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Awal Paleolitik Bawah di Israel didefinisikan oleh penemuan arkeologi awal yang tersedia.
The beginning of the Lower Paleolithic in Israel is defined by the earliest archaeological finds available.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dengan penunjukan Direktur baru, Matthew J. Adams (2014), institut ini sekarang berkiprah di Jezreel Valley Regional Project, suatu proyek survei dan ekskavasi multi-disiplin jangka panjang yang menyelidiki sejarah aktivitas manusia di Lembah Jezreel dari zaman Paleolitik sampai periode Ottoman.
With the appointment of the new Director, Matthew J. Adams (2014), the Institute is now engaged in the Jezreel Valley Regional Project, a long-term, multi-disciplinary survey and excavation project investigating the history of human activity in the Jezreel Valley from the Paleolithic through the Ottoman period.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Teori pra sejarah musik hanya didasarkan pada temuan situs arkeologi paleolitik.
Prehistoric music can only be theorized based on findings from paleolithic archaeology sites.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Menurut Walter Burkert, kebiasaan tersebut mungkin berakar dari masa Paleolitik, selama Zaman Es, saat manusia mencari bangkai dengan mengobservasi burung-burung pebangkai.
According to a suggestion by Walter Burkert, these customs may have their roots in the Paleolithic when, during the Ice Age, early humans looked for carrion by observing scavenging birds.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Paleolitik Homo sapiens juga tinggal di sana baru-baru ini, sekitar 27.000 tahun yang lalu.
Paleolithic Homo sapiens also lived there more recently, about 27,000 years ago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Namun alat batu Oldowan yang tertua diperkirakan berasal dari 2,6 juta tahun yang lalu, yang berasal dari masa paleolitik bawah, yang ditemukan di Gona, Etiopia.
The earliest known Oldowan tools yet found date from 2.6 million years ago, during the Lower Palaeolithic period, and have been uncovered at Gona in Ethiopia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Penggunakan mika paling awal ditemukan dalam sejumlah lukisan gua dari zaman Paleolitik tua (40.000 SM sampai 10.000 SM).
The earliest use of mica has been found in cave paintings created during the Upper Paleolithic period (40,000 BC to 10,000 BC).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sejumlah kecil emas alami telah ditemukan di gua-gua Spanyol yang digunakan selama periode Paleolitik akhir, c.
Small amounts of natural gold have been found in Spanish caves used during the late Paleolithic period, c.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pernah dianggap bahwa seni dan kultur simbolis muncul permata kali di Eropa sekitar 40.000 tahun lalu, selama transisi Paleolitik Tengah-ke-Atas -- sering diistilahkan dengan 'ledakan simbolis' atau 'revolusi Paleolitik Atas'.
It was once thought that art and symbolic culture first emerged in Europe some 40,000 years ago, during the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition – often termed the 'symbolic explosion' or 'Upper Palaeolithic revolution'.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dari penggalian batang-batang penanggalan, periset telah menyimpulkan bahwa orang menghitung hari berhubungan dengan fase bulan sejak zaman Paleolitik.
From excavated tally sticks, researchers have deduced that people counted days in relation to the Moon's phases as early as the Paleolithic age.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Istilah "Paleo-Indian" berlaku khusus untuk periode Litik di belahan bumi bagian Barat dan berbeda dengan istilah "Paleolitik".
The term "Paleo-Indians" applies specifically to the lithic period in the Western Hemisphere and is distinct from the term "Paleolithic".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kemungkinan besar umban telah ditemukan selama Zaman Paleolitik Hulu saat teknologi baru pada zaman itu muncul, seperti atlatl dan busur panah.
It is possible that the sling was invented during the Upper Paleolithic at a time when new technologies such as the spear-thrower and the bow and arrow were emerging.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sebagaimana keadaan pada semua negara-negara modern di Eropa, terdapat suatu 'keterhubungan biologis' yang tinggi antara bangsa Bosniak (Muslim Bosnia) dengan pendahulu mereka di masa lalu, di mana garis keturunan Kromosom-Y Bosniak membuktikan bahwa mereka secara dominan adalah keturunan bangsa Paleolitik Eropa.
As with all modern European nations, a large degree of 'biological continuity' exists between the Bosniaks and their ancient predecessors with Bosniak Y chromosomal lineages testifying to predominantly Paleolithic European ancestry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sebagaimana halnya bahwa budaya Paleolitik tidak menyebar pada seluruh bagian lapisan dan tulang jari dari 20.000 BP di Sardinia yang memberikan bukti tentang keberadaan pasti manusia Paleolitikum di sana, di mana kesimpulan paling logis (yang dicapai oleh hampir semua ahli prasejarah) yang perhatian dengan berkurangnya artefak-artefak Paleolitik, di mana situs-situs tersebut telah ada, tetapi belum ditemukan.
As it is unthinkable that Paleolithic cultures would not have spread over the entire shelf and the finger-bone of 20,000 BP from Sardinia gives certain evidence of Palaeolithic human presence there, the most logical conclusion (reached by the nearly all the prehistorians) concerning the deficit of Palaeolithic artifacts is that the sites where they would have been found have not been discovered yet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antara tahun 1972-1978, lebih dari 2000 keping alat batu ditemukan, bersama dengan alat tulang, yang memastikan status situs ini sebagai situs paleolitik.
However, from 1972 to 1978 more than 2000 pieces of stone tools were discovered, together with some bone tools, which confirmed Xiaochangliang (or Nihewan) as a paleolithic site.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Goa penampungan Breuil, ditemukan di batas utara komune di l'Escourche dekat sungai Verdon, berasal dari Paleolitik Tengah.
The Breuil shelter, discovered in northern boundary of the commune in l’Escourche near the Verdon, dates from the middle Paleolithic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fosil Neandertal yang berasal dari zaman Paleolitik Pertengahan, telah ditemukan di bagian utara Kroasia, dengan situs yang terkenal dan terbaik di Krapina.
Fossils of Neanderthals dating to the middle Palaeolithic period have been unearthed in northern Croatia, with the most famous and the best presented site in Krapina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Area Sagamihara modern telah ada sejak zaman kuno, dan telah ditemukan sejumlah peninggalan sejarah dari Zaman Paleolitik Jepang dan Zaman Kofun.
The area of modern Sagamihara has been settled since ancient times, and has a number of remains from the Japanese Paleolithic period and Kofun period have been found.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Berdasarkan penemuan alat-alat batu tersebut, definisi periode Paleolitik Jepang berbeda dengan definisi umum periode Paleolitik menurut teknologi batu (alat-alat batu serpih).
Because of this originality, the Japanese Paleolithic period in Japan does not exactly match the traditional definition of Paleolithic based on stone technology (chipped stone tools).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Namun ada "kontinuitas genetik parsial antara penduduk Paleolitik dan populasi Tibet kontemporer".
However, there is a "partial genetic continuity between the Paleolithic inhabitants and the contemporary Tibetan populations".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bagi sebagian besar Paleolitik, Korsika, Sardinia, dan semua pulau di antaranya berlanjut hingga semenanjung Italia, meskipun telah menjadi pulau di berbagai waktu sebelum dan setelah sejarah geologis.
For most of the Paleolithic, Corsica, Sardinia, and all the islands between them were physically continuous with the Italian peninsula, although they have been islands at various times both before and after in geologic history.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kemungkinan besar api digunakan oleh hominid Paleolitik Hulu (Oldowan) purba seperti Homo habilis atau australopithecine seperti Paranthropus.
Fire was possibly used by the early Lower Paleolithic (Oldowan) hominid Homo habilis or strong australopithecines such as Paranthropus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kehadiran manusia di Paleolitik Tengah dibuktikan di wilayah Montmeyan dengan goa penampungan Breuil di lembah Verdon.
The presence of man in the Middle Paleolithic is attested in the territory of Montmeyan with the site of Breuil shelter in the valley of Verdon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hubungan antara kesadaran yang muncul secara bertahap dan bahasa canggih, di mana untuk merumuskan representasi, kesadaran dan bahasa tersebut dikombinasikan dengan keinginan untuk menjaga keseimbangan biologis, dan membuat agar keseimbangan memetika untuk mengisi kesenjangan konseptual untuk memahami tiga aspek yang sangat penting dalam zaman paleolitik akhir: kausalitas, moralitas, dan kematian.
The relationship between a gradually emerging conscious awareness and sophisticated languages in which to formulate representations combined with the desire to maintain biological equilibrium, generated the necessity for equilibrium to fill in conceptual gaps in terms of understanding three very important aspects in the Upper Paleolithic: causality, morality, and mortality.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Oleh karena itu bisa dimengerti bila penemuan artefak-artefak pada masa paleolitik dan mesolitik ini banyak ditemukan di daerah pegunungan, seperti di lereng Gunung Kawi, Arjuno, Welirang, Tengger, Semeru dan Pegunungan Kapur Selatan.
Therefore, it is understandable that the discovery of artifacts in the paleolithic and mesolithic period is found in mountainous areas, such as on the slopes of Mount Kawi, Arjuno-Welirang, Tengger, Semeru and the Southern Karst Mountains.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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