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Neke države članice imaju ozbiljne poteškoće ili im one prijete, posebno u pogledu financijske i gospodarske stabilnosti, što je dovelo ili bi moglo dovesti do pogoršanja njihovog deficita i duga te ugroziti gospodarski rast, a to se stanje još više zaoštrava zbog međunarodnoga gospodarskog i financijskog okružja.
Some Member States are experiencing serious difficulties or are threatened with such difficulties, particularly with respect to their financial and economic stability, which has led or may lead to deterioration in their deficit and debt positions and threaten economic growth, and are heightened by the international economic and financial environment.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zaoštrava se.
It's spiking.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Borba se zaoštrava.
The grip of the boa is tightening.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Neke države članice imaju ozbiljne poteškoće ili im takve poteškoće prijete, posebno u pogledu financijske i gospodarske stabilnosti, što je dovelo ili bi moglo dovesti do pogoršanja stanja njihovog deficita i duga i ugroziti gospodarski rast, a to se stanje još više zaoštrava zbog međunarodnoga gospodarskog i financijskog okružja.
Some Member States are experiencing serious difficulties or are threatened with such difficulties, particularly with respect to their financial and economic stability, which has led or may lead to deterioration in their deficit and debt positions and threaten economic growth, and are heightened by the international economic and financial environment.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Izbori se bliže, a kurdsko se pitanje zaoštrava
As elections approach, Kurdish issue heats upSetimes Setimes
Iskustvo je pokazalo da izolirane tržišne intervencije pojedinih zemalja, poput zabrane izvoza, poreza na izvoz ili ograničenja uvoza dodatno zaoštravaju problem, umjesto da ga ublaže.
Experience has shown that isolated market intervention by individual countries, and export bans and duties or import restrictions, are more likely to exacerbate the problem for all parties than to alleviate it.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nezakonito širenje SALW-a i drugog konvencionalnog oružja i streljiva glavni je faktor koji potkopava stabilnost države i zaoštrava sukobe, što predstavlja ozbiljnu prijetnju miru i sigurnosti.
The illicit proliferation of SALW and of other conventional weapons and ammunition is a major factor undermining State stability and exacerbating conflicts, which poses a serious threat to peace and security.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Vani se pucnjava ozbiljno zaoštrava.
The gunfire’s really picking up outside.Literature Literature
Brazil zaoštrava odnose s Nizozemskom
Brazil Goes Sour on the Dutchjw2019 jw2019
Vani se pucnjava ozbiljno zaoštrava.
The gunfire‘s really picking up outside.Literature Literature
Spor se zaoštrava
A Dispute Growsjw2019 jw2019
Zbog snažnog gospodarskog rasta, negativnih demografskih kretanja i iseljavanja zaoštrava se stanje na tržištu rada i već se sada na njemu bilježi nedostatak vještina.
The labour market is tightening quickly as a result of robust economic growth, but also due to adverse demographic developments and emigration, leading already to skills shortages.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
On izaziva, produžava i zaoštrava sukobe te pokreće još veći val nasilja.
It provokes, prolongs, or entrenches conflicts, and it accelerates the cycle of violence.jw2019 jw2019
Nezakonitom proizvodnjom, prijenosom i stavljanjem u optjecaj konvencionalnog oružja i streljiva, njegovim pretjeranim gomilanjem i nekontroliranim širenjem povećava se nesigurnost u Europi i njezinu susjedstvu, kao i u mnogim drugim regijama svijeta, te se zaoštravaju sukobi i ugrožavaju napori za uspostavu mira nakon sukoba, što predstavlja ozbiljnu prijetnju europskome miru i sigurnosti.
The illicit manufacture, transfer, and circulation of conventional weapons and ammunition, and their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread fuels insecurity in Europe and its neighbourhood as well as in many other regions of the world, exacerbating conflict and undermining post-conflict peace-building, thus posing a serious threat to European peace and security.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Zaoštrava se i pravosudna bitka protiv organiziranih mreža
The judicial battle against organised networks is also intensifyingSetimes Setimes
Sporno pitanje se zaoštrava
The Issue Gets Hotterjw2019 jw2019
Kriza se zaoštrava i Grci sežu sve dublje u džepove kako bi platili sve od zabrinjavajuće visokih poreza do rata kredita koje im prijete, a tijekom protekle godine je nicanje zalagaonica na svakom uglu, kao i stotine reklama i internetskih oglasa za zalagaonice i " otkup vašeg zlata " jasno ocrtalo grubu novu stvarnost
As the crisis intensifies and Greeks dig even deeper into their pockets to pay off everything from alarmingly rising taxes to their looming loans, the emergence in this last year of pawnshops on every corner, online pawn banners and the hundreds of daily flyers claiming to " buy your gold " speaks volumes of the stark new realitySetimes Setimes
Naprotiv, kako su se pojavljivale ideologije fašizma i komunizma, njihovo se takmaštvo sada zaoštravalo i pojačavalo.
On the contrary, their rivalries were now sharpened and intensified by ideology as fascism and communism took hold.Literature Literature
Kako su se etnički sukobi zaoštravali tako se moglo jasnije vidjeti što je braći s Kosova najvažnije.
As the ethnic conflict grew worse, the priorities of the Kosovar brothers became clearer.jw2019 jw2019
Nadmetanje Južnog toka i Nabucca se zaoštrava
South Stream, Nabucco competition escalatesSetimes Setimes
To su prepoznale i države izvan Europe te se stoga svjetska konkurencija u području znanja i inovacija sve više zaoštrava.
This is also recognised by countries outside Europe, which is why there is increasing international competition for knowledge and innovation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Radnici i seljaci ujedinjeni napokon, klasna borba se zaoštrava.
Workers and peasants united at last, class-struggle sharpens.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
budući da je pitanje nezakonitog iskorištavanja prirodnih resursa zemlje, pri čemu neki resursi dospijevaju u druge zemlje, jedan od čimbenika koji potiču i zaoštravaju sukob u DR Kongu te je i dalje izvor nesigurnosti za cijelu regiju;
whereas the issue of illegal exploitation of the country’s natural resources, some of which find their way to other countries, is one of the factors fuelling and exacerbating the conflict in the DRC and remains a source of insecurity for the region as a whole;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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