zemlja oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Ljudi koji obrađuju zemlju su najkorisniji građani.
Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens.


region of land
Prosječni broj djece u ovoj zemlji je pao s 2 na 1.5.
In this country the average number of children per family fell from 2 to 1.5.


a country or region
Maurski utjecaj je vidljiv u glazbi i arhitekturi ove zemlje.
Moorish influence is evident in the music and architecture of this land.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


The third planet (counted from the center) of our solar system.
Zemlja se zbog oblika naziva "zemaljski krug".
The earth, because of its shape, is called the terrestrial globe.


The third planet (counted from the center) of our solar system.
Zemlja se zbog oblika naziva "zemaljski krug".
The earth, because of its shape, is called the terrestrial globe.


The third planet (counted from the center) of our solar system.
Ti si sasvim siguran da je to što su oni vidjeli uništenje Zemlje?- Pa, nisi li?
Are you quite sure that what they saw destroyed was the world?


The third planet (counted from the center) of our solar system.
Vjerojatno je bila slučajnost što se to dogodilo, sa širenjem anatomski modernih ljudi, na svim dijelovima Zemlje.
Certainly, it does broadly coincide with the expansion of anatomically modern humans to all parts of the globe.

Blue Planet

The third planet (counted from the center) of our solar system.
Naš plavi planet Zemlja je rođen prije 4,6 milijardi godina.
Our blue planet, Earth was born 4.6 billion years ago.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

zemlje srednje i istočne Europe
Central and Eastern European Countries
zemlja bez izlaza na more
landlocked country
područje više zemalja ili kontinenata koje pokriva
klizi po zemlji
zemlja kremenja
trgovina po zemljama
trade by country
zemlje CCAM-a
CCAM countries
sveta zemlja
holy land
zemlje članice EU-a
EU Member State


Advanced filtering
Vijeće je odobrilo pokretanje misije za vojnu obuku u Srednjoafričkoj Republici (EUTM RCA) kako bi se doprinijelo reformi obrambenog sektora te zemlje.
The Council approved the launch of a military training mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA) to contribute to the country's defence sector reform.Consilium EU Consilium EU
Potpora zakonitim migracijama u Uniju i promicanje učinkovite integracije državljana trećih zemalja i unaprjeđenje pravednih i učinkovitih strategija povratka
Supporting legal migration to the Union and promoting the effective integration of third-country nationals and enhancing fair and effective return strategiesEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Sir Wensleydale se isključivo proizvodio u navedenom području do duboko u 20. stoljeće kada su njegov način izrade i naziv kopirali proizvođači sira diljem zemlje te je tako postao više generička vrsta sira naziva Wensleydale.
Wensleydale cheese was exclusively made in the designated area up until well into the 20th century, when its style and name were copied by cheesemakers up and down the country and it became a more generic style of cheese called Wensleydale.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Stoga bi se prihodi od dražbi trebali upotrebljavati i za financiranje djelovanja protiv klimatskih promjena u osjetljivim trećim zemljama, uključujući prilagodbu utjecajima klimatskih promjena.
Therefore, auction revenues should also be used for climate financing actions in vulnerable third countries, including adaptation to the impacts of climate.not-set not-set
� Uredba Vijeća (EZ) br. 597/2009 od 11. lipnja 2009. o zaštiti od subvencioniranog uvoza iz zemalja koje nisu članice Europske zajednice (SL L 188, 18.7.2009., str.
� Council Regulation (EC) No 597/2009 of 11 June 2009 on protection against subsidised imports from countries not members of the European Community (OJ L 188, 18.7.2009, p.not-set not-set
8 Budući da Božji sluge slušaju te zapovijedi, Bog ih blagoslivlja, pa ih danas na Zemlji ima već oko sedam milijuna.
8 Because of obeying such commands, God’s servants on earth today now number some seven million.jw2019 jw2019
Ove se riječi doista mogu primijeniti na nove misionare budući da su poslani u 20 zemalja.
(Matthew 28:19, 20) How appropriate that was, since the graduates are being sent to serve in 20 different countries!jw2019 jw2019
(f) ne dolazi s državnog područja ili iz dijela državnog područja predmetne zemlje otpreme koje je u skladu sa zakonodavstvom Unije proglašeno zaraženim afričkom konjskom kugom;
(f) it does not come from the territory or from a part of the territory of the country of dispatch considered, in accordance with Union legislation, as infected with African horse sickness;eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
U našoj zemlji ti i ja nikad nismo imali taj izbor.
In our land, you and I never had that choice, did we?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U skladu s člankom 3. stavcima 5. i 6. Osnovne antidampinške uredbe, ispitano je je li dampinški uvoz dotičnog proizvoda podrijetlom iz dotične zemlje uzrokovao štetu industriji Unije. Poznati čimbenici, osim dampinškog uvoza, koji su u isto vrijeme mogli prouzročiti štetu industriji Unije, također su ispitani kako bi se osiguralo da se moguća šteta koju su prouzročiti ti ostali čimbenici ne pripiše dampinškom uvozu.
In accordance with Article 3(5) and (6) of the basic anti-dumping Regulation, it was examined whether the dumped imports of the product concerned originating in the country concerned caused injury to the Union industry; Known factors other than the dumped imports, which could at the same time be injuring the Union industry, were also examined to ensure that possible injury caused by these other factors was not attributed to the dumped imports.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ali, ne zaboravimo da je ovo kriza eurozone-- vjerojatno će imati veći utjecaj na zemlje unutar eurozone nego na one izvan nje ", rekao je za SETimes
But let 's not forget that this is a crisis of the eurozone-- it is likely to have a worse impact on the countries inside the eurozone than on those outside it, " he told SETimesSetimes Setimes
Europska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) uložit će između # i # milijuna eura u Hrvatsku do konca # godine, izjavio je Thomas Mirow, predsjednik EBRD- a, u ponedjeljak ( # veljače), prije svog posjeta zemlji u četvrtak i petak
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will invest between # m and # m euros in Croatia by the end of # homas Mirow, president of the EBRD, announced on Monday (February # th) ahead of his first visit to the country on Thursday and FridaySetimes Setimes
Prije donošenja odluke o protjerivanju zbog razloga javnog poretka ili javne sigurnosti, država članica domaćin uzima u obzir činjenice kao što su duljina boravka pojedinca na njezinom državnom području, dob, zdravstveno stanje, obiteljske i ekonomske prilike, socijalna i kulturalna integracija u državu članicu domaćina i opseg njegovih veza sa zemljom podrijetla.
Before taking an expulsion decision on grounds of public policy or public security, the host Member State shall take account of considerations such as how long the individual concerned has resided on its territory, his/her age, state of health, family and economic situation, social and cultural integration into the host Member State and the extent of his/her links with the country of origin.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Sastoji se od jednog predstavnika iz svake države članice i pridruženih zemalja.
It consists of one representative of each Member State and associated country.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U situaciji u kojoj državljanin treće zemlje ne uloži nikakav napor kako bi podnio pravilan zahtjev te u kojoj je on očito nepotpun, ništa se prema mojem mišljenju ne protivi tome da ga nacionalno nadležno tijelo može odmah odbiti na temelju članka 5. stavka 2. Direktive 2003/86.
In a situation in which the third-country national makes no effort to submit his or her application in the proper form and where that application is manifestly incomplete, nothing, in my view, prevents the competent national authority from being able to reject it outright on the basis of Article 5(2) of Directive 2003/86.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Neka naša zemlja bude vaša zemlja.
Let our land be your land.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dakle, što se ebole tiče, paranoični strah od zarazne bolesti, kojeg prati par slučajeva prijenosa u bogate zemlje, poveo je globalno društvo u jedinstvo i radom posvećenih kompanija za razvoj cjepiva sada imamo ovo: Dva cjepiva protiv ebole na testiranju učinkovitosti u zemljama pogođenim ebolom
So, for Ebola, the paranoid fear of an infectious disease, followed by a few cases transported to wealthy countries, led the global community to come together, and with the work of dedicated vaccine companies, we now have these: Two Ebola vaccines in efficacy trials in the Ebola countries --ted2019 ted2019
(2) Rezolucija Europskog parlamenta o izbjegavanju plaćanja i utaji poreza kao izazovima za upravljanje, socijalnu zaštitu i razvoj u zemljama u razvoju, P8_TA(2015)0265, točka 14.
(2) EP Resolution on tax avoidance and tax evasion as challenges for governance, social protection and development in developing countries P8_TA(2015)0265, point 14.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
(a) količinu proizvoda dobivenih od drvne sirovine uvezenih u državu članicu na temelju FLEGT sustava za izdavanje dozvola, prema tarifnom broju HS naznačenom u prilozima II. i III. i prema svakoj partnerskoj zemlji;
(a) quantities of timber products imported into the Member State under the FLEGT licensing scheme, as per HS Heading specified in Annexes II and III and per each partner country;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Carinska tijela moraju provjeriti je li pošiljka drvnih sirovina i proizvoda od drvne sirovine iz partnerske zemlje obuhvaćena valjanom dozvolom FLEGT pri njezinu podnošenju za puštanje u slobodni promet.
Customs must verify that a shipment of timber and timber products from a Partner country is covered by a valid FLEGT licence when presented for release for free circulation.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Kod sirove nafte i NGL-a treba navesti zemlju izvornog podrijetla; kod rafinerijskih sirovina i gotovih proizvoda treba navesti zemlju posljednjeg slanja.
Crude oil and NGLs should be reported as coming from the country of ultimate origin; refinery feedstocks and finished products should be reported as coming from the country of last consignment.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Upravo suprotno, svaka zemlja mora sastaviti svoj vlastiti popis neodvojivih nepoljoprivrednih sporednih djelatnosti ovisno o osobinama svoje poljoprivrede.
On the contrary, each country has to compile its own list of inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities, depending on the characteristics of its agriculture.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(4) Provedbena odluka Komisije od 15. studenoga 2017. o donošenju programa rada za 2018. g. o mjerama informiranja i promocije u vezi s poljoprivrednim proizvodima koje se provode na unutarnjem tržištu i u trećim zemljama, C(2017) 7475/2.
(4) Commission Implementing Decision of 15 November 2017 on the adoption of the work programme for 2018 of information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in third countries, C(2017) 7475/2.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Isto tako, Komisija nije imala nikakav dokaz da su cijene iz tih zemalja dampinške.
Likewise, the Commission did not have any evidence that prices from these countries were dumped.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Stoga je od najveće važnosti da Europska unija uspostavi ravnotežu između, s jedne strane, osiguravanja ravnopravnih uvjeta tržišnog natjecanja u području proizvodnih aktivnosti na svojem teritoriju i teritorijima trećih zemalja i, s druge strane, osiguravanja jamčenja isključivih prava nositeljima svjedodžbe na tržištu Unije.
It is imperative, therefore, that the European Union strike a balance between, on the one hand, ensuring a level playing field between production activities on its territory and in third countries and, on the other, ensuring that the exclusive rights of certificate holders are guaranteed in relation to the Union market.not-set not-set
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