Delta sungai oor Engels

Delta sungai

Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels

river delta

landform that is formed at the mouth of a river
Ada pemberontakan di Heliopolis, Di bagian Utara Delta Sungai Nil.
There's been a revolt in Heliopolis, north of the Nile River delta.

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Pada tahun 1890, pemerintah Portugal memberikan Konsesi pada pemerintah Inggris untuk membangun pelabuhan Chinde di delta sungai Zambezi.
In 1890, the Portuguese government had granted the British government a Concession to establish a port Chinde on the Zambezi River delta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sebaliknya, artefak batu giok di situs Daxi menunjukkan pengaruh yang mungkin dari wilayah Delta Sungai Yangtze.
Conversely, jade artefacts at Daxi sites show possible influence from the Yangtze River Delta region.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kedua kota ini terletak di delta sungai Yalu di ujung barat perbatasan, dekat Laut Kuning.
The two cities are situated on the Yalu river delta at the western end of the border, near the Yellow Sea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 40 M, Trung bersaudari mengobarkan pemberontakan melawan Dinasti Han di dekat Delta Sungai Merah.
In 40 AD, revolts against Han rule were led by the Trung sisters near the Red River Delta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Inilah daerah di timur delta sungai di Mesir yang disebut Bendix.
This is a site located in the eastern Egyptian delta called Mendes.ted2019 ted2019
Kebudayaan tersebut berkisar dari Hubei barat hingga Sichuan timur dan Delta Sungai Mutiara.
The culture ranged from western Hubei to eastern Sichuan and the Pearl River Delta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Delta sungai, kanal sekarang, telah lama digunakan untuk sawah dan untuk periode itu juga digunakan untuk perkebunan tebu.
The delta of the river, now canalized, has long been used for rice paddies and for a period was also used for sugarcane plantations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ribuan pria meninggalkan Delta Sungai Zhu di Provinsi Guangdong, Cina, untuk mengadakan pelayaran yang berat ke selatan.
Thousands of men left the Pearl River delta in Guangdong Province of China to make the arduous sea voyage south.jw2019 jw2019
Dia sedang digiring rombongan saudagar melintasi dataran rendah delta sungai Nil yang luas.
He was being led by a caravan of traders now traversing the lowlands of the vast Nile delta.jw2019 jw2019
Bangsa Israel sebelumnya telah berada di bawah perbudakan di delta Sungai Nil, namun mereka tidak kekurangan.
The Israelites had been in servitude back in the Nile delta, but they did not lack.jw2019 jw2019
Delta Sungai Gangga yang tropis dan basah, adalah salah satu daerah utama penghasil beras di dunia.
The wet, tropical Ganges delta is one of the world’s leading rice- producing areas.jw2019 jw2019
Serangan harimau terutama terjadi di rawa-rawa delta Sungai Gangga.
Tiger attacks occur mainly in the swamps of the Ganges delta.jw2019 jw2019
Thales pikir itu sama dengan pendangkalan sampai ia telah mengamati Di delta sungai Nil.
Thales thought it was similar to the silting up he had observed at the delta of the river Nile.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alangkah menyedihkannya kisah Delta Sungai Donau!
How sad the story of what has happened to the Danube delta!jw2019 jw2019
Tuoba mendirikan Wei Utara (386–535) di sekitaran delta Sungai Kuning dan menjadi makin tersinikisasi.
The Tuoba founded the Northern Wei (386–535) around the Yellow River delta and became increasingly sinicized.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dia menunjuk seorang pangeran Khmer bernama Jayawarman sebagai gubernur Indrapura di delta Sungai Mekong di bawah kekuasaan Sailendra.
He appointed Khmer Prince Jayavarman as the governor of Indrapura in the Mekong delta under Sailendran rule.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Artefak pan putih dari kebudayaan ditemukan di beberapa situs Delta Sungai Yangtze, termasuk situs jenis kebudayaan Majiabang.
The white pan artefacts from the culture were discovered at several Yangtze River Delta sites, including the type site of the Majiabang culture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yang pertama adalah delta sungai endapan sedimen aluvial yang dibawa oleh sungai-sungai yang mengalir ke dalam danau.
The first is river delta alluvial deposition of sediment brought in by the rivers which flow into the lakes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tambang granit terdekat yang diketahui berada di pegunungan sejauh 40 hingga 50 kilometer dari Delta Sungai Diquis.
The nearest known granite quarry was up in the mountains about 25 to 30 miles [40-50 km] from the Diquis River Delta.jw2019 jw2019
Bohairik: Dialek Delta sungai Nil dan gereja Koptik abad pertengahan serta modern.
Bohairic: The dialect of the Nile Delta and of the medieval and modern Coptic Church.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sebagaimana yang sudah-sudah, kekalahan di kota kunci Delta sungai Nil ini hampir setara dengan penaklukan seluruh Mesir.
As on former occasions, the surrender of the key of the Delta was nearly equivalent to the subjugation of Egypt itself.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dari Thanjavur, sungai bercabang dan mengalir ke beberapa tempat di delta sungai Kaveri.
From Thanjavur, the river splits and goes to few places in the Delta Kaveri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tempat yang sangat indah di Delta Sungai Mekong.
A pretty idyllic place on the Mekong Delta.ted2019 ted2019
Tuguegarao adalah sebuah kota delta sungai yang menjadi pusat Keuskupan Agung di Provinsi Cagayan, di pulau Luzon.
Tuguegarao is a river delta city that became center of the Archdiocese in the Province of Cagayan, on the island of Luzon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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