long oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


No. 3, didn't take you long to betray me.
No. 3, didn't take you long to betray me.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Long Island Sound
Long Island Sound
Long Beach
Long Beach
Very-long-baseline interferometry
very-long-baseline interferometry
Long Island
Long Island


Advanced filtering
Jin Liang, nama Long Men ini berasal dari ukiran dua batu prasasti.
Jinliang, this place is named Dragon Gate after the inscription on two stelesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pesawat ruang angkasa Shenzhou yang membawa tiga awak diluncurkan 25 September 2008, oleh roket Long March 2F (CZ-2F) yang lepas landas dari Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center di 21:10 CST.
The Shenzhou spacecraft carrying the three crew members was launched 25 September 2008, by a Long March 2F (CZ-2F) rocket which lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 21:10 CST.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pekan multikebaktian di Long Beach disusul oleh kebaktian lain berbahasa Spanyol—kali ini di Houston, Texas.
The multiconvention weekend at Long Beach was followed by another Spanish convention—this one in Houston, Texas.jw2019 jw2019
Dia bekerja sebagai buruh tani di Vermont; sebagai pelayan di Albany, New York; di sebuah hotel di New York City; kemudian sebagai pelayan di Long Island.
He worked as a farm laborer in Vermont; as a waiter in Albany, New York; at a hotel in New York City; then as a servant on Long Island.LDS LDS
Akhirnya, seri ini lebih banyak masuk ke sirkuit jalanan, yang digunakan bersama Indy Racing League, di kota seperti St. Petersburg, Florida dan Long Beach, Kalifornia.
In its later years, the series visited more temporary street courses, many in conjunction with the Indy Racing League, at cities such as St. Petersburg, Florida and Long Beach, California.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fosil tersebut berada dalam posisi bertengger yang sama seperti fosil troodontidae lainnya yaitu Mei long dengan paruh berada di bawah tangan kirinya.
The holotype is preserved in much the same roosting position as another troodontid fossil, that of Mei long, with its snout tucked under its left hand.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Singkatan C1W: C = Platform Cruiser 1 = inti generasi pertama dirancang oleh kontraktor W = Westinghouse adalah desainer kontrak Jenis instalasi propulsi nuklir digunakan secara eksklusif dari kelas penjelajah rudal dipandu Long Beach, kapal penjelajah bertenaga nuklir pertama di dunia.
The C1W designation stands for: C = Cruiser platform 1 = First generation core designed by the contractor W = Westinghouse was the contracted designer This type of nuclear propulsion plant was used exclusively on the Long Beach-class guided missile cruiser, the world's first nuclear-powered cruiser.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Viva La Vida (bahasa Inggris: Long Live Life) adalah singel kedua yang dirilis oleh band rock alternatif Coldplay pada tahun 2008 di album mereka "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends".
"42" is one of the tracks on Coldplay's 2008 album Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Akan tetapi, kami membawa pulang banyak kenangan —puncak-puncak pulau yang bergelombang, jung yang berlayar dan, khususnya, Teluk Ha Long, yang merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak keindahan Vietnam.
However, we did have many images to carry away with us—rugged island peaks, sailing junks and, especially, Ha Long Bay, which is but one example of the beauty of Vietnam.jw2019 jw2019
Berbagai perkiraan motif bermunculan, termasuk bahwa kakak beradik tersebut telah dikhianati Minh saat melarikan diri dari Istana Gia Long, dan bahwa kakak beradik tersebut dibunuh untuk menghindari kembalinya politik.
They postulated various motives, including that the brothers had embarrassed Minh by fleeing the Gia Long Palace, and that the brothers were killed to prevent a later political comeback.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Waktu menurut Waktu Indonesia Barat (UTC+7) Shi Yuqi (CHN) (32 besar) Kento Momota (JPN) (16 besar) Son Wan-ho (KOR) (Perempatfinal) Chou Tien-chen (TPE) (Final) Chen Long (CHN) (Perempatfinal) Srikanth Kidambi (IND) (32 besar) Ng Ka Long (HKG) (Perempatfinal) Kenta Nishimoto (JPN) (Semifinal) Jadwal
All times are Indonesian Western Standard Time (UTC+07:00) Shi Yuqi (CHN) (Round of 32) Kento Momota (JPN) (Round of 16) Son Wan-ho (KOR) (Quarterfinals) Chou Tien-chen (TPE) (Final) Chen Long (CHN) (Quarterfinals) Srikanth Kidambi (IND) (Round of 32) Ng Ka Long (HKG) (Quarterfinals) Kenta Nishimoto (JPN) (Semifinals) ScheduleWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Long March 4B menawarkan tahap ketiga yang lebih kuat, dan fairing payload yang lebih besar.
The Long March 4B offers a more powerful third stage, and a larger payload fairing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sepanjang dekade 1920-an, Kota Los Angeles mulai membeli tanah dari petani di Lembah Owens satu demi satu, hingga sampai ke utara di Mono County, termasuk Long Valley.
As the decade went on, the City of Los Angeles bought out one Owens Valley farmer after another, and extended its reach northward into Mono County, including Long Valley.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aku sudah di sini, Di Long Beach.
I'm already here in Long Beach.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Edward Long, seorang pemilik perkebunan yang bermaksud menulis History of Jamaica (Sejarah Jamaika), mengatakan, ”Bila kita merenungkan ciri-ciri dari orang-orang ini, dan ketidaksamaan mereka dengan selebihnya dari umat manusia, tidakkah kita harus menyimpulkan bahwa mereka dari spesies yang berbeda?”
Edward Long, a planter who was to write History of Jamaica, observed: “When we reflect on the nature of these men, and their dissimilarity to the rest of mankind, must we not conclude that they are of a different species?”jw2019 jw2019
Ia menjelaskan bahwa produk-produk teleponnya mahal karena penelitian dan pengembangannya sangat intensif: We don't take so long and make the way we make for fiscal reasons ...
He explained that the phones are comparatively expensive due to the intensive effort that is used to make them: We don't take so long and make the way we make for fiscal reasons ...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jono 3:16 “manmeri i save bilip long en” akuna “long en” akumunge pulumu nambolkanje?
Jono 3:16 “manmeri isave bilip long en” akune “long en” akumunge pulumu nambolkanje?Literature Literature
You'll need something long-sleeved or you'll cut up your arms.
You'll need something long-sleeved or you'll cut up your arms.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Garis ini mengikuti Zoom ke arah sini, dari Long Beach.
The center of the dimensional probing is following Zoom here, from Long Beach.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nokia Lumia 920, seperti pendahulunya, mendukung jaringan 4G berteknologi LTE (Long Term Evolution).
The Nokia Lumia 920, like its predecessor, supports 4G LTE technology.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bekerja dengan hingga 1.000 awak anggota, tim produksi mengawasi stunts dan urutan mengejar banyak, yang paling terkenal yang berlangsung di Los Angeles - Long Beach Terminal Island Freeway, sebelum Terminator 2 ' s klimaks.
Working with up to 1,000 crew members, the production team oversaw numerous stunts and chase sequences, the most notable of which took place on the Los Angeles–Long Beach Terminal Island Freeway, prior to Terminator 2's climax.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Radar AN/APG-68 adalah radar Pulse-doppler long range (sampai 296 km) didesain oleh Westinghouse (sekarang Northrop Grumman) menggantikan radar AN/APG-66 dalam pesawat tempur F-16 Fighting Falcon.
The AN/APG-68 radar is a long range (up to 296 km) Pulse-doppler radar designed by Westinghouse (now Northrop Grumman) to replace AN/APG-66 radar in the F-16 Fighting Falcon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Not too long ago.
Not too long ago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kamu meragukan perintah Komandan Long?
Are you doubting Commander Long's order?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
BEBERAPA tahun yang lalu salah seorang Saksi Yehuwa menelepon saudara laki-lakinya di Long Island, New York.
SOME years ago one of Jehovah’s Witnesses telephoned her brother in Long Island, New York.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.