nama properti oor Engels

nama properti

Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels

property name

A string value that is used to identify a named property within a given property set. Note that property names and property IDs are mutually exclusive.

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Disebut Matius atau Matheus, nama propertinya dan desa telah dianggap berubah karena bahasa dan waktu yang mengubah Massy.
Called Matius or Matheus, the name of his property then village would have been subjected to deformations due to language and the passing of time to become Massy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nama setiap tag diikuti dengan nama properti dalam tanda kurung.
The name of each tag is followed by the name of the property in
Banyak nama properti di Australia didaftarkan berada di suatu paroki dan county.
For example, property titles in Lands administrative divisions of Australia are often listed as being situated within a parish and county.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nama properti telah diubah menjadi Atlantis saat Royal Towers dibangun.
The property's name was changed to Atlantis when The Royal Towers was built.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perhatikan bahwa akhiran publik (.org, .com, dan sebagainya) adalah bagian dari nama properti, sehingga properti Domain "" tidak mencakup "" atau "".
Note that the public suffix (.org, .com, and so on) is part of the property name, so the Domain property "" does not include "" or ""
Hotel dijual tahun 1985 pada Bally Entertainment Corporation dan nama properti diubah menjadi Bally's (nama MGM Grand diberikan pada bekas Marina Hotel, sekarang MGM Grand Las Vegas).
The hotel was sold in 1986 to Bally Manufacturing for $594m, and the property's name was changed to Bally's (the MGM Grand name was transferred to the former Marina Hotel, now known as MGM Grand Las Vegas).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bulan Agustus 2007, sebuah tuntutan hukum dikeluarkan terhadap ElAd Properties oleh Tamares Group, pemilik Plaza Hotel & Casino di pusat kota Las Vegas, yang nama properti baru itu melanggar merek dagang Plaza.
In August 2007, a lawsuit was filed against ElAd Properties by the Tamares Group, owners of the Plaza Hotel & Casino in downtown Las Vegas, which alleges that the new property's name infringes on the current Plaza's trademark.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dimensi utama laporan ini adalah Nama Tampilan Properti Sumber.
The primary dimension for this report is Source Property Display
Tag digunakan untuk menyimpan metadata tentang objek peta (jenis, nama, dan properti fisiknya).
They are used to store metadata about the map objects (such as their type, their name and their physical properties).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anda mungkin juga ingin meminta bantuan teman atau kerabat untuk mengurus surat-surat resmi, seperti mendapatkan surat kematian; memberi tahu lembaga pemerintah, bank, dan perusahaan kartu kredit; mengganti nama properti; mendapatkan santunan kematian; dan melunasi biaya pengobatan.
You might also want to seek the help of a friend or relative in taking care of any paperwork, such as obtaining death certificates; notifying government agencies, banks, and credit card companies; changing titles to property; obtaining death benefits; and paying medical bills.jw2019 jw2019
Nama pertama yang digunakan oleh pendatang Eropa adalah Hunterhill, dinamai setelah properti milik Thomas Muir (1765-1799), seorang reformis politik Skotlandia.
The first name used by European settlers was Hunterhill, named after a property owned by Thomas Muir of Huntershill (1765–1799), a Scottish political reformer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nama keseluruhan dari properti ini adalah keadaan kuantum elektron.
The collective name for these properties is the quantum state of the electron.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Belakangan saya tahu Kersten punya properti bernama Hartzwalde, dekat Berlin.
Later I learned that Kersten owned an estate called Hartzwalde, near Berlin.jw2019 jw2019
Jika melambaikan tangan di atas peta, nama dari lahan properti -- baik bangunan atau pemakaman -- akan muncul.
As you wave your hand across the map, the name of the piece of real estate -- the building or the cemetery -- is revealed.ted2019 ted2019
Güell memiliki rumah pedesaan di Les Corts de Sarrià yang terdiri dari dua properti bernama Can Feliu dan Can Cuyàs de la Riera.
Güell had a country residence in Les Corts de Sarrià, consisting of two adjacent properties known as Can Feliu and Can Cuyàs de la Riera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nama cookie menyertakan ID properti.
The cookie name includes the property
Dia membeli 9 properti atas namanya sendiri, kemudian dia memindahkannya ke beberapa perusahaan di Panama.
He bought nine properties under his own name, then he transferred them to some corporation in Panama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Setiap properti Analytics dapat memiliki hingga 25 properti pengguna bernama unik (peka huruf besar-kecil).
Each Analytics property can have up to 25 uniquely named (case-sensitive) user
Tapi ada properti di namanya, bisnis lama keluarga.
But there's a property in her name, old family business.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ada banyak properti dalam namanya.
There's a lot of property in his name.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ini juga satu-satunya properti atas nama ibu dan bukan ayahmu.
Plus, it's the only piece of property in my name and not your father's.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tampilkan iklan dengan detail properti, misalnya nama dan harga cantuman.
Show ads with real estate details, such as listing names and
Hotel ini adalah hotel pertama yang secara resmi menggunakan nama Disney, tetapi merupakan properti keenam milik Tokyo Disney Resort.
The hotel was the Tokyo resort's first officially Disney-branded hotel, but the sixth hotel on the Tokyo Disney Resort property.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Keadaan kuantum hanya dapat dijelaskan dengan memberikan nomor ke tiap properti; hal ini dinamakan bilangan kuantum elektron.
The quantum state can be described by giving a number to each of these properties; these are known as the electron's quantum numbers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ayesha kemudian mentransfer semua hak atas properti Navarang atas namanya dan akhirnya berhasil.
Ayesha then transfers all the rights on the property of Navarang to her name and eventually succeeds.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
80 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.