lemari laci oor Engels

lemari laci

Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels

chest of drawers

Malam sebelumnya, saya teledor meletakkan beberapa laporan dan alamat saudara di bawah sebuah lemari berlaci-laci.
The evening before, I carelessly put some reports and addresses of the brothers under a chest of drawers.

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Sejak aku menemukan ini di balik lemari lacimu.
Ever since I found this taped behind your dresser drawer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ujung lemari, laci kedua, kotak kayu kecil.
End cabinet, second drawer, small wooden box.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Malam sebelumnya, saya teledor meletakkan beberapa laporan dan alamat saudara di bawah sebuah lemari berlaci-laci.
The evening before, I carelessly put some reports and addresses of the brothers under a chest of drawers.jw2019 jw2019
Tapi sayangnya itu ibunya yang datang kembali ke ruangan pertama, sementara Grete telah lengannya memeluk lemari laci di kamar sebelah dan goyang itu bolak- balik dengan dirinya sendiri, tanpa bergerak dari posisinya.
But unfortunately it was his mother who came back into the room first, while Grete had her arms wrapped around the chest of drawers in the next room and was rocking it back and forth by herself, without moving it from its position.QED QED
▪ Dapur: Kosongkan rak, lemari, dan laci, dan bersihkan dengan saksama.
❏ Kitchen: Empty and thoroughly clean shelves, cupboards, and drawers.jw2019 jw2019
Sementara Gregor segera melontarkan semua hal ini, hampir tidak menyadari apa yang dia katakan, dia pindah dekat dengan lemari laci tanpa usaha, mungkin sebagai akibat dari praktek dia sudah di tempat tidur, dan sekarang ia mencoba mengangkat dirinya di atasnya.
While Gregor was quickly blurting all this out, hardly aware of what he was saying, he had moved close to the chest of drawers without effort, probably as a result of the practice he had already had in bed, and now he was trying to raise himself up on it.QED QED
Ya, di dalam sesaknya lemari dan laci serta rak dari setiap dapur tersimpan banyak pelajaran berharga —yang muncul seraya hidangan berikutnya dipersiapkan.
Yes, in the crowded cupboards and drawers and on the shelves of every kitchen lie many valuable lessons—ready to come to life with the preparation of the next meal.jw2019 jw2019
Dia tidak ingin memiliki apa pun di lemarinya yang merupakan godaan, jadi dia memeriksa lemari dan lacinya dan membuang apa pun yang tidak sopan.
She didn’t want to have anything in her wardrobe that was a temptation, so she went through her closet and drawers and got rid of anything that wasn’t modest.LDS LDS
dan kau disini sekarang? meletakkan celana dalammu kedalam laci lemariku.
And yet, here you are, putting your boxer shorts in my chiffonier.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
☞ Jangan membungkuk di laci-laci lemari arsip selama waktu yang lama, tetapi sedapatnya duduklah di kursi.
☞ Don’t bend over file- cabinet drawers for any extended period, but sit on a chair when you can.jw2019 jw2019
Saat kau di kamarku... Apa kau membuka laci lemari pakaianku?
When you were in my room, did you happen to open the top drawer of my bureau?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Piring di lemari, garpu di laci siapa tahu kau juga mau.
Plates in the cabinet, forks in the drawer... if you want some.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ada 2-3 lampu LED di laci lemariku...
There are 2-3 red lights in the drawer in my cupboard...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Saya rasa tidak mudah bagi seorang pria untuk mengembalikan barang-barang itu ke laci-laci lemari dapur.
I suppose it's not so easy for a man to return things to kitchen drawers.Literature Literature
Setelah sekitar seperempat jam sudah berlalu, ibunya mengatakan akan lebih baik jika mereka meninggalkan laci tempat itu, karena, di tempat pertama, itu terlalu berat: mereka tidak akan selesai sebelum kedatangan ayahnya, dan meninggalkan lemari laci di tengah ruangan akan memblokir semua jalur Gregor, tapi, di tempat kedua, mereka tidak bisa yakin bahwa Gregor akan senang dengan penghapusan furnitur.
After about a quarter of an hour had already gone by, his mother said it would be better if they left the chest of drawers where it was, because, in the first place, it was too heavy: they would not be finished before his father's arrival, and leaving the chest of drawers in the middle of the room would block all Gregor's pathways, but, in the second place, they could not be certain that Gregor would be pleased with the removal of the furniture.QED QED
• Peralatan rumah tangga yang berbahaya: Pisau, gunting, dan peralatan yang berbahaya hendaknya disimpan dalam lemari atau laci yang dapat dikunci atau dikaitkan, atau simpanlah di tempat yang jauh dari jangkauan anak.
• Dangerous household utensils: Knives, scissors, and dangerous appliances should be kept in cupboards or drawers with locks or catches or stored out of the child’s reach.jw2019 jw2019
✔ Laci-laci dan lemari.
Drawers and cupboards.jw2019 jw2019
Oh. ada di laci atas lemari.
Top drawer in the dresser.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Di laci atas, lemari sebelah kiri kasur.
In the top drawer of my dresser, the left hand side...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kami tak membuka laci atau lemari apapun.
We didn't open any drawers or closets.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lemari ini disebut baizigui, atau ”lemari seratus anak”, karena mungkin ada seratus buah laci atau lebih di dalam lemari jamu jenis ini.
It has been called baizigui, or “cabinet of one hundred children,” because there may be a hundred or more drawers in this type of herbal cabinet.jw2019 jw2019
Tapi ia tahu, ibunya menyimpan sedikit uang di laci, di dalam lemari pakaian.
But he also knew that his mother saved a little bit of cash inside her clothes closet.Literature Literature
Remote ada di lemari, dan peralatannya ada di laci.
The remote's on the dresser, and the materials are in the drawer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Di laci kanan atas lemari rias.
Top right drawer on the vanity.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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