Debat oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


verb noun
argument with formal rules, is usually used to prepare a substantive vote
Para ilmuwan memperdebatkan teorinya tentang kepunahan dinosaurus.
Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


werkwoord, naamwoord
An argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people, generally ending with a vote or other decision.
Para ilmuwan memperdebatkan teorinya tentang kepunahan dinosaurus.
Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs.


An argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people, generally ending with a vote or other decision.
Kalau banyak yang harus diperbaiki jadinya nanti berdebat.
If we fix too many more things, then I think this conversation becomes moot.


Para sopir itu mulai berdebat siapa yang salah dalam kecelakaan itu.
The drivers began arguing about who was to blame for the accident.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

En 6 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

reason · disputation · deliberate · fence · contend · public debate

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

arguing · argument · argumentation · conflict · contention · contestation · controversy · debate · difference · difference of opinion · disceptation · disputation · dispute · literary argument · polemics · public debate · statement · tilt
alongside · argue · bandy · bandy about · consider · contend · debate · deliberate · discuss · fence · indicate · kick around · moot · reason · turn over
suka berdebat
suka mendebat
argue · consider · contend · debate · deliberate · disputation · fence · moot · public debate · to argue · turn over
argue · consider · contend · debate · deliberate · fence · moot · turn over


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Meskipun detail pastinya masih diperdebatkan, tetapi hal ini semakin jelas bahwa rasa aman akan nuklir di Jepang sudah mencapai titik terendahnya.
While exact details may be in dispute, it is clear that the safety culture in Japan's nuclear industry has come under greater scrutiny.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Luis José López Ahí e’ que Prende [es] menggarisbawahi Pasal 30 adalah pasal kontroversial yang paling diperdebatkan dalam Perubahan Undang-Undang Konstitusional, dan menggarisbawahi bahwa organisasi HAM Amnesty International telah menyatakan ketidaksetujuan mereka atas keputusan ini [es].
Luis José López of Ahí e’ que Prende [es] highlights that the Article 30 has been the most controversial Article debated in this Constitutional Reform, and notes that even the human rights organization Amnesty International has come out against the decision [es].gv2019 gv2019
Tapi ada sebuah model kedua untuk berdebat: argumen sebagai bukti.
But there's a second model for arguing: arguments as proofs.QED QED
Tom Hoggins dari The Daily Telegraph merasa bahwa Flower akan "menyalakan kembali perdebatan 'permainan video sebagai sebuah seni'" dan menganggap Flower sebagai sebuah "karya seni yang menakjubkan" sebagai tambahan dari sebuah permainan.
Tom Hoggins of The Daily Telegraph felt that Flower would "reignite the 'video games as art' debate" and was of the opinion that it was a "wonderful work of art" in addition to a game.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mereka juga memperdebatkan status Kitab Pengkhotbah dan Kidung Agung, dan menarik kesimpulan sebagaimana tradisi dari Rabi Simeon ben Azzai yang menyatakan bahwa kitab-kitab tersebut adalah Suci (Yadayim 3:5).
They also debated the status of Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs concluding like the tradition of Rabbi Simeon ben Azzai that they are Holy (Yadayim 3:5).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jumlah pasti yang dikirim ke tsar masih diperdebatkan karena deskripsi berkisar dari 2.500, 5.000, sampai enam puluh karung bulu.
The exact amount sent to the tsar is disputed, as descriptions range from 2,500 to 5,000 to sixty sacks of furs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sejak itu debat dianggap sebagai patokan penting dalam sejarah politik Amerika Serikat dan televisi mulai memainkan peran penting dalam perpolitikan.
The debates are now considered a milestone in American political history—the point at which the medium of television began to play a dominant role in politics.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mereka saling membanding-bandingkan dan berdebat mengenai ”siapa dari antara mereka yang dianggap terbesar”.
They were, in effect, comparing themselves to each other and arguing over “which one of them seemed to be greatest.”jw2019 jw2019
Kepedulian Morgenthau terhadap isu senjata nuklir dan perlombaan senjata memantik diskusi dan perdebatan dengan Henry Kissinger dan tokoh lainnya.
Morgenthau's concern with the issues of nuclear weapons and the arms race led to discussions and debates with Henry Kissinger and others.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pers-pers cetak yang murah, dan meningkatnya melek huruf membuat akhir abad ke-17 menjadi dasar pacuan perkembangan perang pamflet, sebuah periode dimana perdebatan menggunakan jenis ini.
Cheap printing presses, and increased literacy made the late 17th century a key stepping stone for the development of pamphlet wars, a period of prolific use of this type of debate.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pertanyaan yang sebenarnya muncul saat kita memperdebatkan siapa pantas menerima apa dan mengapa.
The real questions begin when it comes to arguing about who deserves what and why.QED QED
Aku tak mau berdebat soal ini.
Well, I guess I can't argue with you there.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Masalah-masalah moral seperti aborsi, homoseksualitas, dan hidup bersama tanpa menikah, sering menjadi topik perdebatan.
Moral issues, on topics such as abortion, homosexuality, and couples living together without being married, often become a hotbed of controversy.jw2019 jw2019
Apakah rujukan mesianik "Anak Manusia" ini asli Yahudi atau hasil interpolasi dengan Kekristenan masih diperdebatkan.
Whether these messianic "Son of Man" references are genuinely Jewish or the result of Christian interpolation is disputed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ini bukan waktunya berdebat, David!
This is hardly constructive, David!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
James Mahoney membuka perdebatan mengenai teori umum dalam sosiologi sejarah.
James Mahoney revisited the debate over general theory in historical sociology.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perdebatan itu pada awalnya direncanakan untuk diadakan di Bandung.
The debate itself was initially planned to be held in Bandung.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pemrograman bertujuan untuk berbagai khalayak dan termasuk berita (Telediario, Informe Semanal), dokumenter, program debat dan acara hiburan.
Its programming is aimed to a wide range of audiences and includes news (Telediario & Informe Semanal), debate programmes, documentaries, sports and entertainment shows.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beberapa anggota Academy memperdebatkan apakah musik dansa, dengan pemakaian banyak pelapisannya, penataan suara, "kurangnya melodi atau bait" dan sejumlah ragam, benar-benar dianggap musik.
Some Academy members debated whether dance music, with its heavy use of layering, remixing, "lack of melody or verse", and numerous varieties, was truly considered music.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sifat suka berdebat panjang lebar serta kebiasaan pribadi yang tidak pantas boleh jadi harus dibuang.
Strongly entrenched reasonings and inappropriate personality traits may have to be uprooted.jw2019 jw2019
Sebuah versi catatan sejarah Ernoul menunjukkan bahwa anak Baudouin V adalah pewaris, karena Baudouin IV yang sedang sakit ingin menghindari perdebatan antara para pendukung saudara perempuannya tentang suksesi.
A version of Ernoul's chronicle suggests that the child Baldwin V was made heir, because the ailing Baldwin IV wanted to avoid a debate between his sisters' supporters about his succession.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Salah satu ilmuwan Prancis yang mempengaruhi Grant adalah anatomis Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, yang gagasannya tentang kesatuan berbagai plan tubuh hewan dan homologi dari struktur anatomi tertentu akan sangat berpengaruh dan berujung pada debat intens dengan koleganya Georges Cuvier.
One of the French scientists who influenced Grant was the anatomist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, whose ideas on the unity of various animal body plans and the homology of certain anatomical structures would be widely influential and lead to intense debate with his colleague Georges Cuvier.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ketiga orang penghibur palsu berdebat panjang lebar dengan Ayub (4:1–31:40)
The three so-called comforters debate at length with Job (4:1–31:40)jw2019 jw2019
Dengan debat korupsi mengambil alih perhatian pers, pemerintah berhasil mengesampingkan diskusi sensitif pada pertarungan politik.
With corruption debate taking over the press, the government manages to sideline sensitive discussion on political infighting.globalvoices globalvoices
Apa kau lihat acara debat di TV...?
Did you see the debate on TV?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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