Masyhad oor Engels


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A large city in Iran and one of the holiest cities in the Shia world, located 850 kilometres (530 mi) east of Tehran, at the center of the Razavi Khorasan Province.
Aku membawakan oleh-oleh dari Masyhad.
I brought you a present from Mashhad.


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Pasokan tambahan sebanyak 80 ton pendek (73 ton) pasokan dikirim oleh Pemerintah Iran ke Masyhad, tempat pengoordinasian upaya bantuan.
An additional 80 short tons (73 t) of supplies were sent by the Iranian government to Mashhad, from where the relief efforts were being coordinated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Luas wilayah negara adalah sekitar 388.332 kilometer persegi dan dengan ibukota Masyhad.
The area administered by the state was approximately 388,332 square kilometres and its capital was Mashhad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gempa yang merupakan gempa yang terbesar di daerah tersebut sejak tahun 1990 ini memiliki skala kekuatan momen 7,3 dan berpusat sekitar 270 kilometer (170 mil) selatan dari Masyhad di Desa Ardekul.
The largest in the area since 1990, the earthquake measured 7.3 on the moment magnitude scale and was centered approximately 270 kilometers (170 mi) south of Mashhad on the village of Ardekul.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beberapa pesawat membawa tenda, selimut, dan kompor minyak tanah dari negara-negara Eropa dan Arab tiba di Masyhad pada 14 Mei.
Several aircraft carrying tents, blankets, and kerosene stoves from European and Arab countries arrived in Mashad on May 14.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Demonstrasi tersebut dimulai oleh massa beberapa ribu orang yang melakukan unjuk rasa di seluruh Iran, termasuk di Masyhad, kota terpadat kedua, serta beberapa ratus orang yang melakukan unjuk rasa di Teheran, ibu kota Iran.
Several crowds were seen protesting across Iran, including in Mashhad, the second most populous city, as well as a several hundred person protest in Tehran, the capital.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ketegangan akhirnya meluap pada 1935, tatkala para bazaari dan penduduk desa bangkit memberontak di dalam Mesjid Imam Reza di Masyhad, dengan menyerukan slogan-slogan seperti 'Syah adalah Yazid yang baru.'
Tensions boiled over in 1935, when bazaaris and villagers rose up in rebellion at the Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad, chanting slogans such as 'The Shah is a new Yezid.'WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aku membawakan oleh-oleh dari Masyhad.
I brought you a present from Mashhad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gempa dirasakan di daerah seluas 500.000 km2 (193.051 mil persegi), termasuk di Kota Masyhad, Kerman, dan Yazd.
The earthquake was felt over an area of 500,000 square kilometers (193,051 sq mi), including in the cities of Mashhad, Kerman and Yazd.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kecelakaan terjadi ketika sebuah kereta ekspres dari Tabriz ke Masyhad berhenti karena masalah teknis terkait dengan cuaca dingin antara Semnan dan Damghan.
The accident happened when an express train from Tabriz to Mashhad stopped because of technical problems associated with cold weather between Semnan and Damghan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dia lahir tanggal 21 Maret 1978 di Kashmar, sebuah kota dekat Masyhad.
He was born on 21 March 1978 in Kashmar, a city near Mashhad, Iran.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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