Seni murni oor Engels

Seni murni

Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels

fine art

art developed primarily for aesthetics
Musik digambarkan sebagai ”seni yang tertua dan paling alami dari semua jenis seni murni”.
Music has been described as “the oldest and most natural of all the fine arts.”

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seni murni

Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


Musik digambarkan sebagai ”seni yang tertua dan paling alami dari semua jenis seni murni”.
Music has been described as “the oldest and most natural of all the fine arts.”
Open Multilingual Wordnet

fine art

Musik digambarkan sebagai ”seni yang tertua dan paling alami dari semua jenis seni murni”.
Music has been described as “the oldest and most natural of all the fine arts.”
Open Multilingual Wordnet

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Pada waktu itu cita-cita saya adalah pindah ke Paris, Prancis, pusat dari seni murni.
My goal then was to move to Paris, France, the center of the fine arts.jw2019 jw2019
Musik digambarkan sebagai ”seni yang tertua dan paling alami dari semua jenis seni murni”.
Music has been described as “the oldest and most natural of all the fine arts.”jw2019 jw2019
menjadi seni murni, dan kejam.
It became an art as pure, as it was ruthless.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Akumulasi pengetahuan pasti memungkinkan generasi demi generasi mengembangkan spesialisasi seperti metalurgi, agronomi, memelihara domba dan ternak lainnya, menulis, dan seni murni.
Accumulated knowledge would have made it possible for successive generations to develop such specialties as metallurgy, agronomy, rearing sheep and cattle, writing, and the fine arts.jw2019 jw2019
Akademi Kepausan untuk Seni Murni dan Sastra dari Virtuosi al Pantheon adalah salah satu dari sepuluh Akademi Kepausan di bawah arahan Tahta Suci.
The Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon is one of the Pontifical Academies under the direction of the Holy See.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 2007, dikeluarkan tesis berjudul Wikipedia bahasa Thai dan Pengetahuan Komunikasi kepada Publik oleh mahasiswa Fakultas Seni Murni dan Terapan Universitas Chulalongkorn.
In 2007 there is a thesis under the name Thai Wikipedia and Communicating Knowledge to the Public by a graduate student from the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Material ini murni, dan seninya pun murni; bagaimana bisa meng hasilkan selain sesuatu yang mengagumkan?
The material was pure, and his art was pure; how could the result be other than wonderful?Literature Literature
Setelah mengenyam pendidikan di bidang seni murni, ia terlibat dalam berbagai surat kabar seperti La cultura del Duodeno, El Periódico, Ara, dan The New York Times.
Having graduated in fine arts, he has collaborated for numerous publications, such as La cultura del Duodeno, El Periódico, Ara and has illustrated for The New York Times.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ada juga koleksinya yang sama sekali bukan karya seni murni, yaitu koleksi menawan berupa lebih dari seratus lempeng tanah liat Babilonia dan Sumer dengan tulisan berhuruf paku kuno.
Standing in complete contrast with works of fine art is an intriguing collection of over a hundred Babylonian and Sumerian clay tablets with ancient cuneiform writing.jw2019 jw2019
Universitas Seni Rupa Murni Mimar Sinan (bahasa Turki: Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi; disingkat MSGSÜ) adalah sebuah universitas negeri Turki yang didedikasikan kepada pendidikan tinggi seni rupa murni.
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (Turkish: Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi; abbreviated MSGSÜ) is a Turkish state university dedicated to the higher education of fine arts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Saat okupasi Nazi di Polandia, ia mendirikan Teater Independen dan menjadi dosen di Akademi Seni Murni Kraków, selain itu juga menjadi sutradara teater eksperimental di Kraków dari tahun 1942 hingga 1944.
During the Nazi occupation of Poland, he founded the Independent Theatre, and served as a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków as well as a director of experimental theatre in Kraków from 1942 to 1944.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kesempatan untuk mengenyam pendidikan di Kalkuta telah menghasilkan banyak orang yang menekuni bidang-bidang sains dan hukum, seni murni juga berkembang di Kalkuta, kota yang menjadi pusat kebudayaan di negara yang luas ini.
Educational opportunities in Calcutta have led many into the fields of science and law, and the arts flourish in what has become a cultural center of the subcontinent.jw2019 jw2019
Seni rupa dapat diklasifikasikan dengan beragam cara, seperti memisahkan seni murni dari seni terapan; berfokus pada kreativitas manusia; atau pada media berbeda seperti arsitektur, seni pahat, seni lukis, film, fotografi, dan seni grafis.
Visual art can be classified in diverse ways, such as separating fine arts from applied arts; inclusively focusing on human creativity; or focusing on different media such as architecture, sculpture, painting, film, photography, and graphic arts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Museum Seni Murni Nasional, dibangun antara tahun 1906 dan 1908, memiliki facade (teras depan) yang menyerupai Museum Louvre di Paris, dan panel-panel serta mosaik yang berwarna-warni yang mengingatkan akan zaman Renaissance Italia.
The National Museum of Fine Arts, built between 1906 and 1908, has a facade reminiscent of the Louvre Museum in Paris, and its colored panels and mosaics remind one of the Italian Renaissance.jw2019 jw2019
"Dia do Artista Plástico" (Hari Seniman Seni Rupa Murni di Brasil) dirayakan pada hari ulang tahunnya.
The "Dia do Artista Plástico" (Day of Fine Artists in Brazil) is celebrated on his birthday.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia mempelajari seni rupa murni di Paris dari 1990 sampai 1993.
He studied fine arts in Paris from 1990 to 1993.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia masuk Fakultas Seni Rupa Murni di Universitas Damaskus pada 1970, dan hengkang sebelum lulus pada 1973.
He enrolled at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Damascus University in 1970, and left before graduating in 1973.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia lulusan dari jurusan arsitektur Akademi Seni Rupa Murni di Warsawa dan sekarang tinggal di London.
She graduated with architecture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and now lives in London.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pada tahun 2016, potret tersebut disimpan di Museum Seni Rupa Murni Pushkin dan nilainya diperkirakan melebihi $50 juta.
In 2016, the portrait was housed at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and estimated to be worth over $50 million.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia mengambil bidang seni periklanan di jurusan Arsitektur dan Seni Rupa Murni di Universitas Santo Tomas.
He took advertising arts of the then College of Architecture and fine arts at the University of Santo Tomas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia meraih gelar sarjana dalam bidang seni rupa murni dari Universitas Harvard pada 1950, kemudian lulus dalam jurusan seni rupa klasik.
He earned a bachelor's degree in fine arts from Harvard University in 1950, then did graduate work there in classical art.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sebagai lulusan dari Waldorf, Hirschbiegel belajar melukis dan seni rupa grafis, kemudian film, di Universitas Seni Rupa Murni Hamburg.
A Waldorf graduate, Hirschbiegel studied painting and graphic arts, later film, at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Setelah singgah sebentar di Belgia, ia kembali ke Jerman dimana ia menjadi Profesor di Akademi Seni Rupa Murni Dresden.
After a short stay in Belgium, he returned to Germany where he became a Professor at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia lulus dari Universitas Seni Rupa Murni dalam bidang Seni Rupa Grafis dan aktivitias sinemanya dimulai dari 1987 dengan sebuah film yang dinamai 'For Him' (Kamera 16mm).
He graduated from Fine Arts University in Graphic Arts and His Cinema activities started from 1987 with a short film named 'For Him' (16mm Camera).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia juga memiliki rencana strategis untuk memperkuat universitas guna memberi kontribusi lebih pada orang-orang yang berkecimpung di bidang bioteknologi dan ilmu kehidupan, teknologi informasi dan keamanan, ilmu lingkungan dan prakteknya, seni murni dan humaniora, serta bisnis dan kebijakan publik.
His strategic plan aimed to leverage the University's strengths to benefit society in the areas of biotechnology and life sciences, information and security technology, environmental science and practices, the fine arts and humanities, and business and public policy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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