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Berita kilat, Elena.
News flash, Elena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Di Channel NewsAsia, jam tayang utama setiap harinya berakhir pada jam 23:01, semenit setelah program berita kilat.
On Channel NewsAsia, prime time ends at 23:01, immediately after the news headlines, seven days a week.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perch Perkins disini dengan lampu kilatan berita luar biasa.
Perch Perkins here with an incredible news flash.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Berita Kristen ini tersebar secepat kilat ketika orang-orang Yahudi yang baru percaya itu kembali ke negeri-negeri mereka.—Kisah 2:5-21.
The Christian message spread like wildfire as these new Jewish believers returned to their homelands. —Acts 2:5-21.jw2019 jw2019
Untuk mengetahuinya, para ilmuwan di Antwerp, Belgia, merekam dengan video berkecepatan tinggi aksi lidah bunglon yang secepat kilat itu, lapor kantor berita sains Jerman, Bild der Wissenschaft-Online.
To find out, scientists in Antwerp, Belgium, made high-speed video recordings of the chameleon’s lightning-fast tongue in action, reports the German science news service Bild der Wissenschaft-Online.jw2019 jw2019
Berita itu terdengar oleh anak-anak di halaman, dan secepat kilat mereka semua kembali ke ruang kelas.
The word spreads on the playground, and in a flash, all the children are back in the classroom.jw2019 jw2019
Pemberitaan rasul Petrus kepada mereka pada hari itu membuka jalan bagi penyebaran Kekristenan secara kilat. —Kis 2:9-11.
The apostle Peter’s preaching to them that day opened the way for a rapid spread of Christianity. —Ac 2:9-11.jw2019 jw2019
Tak pelak lagi, berita tentang hal ini menyebar secepat kilat, dan tidak lama kemudian ”kumpulan besar orang menghampirinya, membawa beserta mereka orang-orang yang timpang, cacat, buta, bisu, dan banyak yang lain, dan mereka hampir-hampir melemparkan orang-orang tersebut ke kakinya, dan ia menyembuhkan mereka semua”.
Inevitably, word of this spread like wildfire, and soon “great crowds approached him, having along with them people that were lame, maimed, blind, dumb, and many otherwise, and they fairly threw them at his feet, and he cured them.”jw2019 jw2019
Bahkan, kursus kilat dalam sejumlah bahasa sedang diadakan agar kabar baik dapat diberitakan kepada orang-orang lain lagi seraya ladang sudah ”putih dan siap untuk dipanen”.—Yohanes 4:35.
In fact, accelerated courses in a number of languages are being conducted so that the good news may be preached to still others while the field is “white for harvesting.”—John 4:35.jw2019 jw2019
(Lukas 10:1, 8, 9) Sewaktu murid-murid itu pulang dan melaporkan kepada Yesus keberhasilan mereka dalam pemberitaan Kerajaan, ia berkata, ”Aku mulai melihat Setan sudah jatuh seperti kilat dari langit.” —Lukas 10:17, 18.
(Luke 10:1, 8, 9) When these disciples returned and reported to Jesus the success they had had in the Kingdom-preaching work, he responded: “I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven.” —Luke 10:17, 18.jw2019 jw2019
Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa di Italia pada waktu itu sangat sedikit jumlahnya; akan tetapi, upaya mereka untuk menyebarkan berita Kerajaan diperkuat pada tahun 1932 sewaktu 20 Saksi-Saksi dari Swiss melintas masuk ke Italia dan secepat kilat menyebarkan 300.000 buku kecil The Kingdom, the Hope of the World.
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Italy at that time were very few in number; however, their efforts to spread the Kingdom message were reinforced in 1932 when 20 Witnesses from Switzerland crossed into Italy and carried out a lightning distribution of 300,000 copies of the booklet The Kingdom, the Hope of the World.jw2019 jw2019
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