Ombudsman oor Engels


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government service charged with investigating complaints of maladministration or violation of rights
Dmitry Marinichev, Ombudsman Internet Kremlin, juga mengkritik permohonan Ageyev untuk membatasi akses Telegram di Rusia.
Dmitry Marinichev, the Kremlin's Internet Ombudsman, also criticized Ageyev's proposal to limit Russians’ access to Telegram.

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Kepala Eksekutif Departemen Duta besar, Menteri-menteri umum dan Konsulat Pejabat Angkatan Bersenjata dari pangkat Kolonel atau Kapten angkatan Laut Anggota biasa dari Peradilan dan Dewan Bar Ketua dan Komisioner Komisi Aparatur Sipil Ketua dan Komisioner Komisi Pemilihan umum Ketua dan Komisioner Komisi Audit Anggota Regional dan Komisi Konsultatif Kepala Kepolisian Nasional Filipina Namun, ketetapan dari semua hakim dan Ombudsman tidak akan dikonfirmasi oleh Komisi Penetapan.
Heads of Executive Departments Ambassadors, other Public Ministers and Consuls Officers of the Armed Forces from the rank of Colonel or Naval Captain Regular Members of the Judicial and Bar Council Chairman and Commissioners of the Civil Service Commission Chairman and Commissioners of the Commission on Elections Chairman and Commissioners of the Commission on Audit Members of the Regional and Consultative Commissions However, the appointments of all judges and the Ombudsman shall not be confirmed by the Commission on Appointments.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pendahulu Zhusuev, pemimpin partai ErK adalah Tursunbai Bakir uulu, mantan ombudsman Kirgizstan, yang dikenal dengan pernyataan publiknya yang pro-Islam.
Prior to Zhusuev, the party ErK was headed by Tursunbai Bakir uulu, former ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan, who is well known for his pro-Islamic public statements.gv2019 gv2019
Anda harus mengajukan keluhan kepada Ombudsman for Financial Services dalam waktu enam bulan sejak tanggal Anda menerima tanggapan terakhir kami, atau setelah 60 hari kalender sejak tanggal Anda pertama kali mengajukan keluhan tersebut kepada kami.
You must file your complaint with the Ombudsman for Financial Services within six months from the date you received our final response or after 60 calendar days from the date you first referred your complaint to
Petugas Parkman, laporan ditunda dalam kasusmu oleh ombudsman publik dan representasi serikat, kami memutuskan 6 bulan penundaan keaktifan kerjamu.
Officer Parkman, pending review of your case by a civilian ombudsman and union representative, we're enforcing a six-month suspension of your active duties.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dmitry Marinichev, Ombudsman Internet Kremlin, juga mengkritik permohonan Ageyev untuk membatasi akses Telegram di Rusia.
Dmitry Marinichev, the Kremlin's Internet Ombudsman, also criticized Ageyev's proposal to limit Russians’ access to Telegram.globalvoices globalvoices
Ombudsman Eropa (terkadang disebut Euro-Ombudsman) adalah ombudsman bagi organisasi Uni Eropa yang berkantor pusat di Gedung Salvador de Madariaga Building, Strasbourg, Prancis.
The European Ombudsman (or sometimes Euro-Ombudsman) is an ombudsman for the European Union, based in the Salvador de Madariaga Building in Strasbourg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ombudsman tidak memiiliki wewenang untuk menginvestigasi Mahkamah Eropa dalam kapasitas yuridisnya, Pengadilan Umum, Pengadilan Pelayanan Sipil, pemerintah nasional dan daerah (termasuk ketika terkait dengan peraturan UE), lembaga yudikatif nasional dan daerah, individu perseorangan, atau perusahaan.
The Ombudsman can not investigate the European Court of Justice in its judicial capacity, the General Court, the Civil Service Tribunal, national and regional administrations (even where EU law is concerned), judiciaries, private individuals or corporations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ombudsman dibantu oleh enam deputi: Keseluruhan Deputi, Deputi Luzon, Deputi Visayas, Deputi Mindanao, Deputi Angkatan Bersenjata, dan Jaksa Khusus.
The Ombudsman is assisted by six deputies: the Overall Deputy, the Deputy for Luzon, the Deputy for Visayas, the Deputy for Mindanao, the Deputy for the Armed Forces, and the Special Prosecutor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) didirikan oleh Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) di Inggris Raya sebagai badan penyelesaian sengketa independen untuk keluhan mengenai jasa keuangan.
The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) was set up by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK as an independent dispute resolution scheme for complaints about financial
Oleh karena itu, Pembela Umum Georgia, atau Ombudsman, yang dipilih oleh parlemen, berkomentar, ”Hak asasi manusia dilanggar oleh orang-orang yang, melalui wewenang pekerjaan mereka, justru berkewajiban melindungi hak-hak itu.
Georgia’s Public Defender, or Ombudsman, who is elected by parliament, therefore commented: “Human rights are violated by the very people who are obliged, by virtue of their jobs, to protect those rights.jw2019 jw2019
Setiap warga negara anggota Uni Eropa berhak untuk mengajukan kasus kepada Ombudsman.
It is a right of an EU citizen, according to the EU treaties, to take a case to the Ombudsman.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia sebelumnya bekerja sebagai pengacara, hakim dan ombudsman.
He has worked as an attorney, lawyer, and judge.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) di Inggris Raya adalah badan penyelesaian sengketa independen untuk keluhan mengenai jasa keuangan.
The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) in the UK is an independent dispute resolution scheme for complaints about financial
Sampai undang-undang ini dicabut atau direvisi, pemerintah harusmembentuk mekanisme independen yang melapor ke parlemen untuk mengawasi badan intelijen, seperti pengawas umum atau ombudsman, menurut Human Rights Watch.
Until the law is repealed or revised the government should create an independent mechanism reporting to parliament to oversee the intelligence agency, such as an inspector general or ombudsman, Human Rights Watch
Keluhan yang berada di luar batas waktu tersebut dapat dipertimbangkan oleh Ombudsman for Financial Services atas kebijaksanaannya sendiri.
Complaints that fall outside that time limit may be considered by the Ombudsman for Financial Services at their
Anda dapat menghubungi Ombudsman for Financial Services secara online melalui situsnya menggunakan Enquiry Form atau melalui surat ke alamat berikut:
You can contact the Ombudsman for Financial Services online via their website using the Enquiry Form or via post at the following
Namun, ada beberapa batasan terkait hal-hal apa saja yang dapat ditinjau oleh Financial Ombudsman Service.
However, there are some limitations on what the Financial Ombudsman Service can
Pejabat (termasuk Presiden) juga diharuskan oleh konstitusi untuk mendeklarasikan kekayaan mereka kepada Ombudsman dan umum; apabila tidak, jabatannya akan ditangguhkan.
Public officials (including the President) are required by the constitution to declare their wealth to the Ombudsman and to the public; those who do not comply are suspended from office.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Satu contoh kasus yang ditangani oleh Ombudsman yaitu terlambatnya pembayaran dari Komisi Eropa kepada seorang wartawan sains Jerman.
One example of a case dealt with by the Ombudsman involved a late payment from the Commission to a German science journalist.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dalam format penggunaan yang lebih modern, istilah Ombudsman mulai dipakai di Swedia sejak tahun 1809 melalui pelembagaan Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman, yang bertugas menjaga dan melindungi hak-hak warga negara melalui pembentukan badan pengawas independen atas kinerja pemerintah.
Use of the term in modern times began in Sweden, with the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman instituted by the Instrument of Government of 1809, to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada 1999 Meg terpilih menjabat Wakil Presiden Penasihat Kepatuhan/ Ombudsman Grup Bank Dunia.
In 1999 Meg was appointed to the post of Vice President Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman of the World Bank Group.Literature Literature
Sebagai penyedia layanan keuangan yang diatur oleh Central Bank of Ireland, Google Payment Ireland Limited (GPIL) adalah peserta dalam skema penyelesaian keluhan formal Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO).
As a financial services provider regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, Google Payment Ireland Limited (GPIL) is a participant in the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) formal complaint resolution
Pada tahun 2011, tingkat kepatuhan lembaga Uni Eropa terhadap pertimbangan Ombudsman adalah 82%.
In 2011, the overall rate of compliance by the EU institutions with his suggestions was 82%.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ombudsman menerima 2.667 komplain pada tahun 2010 dan melakukan 335 investigasi.
The ombudsman received 2,667 complaints in the year 2010 and opened 335 investigations into alleged maladministration.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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