hasil penelitian oor Engels

hasil penelitian

Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


Beberapa hasil penelitian itu dipakai dalam revisi ini.
Some of the findings of this research were incorporated into this present revision.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Hasil penelitian kami memperlihatkan apa yang telah lama diyakini oleh banyak petani yang baik dan penuh perhatian,” jelasnya.
“What our study shows is what many good, caring farmers have long since believed,” she explains.jw2019 jw2019
Kata-kata ini menyimpulkan hasil penelitian Profesor Alister Hardy dalam The Spiritual Nature of Man.
This summed up the research that Professor Alister Hardy presented in The Spiritual Nature of Man.jw2019 jw2019
Kita belum tahu apakah stasiun angkasa luar itu dapat menghasilkan penelitian yang sebanding dengan biayanya yang besar. —RED.
Whether or not the space station produces research that will justify its huge cost remains to be seen.—ED.jw2019 jw2019
Majalah-majalah berkala seperti Ripperana, Ripperologist dan Ripper Notes memublikasikan hasil penelitian tersebut.
The periodicals Ripperana, Ripperologist, and Ripper Notes publish their research.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hasil penelitian terkini masih kurang meyakinkan, namun mendukung deteksi marginal dari Hipparcos.
Recent results remain inconclusive, but do support the marginal Hipparcos detection of a binary companion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Terdapat protes besar dari pilot dan meteorologis yang menyatakan bahwa hasil penelitian tersebut telah dimanipulasi.
There were large protests from meteorologists and pilots who stated that the surveys were manipulated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hasil penelitian arkeologi menunjukkan bahwa pengorbanan jantung sudah dilakukan paling tidak semenjak zaman Klasik.
Archaeological investigations indicate that heart sacrifice was practised as early as the Classic period.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mereka sangat takut mengenai hasil penelitianmu.
They're so afraid of the result of your research.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hal serupa berlaku di masyarakat, seperti hasil penelitian Dean Simonton.
The same holds true for societies, as Dean Simonton’s research shows.Literature Literature
Fokus jurnal ini adalah bioteknologi, termasuk hasil penelitian dan sektor bisnis komersial dari bioteknologi.
The focus of the journal is biotechnology including research results and the commercial business sector of this field.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Setelah Perang Dunia II, berbagai hasil penelitian diterbitkan mengenai perilaku seks manusia.
After World War II, studies were published regarding human sexual behavior.jw2019 jw2019
Beberapa peneliti menolak hasil penelitian Galileo dan belakangan para pemimpin agama Katolik menjelek-jelekkan Galileo dalam khotbah mereka.
Some scientists found his arguments to be provocative, and soon clergymen were discrediting Galileo from their pulpits.jw2019 jw2019
Kedua belah pihak telah melakukan kajian peta kuno, namun kedua negara menemukan hasil penelitian berbeda.
Both sides have conducted studies of antiquarian maps, but the two countries have produced divergent research results.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hasil penelitian stratigrafi menunjukkan bahwa danau ini telah mengering paling tidak 100 kali semenjak pembentukannya (18.000-14.000 SM).
Stratigraphy shows that the lake bed has totally dried up at least 100 times since its formation (18,000–14,000 BC).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hasil penelitian dan percobaan ulang yang paling valid dilakukan oleh Sir Charles Algemon Parsons.
The most definitive replication attempts were performed by Sir Charles Algernon Parsons.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tapi, karena ia begitu ingin menceritakan apa yang ia lihat lewat teleskop, Galileo pun memperkenalkan hasil penelitiannya.
Unable to restrain his enthusiasm for what he saw through his telescope, he eventually went public with his discoveries.jw2019 jw2019
Hasil penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa PrEP aman untuk sebagian besar pasien, walaupun kadang ada efek samping.
Research has shown that PrEP is generally safe and well tolerated for most patients, although some side effects have been noted to occur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Imunisasi untuk cacar air dimulai dengan hasil penelitian Dr.
Immunization for smallpox began with the work of Dr.jw2019 jw2019
Pada tahun 1846, ia siap menerbitkan hasil penelitiannya yang pertama.
By 1846 he was ready to publish the initial results of his research.jw2019 jw2019
Hasil penelitian tetap konsisten selama 30 tahun di bawah rata-rata nasional tapi di atas tingkat bencana. "
" Examination results have been consistent for 30 years,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kau takut takkan menemukan hasil penelitianmu.
You're afraid you're not gonna get all your research done.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hasil penelitian ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa Tyrannosaurus mungkin telah mengakibatkan kepunahan Tyrannosauridae lainnya di Amerika Utara akibat persaingan.
The study further indicates the possibility that Tyrannosaurus may have driven other tyrannosaurids that were native to North America extinct through competition.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dadaji, Government Surveyor telah mencatat hasil penelitiannya...
Dada ji, the Government Surveyor has recorded his observations.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hasil penelitian ini lalu diterbitkan di jurnal Genome Research pada tahun 2009.
Their results were published in the journal Genome Research in 2009.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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