Musim tanam oor Engels

Musim tanam

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growing season

Kami berada di tengah dari musim tanam, jadi kita harus memiliki banyak sayuran segar.
We're in the middle of a growing season, so we should have plenty of fresh vegetables.

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Batang paling tinggi adalah rata- rata suhu sebagian besar musim tanam.
The tallest bar is the average temperature for the most number of growing seasons.QED QED
Suhu terendah musim tanam di masa depan akan lebih panas daripada suhu tertinggi di masa lalu.
The coldest growing seasons of the future, hotter than the hottest of the past.QED QED
Anda dapat melihat ada beberapa perbedaan antara musim tanam satu dan lainnya.
And you can see that there's some difference between one growing season and another.ted2019 ted2019
Namun, konsekuensi dari cara ini ialah bahwa setiap kali musim tanam para petani harus membeli benih.
A consequence of this practice, however, is that farmers have to buy seed for every crop.jw2019 jw2019
Kami berada di tengah dari musim tanam, jadi kita harus memiliki banyak sayuran segar.
We're in the middle of a growing season, so we should have plenty of fresh vegetables.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Di tempat beriklim dingin, kormus harus dicabut pada akhir musim tanam dan dibersihkan dengan hati-hati.
In colder climates the corms should be dug up at the end of the growing season and carefully cleaned.jw2019 jw2019
Perintah Allah yang terbesar, ketika dikompromikan atau dicemari, menjadi tanaman yang tumbuh di luar musimnyatanaman liar.
The greatest commandments of God, when compromised or polluted, become plants grown out of season—weeds.LDS LDS
Aku sedang sakit saat musim tanam.
I was sick at planting time.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Setelah banjir surut, musim tanam berlangsung dari Oktober hingga Februari.
After the floodwaters had receded, the growing season lasted from October to February.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Senin Musim Tanam, dimulainya tahun pertanian Inggris tradisional ^ "The Royal Ploughing Ceremony 2011".
Buddhist Religious Year "The Royal Ploughing Ceremony 2011".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia bekerja sendiri, kecuali pada musim tanam dan panen ia mempekerjakan satu orang.
He works alone except for a single hired hand who works with him in sowing and harvesting seasons.jw2019 jw2019
Ada dua musim tanam setiap tahun, karena hujan turun baik di musim panas maupun di musim dingin.
There are two crop cycles per year, since rain falls in both summer and winter.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mereka memiliki kalender sendiri untuk mengetahui bulan tertentu untuk musim tanam
They have their own calendars to find out specific months for the planting season.QED QED
Kemudian, ketika musim tanam berikutnya tiba, mereka menjual segala-galanya —habis-habisan!
And then, when the following planting season came, they sold out —lock, stock, and barrel!jw2019 jw2019
Ketika seharusnya sudah musim tanam, dimana seharusnya musim kemarau, justru musim hujan yang terjadi
When should have been planting season, which was supposed to be the dry season, the rainy season is happeningQED QED
Kandungan kromium makanan sangat bervariasi karena perbedaan kandungan mineral tanah, musim tanam, kultivar tanaman, dan kontaminasi selama pemrosesan.
Chromium content of food varies widely due to differences in soil mineral content, growing season, plant cultivar, and contamination during processing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Karena kepala mereka sekejap menyentuh tanah, para penerjun ini berharap bisa ”menyuburkan” tanah untuk musim tanam berikutnya.
By brushing the ground with their heads, the land divers hope to “fertilize” the earth for the next year’s crop.jw2019 jw2019
Sebagai kepala negara, Sihanouk mengambil berbagai tugas seremonial raja, seperti memegang audiensi publik dan memimpin Upacara Musim Tanam Kerajaan.
As the head of state, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities of the king, such as holding public audiences and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sewaktu ditanam, setiap kormel akan mengeluarkan daun-daun tipis, dan pada akhir musim tanam, kormel tersebut akan menjadi kormus dewasa.
When planted, each cormel will put out thin leaves, and by the end of the growing season, the cormel will have become a mature corm.jw2019 jw2019
Meskipun demikian, di beberapa budaya, spesies Amanita lokal yang lebih besar dan dapat dimakan adalah andalan dari pasar musim tanam lokal.
Nonetheless, in some cultures, the larger local edible species of Amanita are mainstays of the markets in the local growing season.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sebagian besar mulai bekerja sejak usia 12 tahun, sepanjang musim tanam, di lahan-lahan kecil yang diolah oleh keluarga atau tetangga mereka.
Most started working by age 12 throughout the growing season on small plots of land farmed by their families or
Kelaparan tidak pernah terjadi di India karena alasan-alasan ini: Orang-orang Indian senantiasa dapat memanen sekurang-kurangnya satu dari dua kali musim tanam.
No famines have ever occurred in India because of the following reasons: The Indians are always assured of at least one of the two seasonal crops There are a number of spontaneously growing fruits and edible roots available.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dengan terbangunnya saluran irigasi di Dusun Pasirhanja, musim tanam bisa dilakukan 2 sampai 3 kali setahun karena pengairan dapat berjalan baik di musim kemarau.
The farmers now benefit from being able to plant two or three rice crops per year because water is now available even during the dry
+ 22 Mulai sekarang, di bumi akan selalu ada musim tanam dan musim panen, cuaca dingin dan panas, musim panas dan musim dingin, siang dan malam.”
+ 22 From now on, the earth will never cease to have seed-sowing and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night.”jw2019 jw2019
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