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Benedictine order

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order of Saint Benedict

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Menurut catatan di dalamnya sendiri, kodeks ini dibuat oleh Herman Inclusus di biara Benedictine, Podlažice dekat Chrudim, Republik Ceko.
According to legend, the Codex was created by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice near Chrudim in the Czech Republic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 1917, Paus Benediktus XV mengumumkan hukum komprehensif Code of Canon Law, yang dipersiapkan oleh Paus St. Pius X, dan yang demikian dikenal sebagai Pio-Benedictine Code.
In 1917 Benedict XV promulgated the Church's first comprehensive Code of Canon Law, the preparation of which had been commissioned by Pope St. Pius X, and which is thus known as the Pio-Benedictine Code.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Responsio abbatum (Tanggapan terhadap Abbots) dari biarawan General Chapter of Benedictine di dioses Reims pada tahun 1132.
Responsio abbatum (Response of the Abbots) from the General Chapter of Benedictine abbots in the diocese of Reims in 1132.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dapat dipastikan bahwa ayahnya mengirimkan Katherina pada usia 5 tahun ke biara Benedictine cloister di Brehna pada tahun 1504 untuk pendidikannya.
It is certain that her father sent the five-year-old Katharina to the Benedictine cloister in Brehna in 1504 for education.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kemudian dia masuk Nonnberg Abbey, sebuah biara Benedictine (Katholik Roma) di Salzburg, karena ingin menjadi seorang biarawati.
In 1924, she entered Nonnberg Abbey, a Benedictine monastery in Salzburg, as a postulant intending to become a nun.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Di reruntuhan kuno Benedictine Monastery.
The old ruins of the Benedictine monastery.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kodeks itu kemudian dihibahkan kepada Cistercians Sedlec Monastery dan kemudian dibeli oleh biara Benedictine Břevnov.
The codex was later pledged to the Cistercians Sedlec Monastery and then bought by the Benedictine monastery in Břevnov.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 1882, ia merancang biara Benedictine dan gereja Roh Kudus di Villaricos (Cuevas de Vera, Almeria) untuk mantan gurunya, Joan Martorell.
In 1882 he designed a Benedictine monastery and a church dedicated to the Holy Spirit in Villaricos (Cuevas de Vera, Almeria) for his former teacher, Joan Martorell.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seorang pria yang dibesarkan dalam sekolah Katolik Benedictine tidak lagi menaruh iman terhadap Gereja Katolik dan, pada usia 20 tahun, menjadi anggota Partai Komunis.
One man who was raised in a Benedictine Catholic school lost his faith in the Catholic Church and, at the age of 20, became a member of the Communist Party.jw2019 jw2019
Pada tahun 762, Desiderius, raja Lombards, atas permintaan ratunya, Ansa, memindahkan semua relikui itu ke sebuah biara Benedictine di Brescia.
In 762, Desiderius, king of the Lombards, at the request of his queen Ansa, translated her relics to the Benedictine abbey at Brescia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Salah satu varian Amerika yang spesifik termasuk benedictine, olesan lembut hijau hasil campuran mentimun dan krim keju.
One specific US variant includes benedictine, a green soft spread based on cucumbers and cream cheese.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Diakses tanggal 9 October 2012. (Inggris) "Catholic Hermitage" – Christian Perspective on Monasticism (Inggris) Eastern Christian Monasticism (Inggris) Anglican religious orders and communities Anglican information on monasticism (Inggris) Photographs of Christian Monasteries (Inggris) American Benedictine monastics (Inggris) Community of Jesus Templat:Sejarah teologi Katolik Templat:Sejarah Gereja Katolik
"Catholic Hermitage" – Christian Perspective on Monasticism Eastern Christian Monasticism Anglican religious orders and communities Anglican information on monasticism Photographs of Christian Monasteries American Benedictine monastics Community of JesusWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Saksi-Saksi di Napoli juga mengunjungi sebuah sekolah yang dikelola oleh para biarawati Benedictine.
The Witnesses in Naples also visited a school run by Benedictine nuns.jw2019 jw2019
Ketika melaporkan suatu penelitian selama 25 tahun, majalah Time mengatakan, ”Mantan biarawan Benedictine . . . memperkirakan bahwa setengah dari 53.000 imam Katolik Roma di A.S. melanggar ikrar kelajangan mereka.”
Reporting on a 25- year study, Time magazine said: “A former Benedictine monk . . . estimates that half the 53,000 Roman Catholic priests in the U.S. are breaking their vow of celibacy.”jw2019 jw2019
Lalu, karena perintah suci dia mlanjutkan tingkat pendidikannya di biara Benedictine, dan menjalani sakramen perintah suci sekitar sebelum tahun 1577.
In addition he prepared for holy orders with early education at the Benedictine monastery, and took holy orders sometime before 1577.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Penataan ini dikenal dengan "Penataan Benedictine".
This arrangement has become known as the "Benedictine arrangement".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kemungkinan terdapat persaingan antara Benedictine Biara St Maurice yang didirikan di Magdeburg oleh Otto dan Eadgyth pada tahun 937, setahun setelah naik tahta dan fondasi Matilda di Biara Quedlinburg, didirikan olehnya untuk memperingati suaminya, mendiang King Henry I. Eadgyth menemani suaminya bepergian meskipun tidak pada saat berperang.
There was probably rivalry between the Benedictine Monastery of St Maurice founded at Magdeburg by Otto and Eadgyth in 937, a year after coming to the throne, and Matilda's foundation Quedlinburg Abbey, intended by her as a memorial to her husband, the late King Henry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Setelah kematian Baudouin pada tahun 1067, ia pergi ke Roma, mengambil cadar biarawati dari tangan Paus Aleksander II dan mengundurkan diri ke biara Benedictine di Messines, dekat Ypres.
After Baldwin’s death in 1067, she went to Rome, took the nun’s veil from the hands of Pope Alexander II and retired to the Benedictine convent of Messines, near Ypres.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Berkenaan doa2 semacam itu, buku-kecil Assist the Souls in Purgatory (diterbitkan oleh Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration) berkata,
Concerning such prayers, the booklet Assist the Souls in Purgatory (published by the Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration) says:jw2019 jw2019
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