Beograd oor Engels


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Ketika itu, saudara-saudari dari Beograd baru saja mengantar lektur, dan kami semua sedang berkumpul.
At the time the brothers from Belgrade had just delivered the literature, and we were all associating together.
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capital of Serbia and Montenegro

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


Ketika itu, saudara-saudari dari Beograd baru saja mengantar lektur, dan kami semua sedang berkumpul.
At the time the brothers from Belgrade had just delivered the literature, and we were all associating together.

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Saat ini Sinagoge Beograd adalah satu-satunya sinagoge yang masih berfungsi di Serbia.
The only remaining functioning synagogue in Serbia is the Belgrade Synagogue.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Piala Champions Eropa 1972-73 dimenangkan untuk ketiga kalinya secara berturut-turut oleh Ajax setelah pada babak final mengalahkan Juventus di Stadion FK Crvena Zvezda di Beograd.
The 1972–73 season of the European Cup football club tournament was won for the third consecutive time by Ajax in the final against Juventus at Stadion FK Crvena Zvezda in Belgrade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mahkamah konstitusi di Beograd, tidak menjawab pertanyaan tentang konstitusionalitas persetujuan ini, dengan menyatakan pada Desember 2014, bahwa masalah yang diangkat adalah masalah politik, bukan hukum.
The constitutional court in Belgrade, did not answer the question about constitutionality of the agreement, stating in December 2014, that the issue raised is a political question, and not a legal one.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 1456, tiga tahun setelah penaklukan Konstantinopel, Ottoman merebut Hongaria dengan merebut Beograd.
In 1456, three years after the Ottomans had conquered Constantinople, they threatened Hungary by besieging Belgrade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dalam panduan "1000 Ultimate Experiences" Lonely Planet pada tahun 2009, Beograd bahkan diangkat sebagai kota pesta terbaik di dunia.
In the Lonely Planet 1000 Ultimate Experiences guide of 2009, Belgrade was placed at the 1st spot among the top 10 party cities in the world.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beograd memiliki status administratif di Serbia dan merupakan salah satu dari lima wilayah statistik Serbia.
Belgrade has a special administrative status within Serbia and it is one of the five statistical regions of Serbia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada awal 1980-an, saudara-saudari menerjemahkan lektur ke dalam bahasa Albania dan Makedonia dan mengirimkan salinan yang ditulis tangan ke kantor kecil di Beograd.
In the early 1980’s, the brothers translated literature into Albanian and Macedonian and sent the handwritten copies to the small office in Belgrade.jw2019 jw2019
Wilayah statistik Lima wilayah statistik di Serbia adalah: Vojvodina Beograd Šumadija dan Serbia Barat Serbia Selatan dan Timur Kosovo dan Metohija Distrik adalah daerah tingkat satu di Serbia dan terdiri dari munisipalitas (kotamadya) dan kota.
Statistical regions The five statistical regions of Serbia are: Vojvodina Belgrade Šumadija and Western Serbia Southern and Eastern Serbia Kosovo and Metohija Districts are the first level administrative subdivisions of the country and largest entities, constituted of municipalities and cities.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Karena ada pertambahan dan perubahan politik, perlu didirikan kantor baru di Ljubljana (Slovenia), dan Skopje (Makedonia), selain memperoleh kantor baru di Beograd dan Zagreb.
With the increase and the political changes, it was necessary to establish new offices in Ljubljana (Slovenia), and Skopje (Macedonia), in addition to obtaining new offices in Belgrade and Zagreb.jw2019 jw2019
Diperkirakan jumlah penduduk Beograd pada tahun 1720an tidak melebihi 20.000.
It has been estimated that the population in Belgrade in the 1720s did not exceed 20,000.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Di Beograd, ruang rumah sakit Vulović ditempatkan di bawah perlindungan polisi 24 jam karena otoritas khawatir para pelaku pengeboman akan membunuhnya.
In Belgrade, Vulović's hospital room was placed under 24-hour police protection because the authorities feared that the perpetrators of the bombing would want to kill her.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agar pekerjaan dapat terus berlangsung, sebuah rumah penerbitan yang kecil dengan nama Kula stražara (Menara Pengawal) dibuka di Beograd, dan perhimpunan tetap diadakan di rumah-rumah pribadi.
So that the work might continue, a small publishing house under the name Kula stražara (The Watchtower) was opened in Belgrade, and the meetings continued in private homes.jw2019 jw2019
Ia memperoleh gelar MA dengan tesis pada hak-hak minoritas dari Universitas Beograd 's Fakultas Hukum.
He obtained an MA with a thesis on minority rights from the University of Belgrade's Law School.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Blok 70 di Beograd Baru bahkan dijuluki sebagai daerah Tionghoa.
Block 70 in New Belgrade is known colloquially as the Chinese quarter.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yohanes mengupah 5.000 tentara bayaran Hongaria, Ceko, serta Polandia, dan mengirim mereka ke Beograd, benteng pertahanan kerajaan di tapal batas selatan Hongaria.
Hunyadi hired 5,000 Hungarian, Czech and Polish mercenaries and sent them to Belgrade, which was the key fortress of the defense of Hungary's southern frontiers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pembangunan jembatan ini menghabiskan biaya sebesar 170 juta euro yang disediakan oleh Bank Exim Tiongkok (85%) serta Pemerintah Serbia dan Kota Beograd (15%).
The bridge construction costs of €170 million were provided by the Exim Bank of China (85%) and the Government of Serbia and the City of Belgrade (15%).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anda telah juga menciptakan masalah di Beograd.
You made problems in Belgrade too.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pada musim panas 2007 , OFK Beograd menjual Kolarov ke Lazio (peringkat tiga Serie A musim sebelumnya/2006-07 dengan harga €925,000.
In the summer of 2007, OFK Beograd sold Kolarov to Italian side Lazio (the third placed team in previous season's Serie A standings) for a €925,000 transfer fee.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beograd diduduki oleh Wehrmacht pada bulan yang sama dan Beograd menjadi pusat pemerintahan rezim boneka Nedić yang dikepalai oleh Jenderal Milan Nedić.
Belgrade was then occupied by the German Army later the same month and Belgrade became the seat of the puppet Nedić regime, headed by General Milan Nedić.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Di sinilah, di kota Beograd, sebuah kantor cabang dibuka pada tahun 1935 untuk mengurus daerah-daerah yang ketika itu masih menjadi bagian Yugoslavia, yang menghasilkan pertumbuhan teokratis yang menakjubkan.
It was here in the city of Belgrade that a branch office was opened in 1935 to care for the territories of the former Yugoslavia, resulting in thrilling theocratic growth.jw2019 jw2019
Kemudia ia kuliah di Fakultas Filologi Universitas Beograd di jurusan Sastra Yugoslavia dan sastra dunia.
He studied at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade at the department of Yugoslav literature and world literature.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia dimakamkan di Pemakaman Baru Beograd pada 27 Desember.
She was buried in Belgrade's New Cemetery on 27 December.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada masa itu, Beograd menjadi tempat pelarian orang-orang Balkan yang menghindari kekuasaan Utsmaniyah, sehingga jumlah penduduknya mencapai 40.000 hingga 50.000 jiwa.
During this time, Belgrade was a haven for many Balkan peoples fleeing Ottoman rule, and is thought to have had a population of 40,000 to 50,000 people.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kota Praja Grocka menjadi bagian dari kota Beograd pada tahun 1955.
The municipality of Grocka became part of the wider Belgrade City area in 1955.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dari Niš, ia menulis laporan mengenai pengepungan Beograd kepada pemerintah Utsmaniyah dan meminta bantuan militer dan keuangan untuk mempertahankan Beograd.
From Niš, he wrote reports about the siege to Ottoman government requesting urgent military and financial support necessary to defend Belgrade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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