zataknuti oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


verb noun
zataknuti strunu luka u zarez na strelici
to insert a bow string into notch on arrow

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Seth je zataknuo palčeve u džepove i zagledao se u svog prijatelja iz djetinjstva.
Seth hooked his thumbs in his pockets and took a long look at his childhood friend.Literature Literature
Raščlanila sam ih po kategorijama i zataknula ih na ploču iznad svog pisaćeg stola.
I sorted them into various categories and tacked them on the bulletin board hanging over my desk.Literature Literature
Da je zataknem u Snowov rever prije nego što ga ustrijelim.
To place in Snow‘s lapel before I shoot him.Literature Literature
Kosa mu je bila duga i zamršena, pramenova zataknutih za uho, a uvojci su spuznuli sve do ramena.
His hair was long and tangled, matted into tufts behind his ears, and crawling down in curls almost to his shoulders.Literature Literature
Kimnula sam i odmotala natrag tapison, zataknuvši ga pažljivo u kutove.
I nodded, and rolled the carpet back into place, fitting it carefully into the corners.Literature Literature
Izvukao ju je iza trake na šeširu, gdje ju je uvijek držao kao zataknuto pero.
He withdrew it from his hat-band, where he always wore it aslant like a feather.Literature Literature
Zatakne ih za uho i u tom trenutku vidi kako stojim na vratima i gledam je.
She tucks them behind her ear and as she does she sees me standing in the doorway watching her.Literature Literature
Za uho je zataknula okrajak olovke, a u džep pregače stavila je notes i pištolj.
She also had a stub of a pencil tucked behind her ear, and, in the pocket of her apron, a small notebook and her pistol.Literature Literature
Bio mu je zataknut za pojas straga, skriven safari jaknom, kao i svi drugi pištolji.
It was tucked in his waistband at the back, hidden by the safari jacket, as were all the guns.Literature Literature
Poskočila sam kad mi je njegov prst zataknuo pramen kose iza uha gotovo očinskom gestom.
I jumped when his finger tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, an almost fatherly gesture.Literature Literature
Edgar mu je vidio crnu, raskuštranu kosu na tjemenu i drške naočala zataknute za uši.
Edgar could see the black, tousled hair on the top of his head and the temples of his glasses hooked behind his ears.Literature Literature
“ Zaključao je vrata i zataknuo ključ za pojas, te njih dvojica krenuše, za ruke se držeći, prema Zebedijinoj kući.
He locked the door, put the key under his shirt, and the two of them departed arm in arm for Zebedee‟s house.Literature Literature
Rijetko se kad i mogao vidjeti Titanid bez svježega cvijeta upletena u kosu ili zataknuta za uho.
One seldom saw a Titanide without a fresh flower braided into the hair or tucked behind an ear.Literature Literature
Želi zataknuti Kraljičinu milost sebi za kacigu, poput viteza u romanci.
He wants to tie the Queen’s favour to his helmet, like a knight in a romance.Literature Literature
Vidio sam obris velikog pištolja zataknutog u elastični porub njegovih hlača.
I could make out the outline of a big handgun tucked into the elastic strap of his waistband.Literature Literature
“ Kelly ustane; cigaretu je zataknuo za uho.
Kelly stood up, the cigarette tucked behind his ear.Literature Literature
Mogla sam si predočiti sliku Andree s prijateljicama, zataknutu za okvir zrcala iznad te komode.
I could visualize the pictures of Andrea and her friends stuck in the frame of the mirror over that dresser.Literature Literature
Izgleda kao lik koji puši kurac, i ima drugi kurac zataknut iza svog uha, za kasnije.
It looks like a guy sucking a dick and he's got another dick tucked behind his ear for later.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zataknuo je skakavac za pojas, pokrio stražnji prozor madracem i odkrinuo prozor s prednje strane radi zraka.
He tucked the switchblade into his belt, covered the back window with the mattress, cracked the front window for air.Literature Literature
Čizmama ugasim ono što je preostalo od vatre, počistim ostatke hrane, pa zataknem Cinnine rukavice o pojas.
I stamp out the remains of my little fire, clear up the scraps of food, and tuck Cinna's gloves in my belt.Literature Literature
Zataknula sam jednu grudicu opijuma na šiljak i zapalila je jednom od tankih voštanih svijeća za svijećnjake.
I fixed an opium pellet on the spike and lighted it with one of the wax tapers for the candlesticks.Literature Literature
Težak, ukradeni mač zataknut za izlizani remen, i to je bilo to.
A heavy, stolen sword pushed through a weathered belt, and that was it.Literature Literature
Zatakao sam nož i revolver dublje za pojas i odšuljao se dalje od vatre.
I stuck my knife and revolver deep in my belt, not to lose them on the way, and crept away from the fire.Literature Literature
Jedan joj je pramen svilenkaste kose bio zataknut iza uha.
One fall of her silky hair was tucked behind an ear.Literature Literature
Zataknuo je mlohavi pramen kose za uho, okrenuo se prema meni i nasmiješio mi se otkrivajući zube.
He tucked a limp strand of hair behind his ear and turned to me, smiling with his teeth.Literature Literature
202 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.