East oor Engels


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East End berubah menjadi tempat yang aneh dengan kisah yang aneh pula.
East End is turning out to be a very strange place with a very strange history.
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Laporan East Asia Pacific Economic Update yang diluncurkan hari ini berfokus pada tantangan situasi global yang dihadapi oleh kawasan.
The East Asia Pacific Economic Update released today looks at the challenging global environment facing the region.worldbank.org worldbank.org
Sebuah jalan lingkar berjalan di sekitar bandara terdiri dari Airport Drive, Qantas Drive, General Holmes Drive, M5 East Freeway dan Marsh Street.
A ring road runs around the airport consisting of Airport Drive, Qantas Drive, General Holmes Drive, M5 East Freeway and Marsh Street.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Daerah pemilihan Wight and Hampshire East adalah salah satunya.
The constituency of Wight and Hampshire East was one of them.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
FBI menyerang rumah The East.
The FBI raided the east house.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jalur Thomson-East Coast terdiri dari 31 stasiun dengan panjang total 43 km, akan menghubungkan kawasan utara Singapura ke selatan, berjalan paralel dengan Jalur Timur Utara yang telah beroperasi, melewati Woodlands, Sin Ming, Upper Thomson dan Marina Bay kemudian berbelok ke timur dan melewati Tanjong Rhu, Siglap, Marine Parade dan Bedok.
The 43-kilometre, 32 station fully underground Thomson–East Coast line will connect the northern region of Singapore to the south, running parallel to the existing North South Line passing through Woodlands, Sin Ming, Upper Thomson, and Marina Bay before turning east and running through Tanjong Rhu, Siglap, Marine Parade, and Bedok.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hampir 200.000 tentara diberangkatkan oleh beberapa kapal dari East Mole (menjorok kurang lebih 1 kilometer ke laut) sepanjang minggu.
Almost 200,000 troops embarked on ships from the East Mole (which stretched nearly a mile out to sea) over the next week.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
JR East membangun fasilitas jalur langsir di Stasiun Shinagawa pada Jalur Tokaido, memungkinkan kereta ysng melewati Ueno untuk berhenti di sana dan kembali ke Utara.
JR East built train turnback facilities at Shinagawa Station on the Tokaido Line, allowing through trains from Ueno to terminate there and return north.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jules Kaigan, Middle East International, 17 Desember 1993; Jaringan keadilan Timur Tengah, Februari—Maret 1994.
Jules Kagian, Middle East International, December 17, 1993; Middle East Justice Network, February–March 1994.Literature Literature
Selain itu tergabungnya Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata ke dalam jaringan universitas internasional seperti ASEACCU (Association of South East and East Asia Catholic Colleges and Universities) serta ACUCA (Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia) semakin memperluas afiliasi universitas ini sehingga program-program seperti student exchange dan international conference menjadi agenda wajib di setiap semester.
In addition, SCU involvement in several network of international universities e.g. ASEACCU (Association of South East and East Asia Catholic Colleges and Universities) and ACUCA (Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia) further expands the university's affiliations so that programs such as student/staff exchange and international conferences become a mandatory agenda in each semester.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Setelah merger, jaringan MTR bertambah 3 jalur, yaitu Jalur East Rail, Jalur West Rail, dan Jalur Ma On Shan, juga jaringan Kereta Ringan dan Guangdong Through Train ke Guangzhou.
After the merger, the MTR network included three more lines—East Rail line, West Rail line, and Ma On Shan line—as well as the light rail network and Guangdong through train to Guangzhou.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 1995, Boeing memilih untuk menghancurkan kompleks markas di East Marginal Way South daripada memperbaruinya agar sesuai dengan standar seismik terbaru.
In 1995, Boeing chose to demolish the headquarters complex on East Marginal Way South instead of upgrading it to match new seismic standards.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dalam buku pertamanya yang ditulis pada1997, Against the Tides in the Middle East: The true story of Mustafa, former teacher of Islamic history Gabriel berkata bahwa ia lahir pada 30 Desember 1957 dari orangtua Muslim di Mesir Hulu.
In his first book written in 1997, Against the Tides in the Middle East: The true story of Mustafa, former teacher of Islamic history Gabriel tells of his birth on 30 December 1957 to Muslim parents in Upper Egypt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kalākaua dan Judd mengunjungi Lodge Zetland di the East, No. 548, Singapura pada 11 Mei, dimana Judd dianugerahi dengan gelar masonri ketiganya.
Kalākaua and Judd visited the Lodge Zetland in the East, No. 548, in Singapore on May 11, where Judd was bestowed with the third degree in masonry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada bulan Juni 2010, Shell setuju untuk mengakuisisi seluruh aset milik East Resources dengan harga $4,7 milliar.
In June 2010, Royal Dutch Shell agreed to acquire all the business of East Resources for a cash consideration of $4.7 billion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Orang West Coast, misalnya, mereka bangun lebih lambat dari orang yang berada di East Coast.
People on the West Coast, for example, they wake up a little bit later than those people on the East Coast.QED QED
Stasiun untuk JR East melayani Jalur Utama Chūō (layanan lokal Jalur Chuo (Cepat) dan Jalur Chūō-Sōbu) dan terletak 18.7 km dari titik awal Jalur Chūō Line di Stasiun Tokyo.
The JR East station is served by the Chūō Main Line (Chūō Line (Rapid) and Chūō-Sōbu Line local services), and is located 18.7 km from the starting point of the Chūō Line at Tokyo Station.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Edward Murray East (lahir 4 Oktober 1879 – meninggal 9 November 1938 pada umur 59 tahun) adalah ahli genetika, agronomi, dan pemulia tanaman asal Amerika Serikat.
Edward Murray East (October 4, 1879 – November 9, 1938) was an American plant geneticist, botanist, agronomist and eugenicist.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
François Valentijn (17 April 1666–1727) adalah seorang misionaris, naturalis dan penulis buku terkenal berjudul Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën ("Old and New East-India"), sebuah buku tentang sejarah Dutch East India Company dan negara-negara Timur Jauh.
François Valentijn (17 April 1666 – 6 August 1727) was a Dutch minister, naturalist and author whose Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën ("Old and New East-India") describes the history of the Dutch East India Company and the countries of the Far East.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Levine membawakan Big Brother's Bit on the Side bersama Jamie East, dari revival reality show pada tahun 2011 di Channel 5, hingga 2013 ketika dia dan East meninggalkan acara itu.
Levine hosted Big Brother's Bit on the Side with Jamie East, from the reality show's revival in 2011 on Channel 5, until 2013 when they left the show.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""Vincent punya restoran di East Hampton,"" kata Giorgio."
“Vincent has one of his restaurants out by East Hampton,” Giorgio said.Literature Literature
Pada akhir tahun 2005, klub ini menerima klub sepak bola Bank of East Asia untuk membangun tim kedua yang bernama Son Dong Tam Long An untuk bermain pada National Football League di Vietnam 2006.
In late 2005, the club received the team's football club Bank of East Asia to build a second team called Son Dong Tam Long An to play in the National Football League in Vietnam 2006 .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Banyaknya serangan terhadap perempuan di East End yang terjadi selama era tersebut menambah ketidakpastian terhadap berapa banyak korban yang dibunuh oleh pelaku yang sama.
The large number of attacks against women in the East End during this time adds uncertainty to how many victims were killed by the same person.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Diakses tanggal 16 Juni 2009. ^ a b c "American East (2007) Cast Biographies: Haaz Sleiman".
"American East (2007) Cast Biographies: Haaz Sleiman".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hanya saja, karena desain ini terlalu mahal untuk dikembangkan, maka pemerintah memilih desain dari pemenang kedua yakni East Chine Architecture Design & Research Institute (ECADI), yang juga membangun Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower di China.
Only, because this design was too expensive to be developed, then the government chose the design from the second winner namely East China Architecture Design & Research Institute (ECADI), that also constructive Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower in China.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 1992, organisasi hak asasi manusia Middle East Watch, divisi Human Rights Watch, menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan mereka terhadap cerita inkubator ini.
In 1992, the human rights organization Middle East Watch, a division of Human Rights Watch, published the results of their investigation of the incubator story.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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