zatvoreni samostan oor Engels

zatvoreni samostan

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Ubrzo je naredio da se zatvore samostani te da se zaplijene i prodaju veliki crkveni posjedi.
Soon he was closing monasteries and selling their vast properties.jw2019 jw2019
Ovo je zatvoreni samostan.
This is a monastery.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Henrik je također zatvorio samostane a njihov posjed podijelio među vlastelom.
Henry also closed the monasteries and divided their property among the gentry.jw2019 jw2019
Dok ne otkrijemo uzrok, demonski ili neki drugi, zatvorimo samostan.
Until we can assess the cause, demonic or otherwise, we'd best seal off the Convent.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Radije bih da joj odrežu kosu i zatvore u samostan.
I'd rather see her with her hair shorn off and shut up in a convent.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Margaretin slučaj klasična je iznimka od pravila o nasljednicama koje do kraja života ostaju zatvorene u samostanima.
Margaret’s case is the classic exception to the rule of heiresses forever imprisoned in convents.Literature Literature
George me namjerava zatvoriti u samostan.
George is going to put me in a nunnery.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kada sam prije tri godine bio na misiji za lorda Cromwella, svi su osumnjičenici barem bili zatvoreni u samostanu.
At least on my mission for Cromwell three years before I had had all the parties secure in a monastery enclosure.Literature Literature
Kad je u Evropi izbio drugi svjetski rat, Hitler je pozatvarao katoličke škole, zabranio katoličku štampu te, u Poljskoj, zatvorio sve samostane i seminare.
After the outbreak of World War II in Europe, Hitler closed Catholic schools, suppressed the Catholic press, and, in Poland, closed all convents, monasteries, and seminaries.jw2019 jw2019
Svi oni mogu puno izgubiti ako se samostan zatvori.
They’ll all lose heavily if the monastery closes.Literature Literature
Priča se da će redovnici dobiti mirovine ako se samostani zatvore, a sluge završiti na ulici.
The talk is that if the monasteries go down the monks will get pensions but the servants will be put out on the road.Literature Literature
Ovo je samostan zatvorenog tipa.
This is an enclosed monastery.Literature Literature
Ako se ovaj samostan zatvori, bit će to iz drugih razloga.
If this house closes, it will be for other reasons.Literature Literature
Većinu svog života je zatvorena je onom samostanu.
She's been incarcerated in that convent most of her life.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nisu li svi kartuzijanski samostani zatvoreni, a pola redovnika smaknuto zbog izdaje’ I jesu.
'I thought the Carthusian houses were all closed, with half the monks executed for treason.'Literature Literature
Ako se samostan zatvori, ona neće imati gdje živjeti.
If the monastery closed she would be without a place.Literature Literature
U ovakvim trenucima, ljudima je potrebno da su svećenici uz njih, a ne da su zatvoreni u nekom samostanu.
Karol, in times like these, people need priests with them, not shut up in some monastery.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nakon protestantske reformacije, samostan je zatvoren, a zgrada pretvorena u protestantsku crkvu.
After the Protestant Reformation, the monastery was closed and the building transformed into a Protestant church.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zašto se "zatvoriti" zauvijek među zidine samostana i tako lišiti druge vlastitog doprinosa sa svojim sposobnostima i iskustvima?
Why "enclose oneself" for ever between the walls of a monastery and thereby deprive others of the contribution of one's own skills and experience?
Zatvorio je loše samostane, ali umjesto da njihovu imovinu, kao što je trebao, preda u državnu kasu, on je učinio da, sve to nestane.
He closes down the worst monasteries, strips them of their assets, as he is supposed to do but instead of transferring all the profit to the privy purse, he makes all the profits disappear.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jedne zime bio sam zatvoren u Fontevraultu, samostanu u dolini rijeke Loire koji je sagrađen u 12. stoljeću i jedno je vrijeme služio kao zatvor.
During one winter, I was held at Fontevrault, a 12th-century abbey in the Loire Valley, which was used as a prison.jw2019 jw2019
Samostan je bio zatvoren kompleks.
The actual convent was a closed establishment.jw2019 jw2019
Blaine je također otvorila ustanovu za beskućnike u samostanu u sada zatvorenoj katoličkoj crkvi Little Flower na South Sideu.
Blaine also opened a homeless facility in a former convent at the now-shuttered Little Flower Catholic Church on the South Side.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Osvetoljubivi Dobrilin otac , konte Radoslav , odlučio je za kaznu svoju kćerku zatvoriti u koludrički samostan Sv . Nikole u Trogiru , međutim Miljenko je to pokušao spriječiti dočekavši lađu na trogirskoj obali gdje je mačem izazvao nered .
Vengeful Dobrila’ s father , conte Radoslav decides to confine his daughter in the nunnery of St. NIkola at Trogir . Miljenko met their boat at the port in Trogir , wielding his sword and causing upheaval in attempt to stop it .hrenWaC hrenWaC
“Otkad je moj samostan prije 25 godina zatvoren, ja živim u staračkom domu.
“Since my monastery closed 25 years ago, I have been living in a home for the aged.jw2019 jw2019
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