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Spremno prihvaćam da je u pogledu pravnih osoba takav pristup doista širok, osobito ako obuhvaća i pitanja koja su sporedna ili uzgredna glavnoj djelatnosti, služe njezinoj pripremi ili je pospješuju.
I readily acknowledge that for legal persons, such an approach is indeed broad, certainly if it also includes matters that are ancillary or incidental to, preparatory to, or enhancing the main business activity.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Povjerenstvo za žalbe može uzgredno naložiti Institutu da nadoknadi materijalnu štetu koju je pretrpjela dotična osoba, počevši od dana kada je poništena odluka počela proizvoditi učinke.
The Board may incidentally order the Institute to compensate any material damage sustained by the person concerned starting from the day the annulled decision began to have effect.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Harryjevo uzgredno pitanje zašto su sva svjetla pogašena za posljedicu je imalo poduže izlaganje vremešnog čuvara.
A casual question from Harry—why all the lights were off—had led to a detailed explanation from the old watchman.Literature Literature
Uzgredno, reći ću vam o kojoj super snažnoj teoriji je bila riječ.
Incidentally, I'll tell you what that super- powerful technique was.QED QED
Savezna Republika Njemačka ističe da se u ovom postupku zbog povrede, koji je pokrenut jer nije postupila u skladu s Odlukom 2014/699, može uzgredno pozivati na nezakonitost te odluke i zbog činjenice da de facto nije mogla ostvariti sudsku zaštitu u odnosu na tu odluku prije otvaranja 25. sjednice Odbora za reviziju OTIF-a.
The Federal Republic of Germany submits that it is open to it to rely incidentally on the illegality of Decision 2014/699 in these proceedings for failure to comply with that decision, particularly in view of the fact that it was de facto impossible for it to obtain judicial protection against that decision before the opening of the 25th session of the OTIF Revision Committee.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Direktive 97/13 tijekom rasprava pozivalo tek uzgredno(15) – s obzirom na to da su se prethodna pitanja odnosila samo na članak 49. UEZ-a (koji je postao članak 56. UFEU-a) i Direktivu 90/388/EZ(16) – Sud je ipak naveo da „oporezivi događaj za poreze na komunikacijske infrastrukture nije [bila] dodjela dozvole“ i da „prema tome, Direktiva 97/13 na koju se Mobistar pozvao na raspravi nije [bila] primjenjiva na činjenice slučaja“(17).
Although in those cases Article 11 of Directive 97/13 had been mentioned only incidentally during the hearing (15) — as the questions referred for a preliminary ruling related only to Article 49 EC (now Article 56 TFEU) and Directive 90/388/EEC (16) — the Court nevertheless stated that ‘the event which [gave] rise to the taxes on communications infrastructures [was] not the issue of a licence’ and that ‘[t]herefore, Directive 97/13, which was relied on by Mobistar at the hearing, [was] not applicable to the facts of the case’. (17)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zanimljivo je da mi to pitanje postavljaju od prvog dana jer su u Savezu navikli sjediti ljudi kojima je to uzgredna stvar , a meni je ovo sve u životu .
It is interesting that people have been asking me that since day one , as they are used to having people sit in the Federation who consider the position to be a spin-off ; this position means everything to me in my life .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Vjerojatno izgleda jednako dobro kao bilo tko drugi tko radi uzgredne poslove za Shafer Motors.
He probably looked as good as anyone who had done odd jobs at Shafer Motors.Literature Literature
200 Međutim, time što u ovom postupku ističe da financijski ispravak od 5,19 %, utvrđen u izvješću o procjeni rizika u odnosu na sve navedene izdatke, treba primijeniti samo na umanjeni dio plaćanja na koji, prema mišljenju te države članice, stvarno utječe rizik, Ujedinjena Kraljevina zapravo uzgredno dovodi u pitanje vlastitu procjenu financijskog rizika.
200 However, in arguing, in the present proceedings, that the 5.19% financial correction, determined in the risk assessment report in relation to all of that expenditure, must be applied only to the smaller proportion of payments which is, according to that Member State, actually affected by the risk, the United Kingdom is in actual fact incidentally challenging the basis of its own financial risk assessment.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ne može se smatrati da se dopisom Komisije izvršava ranija odluka te se dopis kao takav ne može smatrati uzgrednom mjerom upravljanja.
The Commission’s letter cannot be considered to merely give effect to a previous decision and, as such, be considered as an accessory measure of management.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Traže posao na farmi i uzgredne poslove.
Looking for farm work and odd jobs.Literature Literature
„Ugovor, čiji su predmet usluge i uključuje radove koji su samo uzgredni u odnosu na glavni predmet ugovora, smatraju se ugovorom o uslugama.
‘A contract having as its object services and involving works that are only incidental in relation to the principal object of the contract shall be considered a service contract.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
185/2013 („Zakon o stečaju”) koji omogućuje sudu ispitivanje autentičnosti, iznosa ili prvenstvenog reda tražbinama koja potječu iz potrošačkih odnosa samo na temelju uzgrednog zahtjeva stečajnog upravitelja, vjerovnika ili (uz gore navedena ograničenja) dužnika (potrošača)?
182/2006 Sb., o úpadku a způsobech jeho řešení) (the Law on Insolvency), as amended by Law No 185/2013 (‘the Law on Insolvency’), which enables the court to examine the authenticity, amount or ranking of claims stemming from consumer relations only on the basis of an incidental application lodged by the administrator in bankruptcy, a creditor or (under the abovementioned restrictions) the debtor (consumer)?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Suprotno tomu, isključuju se propisi koji na te usluge utječu samo posredno i uzgredno”.
By contrast, rules which affect such services only in an implicit or incidental manner are excluded’.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Međutim, prigovor koji se temelji na tome da je Komisija mogla primijeniti stopu paušalnog ispravka od 2 % uzgredno dovodi u pitanje tu pretpostavku, tako da se ne može smatrati da taj prigovor predstavlja dopunu prvog tužbenog razloga koji je istaknula Ujedinjena Kraljevina.
However, the complaint alleging that the Commission could have applied a flat-rate correction of 2% has the incidental effect of calling that premiss into question, so that that complaint cannot be regarded as amplifying the first plea raised by the United Kingdom.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Proizlazi, naime, da je u općoj strukturi ugovora ta odredba uzgredna: njome se davatelju kredita samo daje ovlast da iznos posuđenog novca pretvori iz jedne valute u drugu.
That clause appears, indeed, accessory in the overall scheme of the contract: it merely grants the lender the power to convert the sum of money borrowed from one currency into another.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Naime, dok je prženje način kuhanja koji, osim uzgrednog uklanjanja vode, izaziva brojne složene kemijske reakcije, sušenje je postupak odvajanja koji dovodi samo do uklanjanja vlažnosti.
Indeed, while frying is a cooking process causing, in addition to the incidental elimination of water, numerous complex chemical reactions, drying is a separation process involving only the extraction of moisture.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Misiji potporu mogu dati i drugi klasteri, a ona kao takva ima veliki uzgredni potencijal za stvaranje inovacija u različitim sektorima.
This mission can be supported by other clusters and has a great spin off potential to create innovations in various sectors.not-set not-set
223 Međutim, osim činjenice da je kriterij razumnog privatnog ulagača na navedenu mjeru primijenila tek kasnije i uzgredno, Komisija se, da bi to učinila, postavila u kontekst situacije prije srpnja 2002. (vidjeti osobito uvodnu izjavu 228. pobijane odluke).
223 However, quite apart from the fact that the Commission applied the prudent private investor criterion to that measure only later and incidentally, in order to do so it placed itself in the context of the situation prior to July 2002 (see in particular recital 228 of the contested decision).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zaštita okoliša je glavni i prevladavajući cilj i sadržaj ove Uredbe, dok su njezini učinci na međunarodnu trgovinu tek uzgredni.
The main and predominant objective and component of this Regulation is the protection of the environment, its effects on international trade being only incidental.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ima mnogo uzgrednih dokaza.
There's a lot of circumstantial evidence to support the theory.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kad sam uzgredno spomenuo Margarithi da sam dobio poziv da služim u Brazilu, rekla je da je i njena želja služiti gdje postoji veća potreba za propovjednicima.
When I casually mentioned to Margaritha that I had been assigned to Brazil, she expressed her own desire to serve where the need was greater.jw2019 jw2019
(a) obavljaju djelatnosti kreditnog posredovanja iz članka 4. točke 5. ili pružaju savjetodavne usluge ako se te djelatnosti ili usluge obavljaju uzgredno u sklopu obavljanja profesionalne djelatnosti i ako je ta djelatnost uređena zakonskim ili drugim propisima ili etičkim kodeksom za tu profesiju koji ne isključuju obavljanje tih djelatnosti ili usluga;
(a) carrying out the credit intermediation activities set out in point 5 of Article 4 or providing advisory services where those activities are carried out or services are provided in an incidental manner in the course of a professional activity and that activity is regulated by legal or regulatory provisions or a code of ethics governing the profession which do not exclude carrying out of those activities or the provision of those services;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ne materijalni već uzgredni problemi, a oni su još više otežali odluku.
Not material problems, but incidental ones, and they contributed to the difficulty of deciding what to do.Literature Literature
Vlast ima ona uzgredna ovlaštenja, koja su u skladu s Konvencijom, a proistječu iz tih ovlaštenja i zadaća vezanih uz djelatnosti u Zoni i potrebna su za njihovo ostvarivanje.
The Authority shall have such incidental powers, consistent with this Convention, as are implicit in and necessary for the exercise of those powers and functions with respect to activities in the area.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.