Centrifuge housing/recipients to contain the rotor tube assembly of a gas centrifuge, consisting of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm with precision machined ends that are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the cylinder's longitudinal axis to within 0,05 degrees or less;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
214 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.