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Mereka juga di dalam persatuan dengan sekutu-sekutu Raja Władysław I - Raja-raja Skandinavia dan Adipati-adipati Wangsa Gryfici, melawan Markgraf Brandenburg (1315).
They were also in union with the allies of King Władysław I - the Scandinavian Kings and the Pomorian Dukes, against the Margraves of Brandenburg (1315).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alauddin memberikannya gelar Raja-i-Rajan ("raja dari para raja"), dan juga memberinya Navsari sebagai jagir pribadi.
Alauddin bestowed upon him the title Raja-i-Rajan ("king of kings"), and also gave him Navsari as a personal jagir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
362 SM) Antiochus I Soter, raja kerajaan Seleukus dari 281 SM (l.
362 BC) Antiochus I Soter, king of the Seleucid Kingdom from 281 BC (b. c.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gelar ini pertama kali disandang oleh Raja László I. Gelar "Raja Kroasia" pertama kali disandang oleh Raja László I pada 1091.
That title was first used by Ladislaus I. It was also Ladislaus I who adopted the title "King of Croatia" in 1091.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sejak Perang Dunia I jumlah ”raja-raja” di atas tahta sangat berkurang, tetapi ada banyak bentuk lain dari penguasa-penguasa politik sekarang yang memerintah.
Since World War I the number of “kings” on thrones has been greatly reduced, but there are many other types of political rulers now in office.jw2019 jw2019
Wilayah kekuasaannya akhirnya diserahkan di luar keluarga Thierry I dan bersatu dengan kerajaan-kerajaan kakek pamandanya Clotaire I, yang akan segera menjadi raja bagi seluruh Franka.
His realm passed finally outside of the family of Theuderic I and was united to the kingdoms of his granduncle Clotaire I, who would soon become king of all the Franks.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Selain Carlos I, Raja Inggris Henry VIII, Raja Prancis Francois I dan Frederick III, Elektor Sachsen mengumumkan pencalonan mereka.
In addition to Carlos I, the English King Henry VIII, the French King Francois I and Frederick III, Elector of Saxony announced their candidacy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Silsilah serupa juga diklaimkan pada Dewa Manggis I, nenek moyang raja-raja Gianyar.
The same paternity is claimed for Dewa Manggis I, the ancestor of the kings of Gianyar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
375–316 SM) adalah putri Raja Epiros, Neoptolemos I; kakak Raja Epiros, Aleksandros I; istri keempat Raja Makedonia, Filipos II; dan ibu dari Megas Aleksandros atau Aleksander Agung.
375–316 BC) was a daughter of king Neoptolemus I of Epirus, sister to Alexander I of Epirus, fourth wife of Philip II, the king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, and mother of Alexander the Great.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 1046, suaminya kembali ke Hongaria dan naik tahta sebagai Raja András I setelah mengalahkan Raja Peter I. Anastasia mengikuti suaminya ke kerajaan tersebut.
In 1046, her husband returned to Hungary and ascended the throne as King Andrew I after defeating King Peter I. Anastasia followed her husband to the kingdom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Berbeda dengan ayahanda, Raja Ludwig I dan putranya Raja Ludwig II, "Raja Max" sangat populer dan lebih tertarik pada urusan pemerintahan daripada pemborosan pribadi.
Unlike his father, King Ludwig I and son King Ludwig II, "King Max" was very popular and took a greater interest in the business of Government than in personal extravagance.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sejak Leopold I, seluruh raja-raja Hongaria menggunakan gelar Raja Apostolik Hongaria – gelar yang diberikan kepada Santo Stefanus dari Hongaria oleh Paus – dan istri-istri mereka bergelar Ratu Apostolik di Hongaria.
Since Leopold I, all kings of Hungary used the title of Apostolic King of Hungary – the title given to Saint Stephen I by the Pope – and their wives were styled as Apostolic Queens of Hungary.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Daftar Raja Sinkronistis memberikan kontemporer Babilonianya sebagai Kaštil, mungkin diidentifikasi sebagai Kaštiliašu III, putra dan (akhirnya) penerus Burna-Buriyåš I, akhirnya raja-raja Babilon Kassite pada masa ketika dinasti itu berada mulai mengerahkan kendali atas Mesopotamia selatan.
The Synchronistic Kinglist gives his Babylonian contemporary as Kaštil, possibly identified as Kaštiliašu III, the son and (eventual) successor of Burna-Buriyåš I, the Kassite kings of Babylon during the period when the dynasty was beginning to exert control over southern Mesopotamia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ada seorang raja sebelum dia yang disebut Sargon I, tetapi ia bukan raja Asiria melainkan raja Babilon.
An earlier king, not of Assyria, but of Babylon is designated as Sargon I.jw2019 jw2019
Akan tetapi, putra Odaenathus, Hairan I, langsung digelari "raja segala raja" semasa hidupnya.
However, Odaenathus' son Hairan I, is directly attested as "King of Kings" during his lifetime.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia dimahkotai sebagai Raja Petar I, dan sebelum berakhirnya Perang Dunia I Kerajaan Serbia, Kroasia dan Slovenia diproklamirkan dengan Petar I sebagai rajanya.
He was duly crowned as King Peter I, and shortly before the end of World War I, representatives of the three peoples proclaimed a Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes with Peter I as sovereign.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Raja-raja awal Clann Cináeda meic Ailpín disebut sebagai raja Picts, dan raja ketiganya, putra Kenneth Konstantinus I (Causantín mac Cináeda), dipandang sebagai raja terakhir dari 70 raja Picts setelah kematiannya.
Early kings of Clann Cináeda meic Ailpín are described as kings of the Picts, and the third king, Kenneth's son Constantine I (Causantín mac Cináeda), appears to have been regarded as the last of the 70 Pictish kings soon after his death.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia adalah putri Seqenenre Tao dan Ahhotep I, dan saudari kerajaan dan istri kerajaan agung firaun, Ahmose I. Ia adalah ibunda Raja Amenhotep I dan mungkin bertindak sebagai pemangku takhta ketika ia masih muda.
She was a daughter of Seqenenre Tao and Ahhotep I, and royal sister and the great royal wife of pharaoh, Ahmose I. She was the mother of king Amenhotep I and may have served as his regent when he was young.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Akan tetapi, menurut kebanyakan pakar, baru pada zaman Kyaksares (cucu Deiokes menurut Herodotus [I, 102, 103]), raja-raja Media mulai bersatu di bawah seorang penguasa tertentu.
However, most scholars consider that it was not until the time of Cyaxares (or Kyaxares, a grandson of Deioces according to Herodotus [I, 102, 103]) that the kings of Media began to unite under a particular ruler.jw2019 jw2019
Pada kerja penggalian tahun 1999/2000 di kuil makamnya di Saqqara menemukan beebrapa balok batu yang bertuliskan gelar kerajaan yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal baginya: "Istri Raja Piramida Pepy I, Istri Raja Piramida Merenre, Ibunda Raja Piramida Pepy II."
In 1999/2000, excavation work at her Saqqara funerary temple uncovered several stone blocks inscribed with a previously unknown royal title for her: " King's Wife of the Pyramid of Pepy I, King's Wife of the Pyramid of Merenre, King's Mother of the Pyramid of Pepy II."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ibunda Manuel adalah cucu Raja João I dari Portugal, sedangkan ayahandanya adalah putra kedua Raja Duarte I dari Portugal dan adik Raja Afonso V dari Portugal.
Manuel's mother was the granddaughter of King John I of Portugal, whereas his father was the second surviving son of King Edward of Portugal and the younger brother of King Afonso V of Portugal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Namun demikian, Manouel I mengirim utusan kepada raja-raja yang sebelumnya mendukung István III, membujuk mereka untuk tetap netral dalam konflik tersebut.
Nevertheless, Manuel I sent envoys to the monarchs who had earlier supported Stephen III, persuading them to remain neutral in the conflict.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maka, setelah para misionaris berbicara kepada Raja Radama I, sang raja memberi izin agar abjad Romawi diadopsi dan digunakan sebagai ganti sorabe.
So after the missionaries consulted with King Radama I, the king granted permission to adopt the Roman alphabet and use it in place of sorabe.jw2019 jw2019
Ia adalah istri Raja-raja Pepi I Meryre and Merenre Nemtyemsaf I, dan ibunda Pepi II.
She was the wife of Kings Pepi I and Merenre Nemtyemsaf I, and the mother of Pepi II.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
14 Darius I adalah raja ketiga dalam urutan raja-raja Persia setelah Kores Agung.
14 Darius I was third in the line of Persian kings after Cyrus the Great.jw2019 jw2019
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