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Catholic Reaction Force

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Irish National Liberation Army

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People's Liberation Army

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People's Republican Army

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Pada titik ini, Tentara Rakyat telah menjadi "identik dengan rakyat, negara, dan partai."
By this point, the People's Army had also become "synonymous with the people, the state, and the party".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Karenanya, Tentara Rakyat Baru diketahui memiliki senapan serbu Tipe 56 dalam jumlah yang tidak diketahui.
Due to this, the NPA have an unknown number of Type 56 assault rifles.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ketika Perang Vietnam berakhir, pada 30 April 1975, kota ini jatuh ke tangan kekuasaan Tentara Rakyat Vietnam.
At the conclusion of the Vietnam War on 30 April 1975, the city came under the control of the Vietnamese People's Army.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Para prajurit mengatakan kami [kelompok pemberontak] Tentara Rakyat Baru untuk membenarkan pengusiran dan pembunuhan ini.
The soldiers say we are NPA to justify our displacement and murder.gv2019 gv2019
Setelah kembali ke Korea Utara, dia diangkat sebagai kepala staf Tentara Rakyat Korea (KPA).
Upon returning to North Korea, he was appointed chief of staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hidup hanya dengan Tentara Rakyat.
You're joining this mission just to collect the enemy's identification tags?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pada 1940, ia menjadi kepala staf divisi infanteri Tentara Rakyat Finlandia.
In 1940 he became chief of staff of a Finnish People's Army infantry division.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pihak kepolisian Burma mengidentifikasi tiga orang tersangka, seorang mayor dan dua kapten dari Tentara Rakyat Korea.
Burmese police identified three suspects, a Korean People's Army major and two captains.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Partai ini mengendalikan angkatan bersenjatanya, Tentara Rakyat Bulgaria.
It controlled its armed forces, the Bulgarian People's Army.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Angkatan Udara Rakyat Korea adalah cabang kedua terbesar dari Tentara Rakyat Korea dengan perkiraan 110.000 personil.
It is the second largest branch of the Korean People's Army comprising an estimated 110,000 members.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Namun, pertempuran Kaesong-Munsan berhasil dimenangkan Tentara Rakyat Korea (TPK) pada hari-hari pertama perang.
However, the battle of Kaesong-Munsan was won by the Korean People's Army (KPA) in the first days of the Korean War.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Para prajurit mengatakan kami [kelompok pemberontak] Tentara Rakyat Baru untuk membenarkan pengusiran dan pembunuhan ini.
The soldiers say we are [rebel group] New People's Army to justify our displacement and murder.gv2019 gv2019
Pegang kartu pekerja Han Utara, melihat Tentara Rakyat.
Let's see if we can collect the ID tags of the North Korean Army.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sementara militer Jerman Timur dibentuk pada 1 Maret 1956 dengan nama Tentara Rakyat Nasional (Nationale Volksarmee).
Its East German counterpart—created on 1 March 1956—took the name National People's Army (German: Nationale Volksarmee).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Di bawah kepemimpinan Kim Il-sung, Tentara Rakyat Korea menyerang dari utara pada 25 Juni 1950, memulai Perang Korea.
Under the leadership of Kim Il-sung, the Korean People's Army attacked from the north on 25 June 1950, starting the Korean War.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sementara ia menjadi ketua dewan kepresidenan, ia pun menjadi ketua dari Gerakan Non-Blok dan panglima Tentara Rakyat Yugoslavia.
While he was chairman of the presidency, he was also chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement and the commander of the Yugoslav People's Army.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Selain itu, untuk mempertahankan kendali dari pemerintah, Kim Jong-il perlu untuk mengamankan basis dukungan pada Tentara Rakyat Korea.
Additionally, in order to keep control of the government Kim Jong-il would need to secure his support base within the Korean People's Army.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Resimen Tank ke-107, dilengkapi tank T-34, mengalahkan Satuan Tugas Smith selama periode awal gerak maju Tentara Rakyat Korea.
The 107th Tank Regiment, equipped with T-34 tanks, defeated Task Force Smith during the initial advances of the Korean People's Army.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Catatan pasukan perbatasan Jerman Timur disimpan di arsip Bundeswehr, karena pasukan perbatasan tersebut adalah bagian dari Tentara Rakyat Nasional Jerman Timur.
The East German Border Troop records are kept at the Bundeswehr archive, as the border troops were part of the East German National People Army.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bendera Tentara Rakyat Vietnam merupakan bendera Vietnam yang diimbuhi slogan Quyết thắng ('bertekad untuk menang') berwarna kuning di sisi kiri atasnya.
The military flag of the PAVN is the flag of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, with the words Quyết thắng (Determination to win) added in yellow at the top left.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sehari setelah pelantikannya, Duterte meminta Tentara Rakyat Baru , sayap bersenjata Partai Komunis Filipina , untuk "melucuti senjata dan menahan" raja obat bius.
A day after his inauguration, Duterte requested for the New People's Army, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to "disarm and arrest" drug lords.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kyrus memiliki 10,400 hoplites Yunani (tentara rakyat bersenjata berat), 2,500 peltastes (infanteri ringan) dan tentara Asia sekitar 10.000 bawah komando Ariaeus.
Cyrus had 10,400 Greek hoplites (heavy-armed citizen-soldiers), 2,500 peltasts (light infantry) and an Asiatic army of approximately 10,000 under the command of Ariaeus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kalangan militer mencurigai saya sebagai anggota kelompok pemberontak yang disebut Tentara Rakyat Baru (NPA) dan saya sering dipukuli hingga babak belur.
The military suspected me of belonging to the rebel group called the New People’s Army (NPA) and often beat me up badly.jw2019 jw2019
1973 - Operasi Barrel Roll, sebuah kampanye pengeboman rahasia AS di Laos untuk menghentikan infiltrasi Tentara Rakyat Vietnam dari Vietnam Selatan, berakhir.
1973 – Operation Barrel Roll, a covert American bombing campaign in Laos to stop communist infiltration of South Vietnam, ends.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Setelah tentara Sekutu mendarat di Sumatera, banyak tentara Inggris dari kesatuan tentara Muslim India membelot dan bergabung dengan tentara rakyat setempat.
After the Allies landed in Sumatra, many of the Muslim Indian soldiers brought by the English deserted and joined the native revolutionaries.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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