Fillmore oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


Temanku Fillmore mengatakan itu aman.
My friend Fillmore says it's safe.
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Millard Fillmore

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President Fillmore

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Konser pertama dari lebih dari 2.000 konser mereka yang direkam oleh penggemar band ini adalah konser di Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, 8 Januari 1966.
Earlier demo tapes have survived, but the first of over 2,000 concerts known to have been recorded by the band's fans was a show at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco on January 8, 1966.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Februari 1856: Perang Tintic pecah di Utah 18 Februari 1856: Partai Amerika (Know-Nothing) mencalonkan kandidat Presidennya, mantan Presiden Millard Fillmore.
February, 1856: Tintic War broke out in Utah February 18, 1856: The American Party (Know-Nothings) nominated their first Presidential candidate, former President Millard Fillmore.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tunggu dulu, Fillmore.
Wait a second, Fillmore.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Plat nomor Fillmore adalah "51237", yang merupakan referensi terhadap tanggal lahir dari George Carlin, yakni 12 Mei 1937, dan juga merupakan kode pos dari kota George, Iowa.
Fillmore's license plate reads "51237", an easter egg which is a reference to May 12, 1937, the birthdate of George Carlin, and is also the ZIP code of George, Iowa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Atas permintaan Brigham Young dia membangun Cove Fort, merupakan presiden pasak pertama di Fillmore, [Utah,] dan melakukan ribuan hal lain untuk membuat pekerjaan ini maju.
“At the request of Brigham Young he built Cove Fort, was the first president of the stake in Fillmore, [Utah,] and did a thousand other things to move this work forward.LDS LDS
Mereka jelas tidak bekerja di Fillmore-Graves.
They definitely don't work for Fillmore-graves.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Namun karena Waldmire adalah seorang vegan, ia tidak ingin namanya dipakai, sebab mainan Fillmore akan disertakan dalam menu Happy Meal di McDonald's.
Fillmore was originally going to be named Waldmire, after a Route 66 resident, but Waldmire, a vegan, didn't want his name to be used, because Fillmore toys would be featured in Happy Meals at McDonald's.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Setelah mobil formula Italia Francesco Bernoulli menantang McQueen, dia dan Mater bersama Luigi, Guido, Fillmore, dan Sarge terbang ke Tokyo, Jepang untuk balapan pertama di World Grand Prix.
McQueen and his best friend Mater — along with Luigi, Guido, Fillmore, and Sarge — depart for Tokyo for the first race of the Grand Prix.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fillmore East – June 1971 adalah live album oleh The Mothers, diterbitkan pada 1971.
Fillmore East – June 1971 is a live album by The Mothers, released in 1971.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fillmore muncul lagi di Cars 2, dan menjadi kru pit McQueen.
Fillmore reappears in Cars 2, joining McQueen's pit crew for the World Grand Prix.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
7 Maret 1850: Senator Daniel Webster menyampaikan pidato "Seventh of March" yang berisi dukungannya terhadap Kompromis 1850 demi mencegah perang saudara 9 Juli 1850: Taylor meninggal dunia dan Millard Fillmore menjadi Presiden.
March 7, 1850: Senator Daniel Webster gave his "Seventh of March" speech in which he endorsed the Compromise of 1850 to prevent a possible civil war July 9, 1850: President Taylor died and Vice President Millard Fillmore became President.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada bulan agustus 1967, mereka tampil untuk pertunjukan besar pertama mereka di US, bermain diThe Fillmore di San Francisco dan kemudian di The Pinnacle di Los Angeles.
In August 1967, they played their first headlining dates in the US, playing first at The Fillmore in San Francisco and later at The Pinnacle in Los Angeles.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dia juga telah mengisi suara untuk Fillmore!, Bratz sebagai Cloe, Family Guy, Blood+ dan Avatar: The Last Airbender sebagai Ty Lee.
She has also done voice work for Fillmore!, Bratz as Cloe, Family Guy, Blood+ and Avatar: The Last Airbender as Ty Lee.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Temanku Fillmore mengatakan itu aman.
My friend Fillmore says it's safe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
24 Mei 1856: Pembantaian Pottawatomie 2 Juni 1856: Pertempuran Black Jack 30 Agustus 1856: Pertempuran Osawatomie 4 November 1856: Pemilihan umum presiden Amerika Serikat 1856: Demokrat James Buchanan mengalahkan mantan Presiden Millard Fillmore, mewakili koalisi "Know-Nothing" dan Whig, dan John C. Frémont dari Partai Republik, untuk menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-15.
May 24, 1856: Pottawatomie massacre June 2, 1856: Battle of Black Jack August 30, 1856: Battle of Osawatomie November 4, 1856: U.S. presidential election, 1856: Democrat James Buchanan defeated former President Millard Fillmore, representing a coalition of "Know-Nothings" and Whigs, and John C. Frémont of the fledgling Republican Party.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia berasal dari partai Whig dan didampingi Millard Fillmore sebagai wakil presiden.
Serves as Vice President under Millard Fillmore.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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