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Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


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Astaga, Dia sungguh terlalu cemas.
Man, he is such a worrier.

Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

cemas hati
afraid · worry
rasa cemas
Gangguan kecemasan
anxiety disorder
terlalu cemas
alarm · annoy · appal · appall · bother · bowl over · brood · care · chafe · devil · discomfit · discompose · disconcert · dismay · disturb · dwell · fear · get at · get to · gravel · horrify · irritate · knock over · mind · nark · nettle · overturn · panic · rag · rile · swage · tip over · trouble · untune · upset · vex · worry
affright · alarm · angst · anguished · anxious · apprehensive · consternation · dismay · disquieted · distressed · disturbed · frightened · panic · panic-stricken · panic-struck · panicked · panicky · paranoic type schizophrenia · paranoid schizophrenia · paraphrenia · paraphrenic schizophrenia · tense · terrified · terror · to worry · upset · worried
Bangnis · affright · alarm · alarum · alert · anxiety · anxiousness · apprehension · apprehensiveness · care · concern · consternation · dismay · disquiet · disquietude · distress · dread · edginess · emergency · exigency · fear · forced · headache · inquietude · panic · panic attack · pinch · scare · terror · uneasiness · vexation · warning signal · worry


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Sebaliknya, mereka menyarankan agar si penderita ”menunggangi” kecemasan itu sampai berlalu.
Rather, they advise the sufferer to ‘ride out’ the anxiety until it passes.jw2019 jw2019
Semua orang punya kecemasan berlebihan.
Everybody was having nervous breakdowns.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sekarang, Louy mulai cemas memikirkan bagaimana ia bisa membantu semua orang ini hadir di Peringatan.
Now Louy became worried as to how she could help all these people attend the Memorial.jw2019 jw2019
Ada sejumlah kata Ibrani yang mengandung makna khawatir atau cemas.
A number of Hebrew words convey the sense of anxiety or worry.jw2019 jw2019
Jujur, aku merasa terbebani, aku cemas mungkin kau punya perasaan lain padaku.
Honestly, I felt a bit burdened, worrying that you had a special feeling towards me.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kecemasan rohani saya terus bertambah sewaktu malam semakin larut.
My spiritual anxiety continued to grow as the evening wore on.LDS LDS
Jangan membuatku cemas.
Don't let me worry.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gejala-gejala awal berhenti merokok mungkin termasuk kecemasan, gampang marah, pusing, sakit kepala, susah tidur, sakit perut, lapar, keinginan yang kuat untuk merokok lagi, sulit berkonsentrasi, dan gemetaran.
The withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, irritability, dizziness, headaches, sleeplessness, stomach upsets, hunger, cravings, poor concentration, and tremors.jw2019 jw2019
Kecemasannya atas kesejahteraan rakyat jelata sangat menarik.
Her concern with the well-being of the common people is interesting.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Kau cemas karena Akashi Kagechika?"""
"""Are you worried about Akashi Kagechika?"""Literature Literature
Yesus memperingatkan, ”Jagalah dirimu, supaya hatimu jangan sarat oleh pesta pora dan kemabukan serta kepentingan-kepentingan duniawi [termasuk kecemasan ekonomi] dan supaya hari [penghakiman Yehuwa] jangan dengan tiba-tiba jatuh ke atas dirimu.”—Lukas 21:34.
Jesus warned: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life [including economic anxieties], and suddenly that day [of Jehovah’s judgment] be instantly upon you.” —Luke 21:34.jw2019 jw2019
Kalau begitu cemaskan soal itu.
Then worry about that.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kau mencemaskan dirimu sendiri, Tikus Kurus!
You worry about yourself, skinny rat!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sylvester sering cemas, OCD, dan ketakutan lainnya daripada kau memukulnya.
Sylvester's anxiety, OCD, and more phobias than you shake a stick at.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(Mazmur 55:23) Dengan menyerahkan semua beban saudara—kecemasan, kekhawatiran, kekecewaan, rasa takut dan lain sebagainya—kepada Allah, dengan penuh iman kepada-Nya, kita menerima ketenangan hati, ”damai sejahtera Allah yang melampaui segala akal”.—Filipi 4:4, 7; Mazmur 68:20; Markus 11:24; 1 Petrus 5:7.
(Psalm 55:22) By throwing all our burdens —anxieties, worries, disappointments, fears, and so forth— upon God, with full faith in him, we receive a calmness of heart, “the peace of God that excels all thought.” —Philippians 4:4, 7; Psalm 68:19; Mark 11:24; 1 Peter 5:7.jw2019 jw2019
Sejumlah keadaan psikologis juga meningkatkan risiko bunuh diri, meliputi: keputusasaan, hilangnya kesenangan dalam hidup, depresi dan kecemasan.
A number of psychological states increase the risk of suicide including: hopelessness, loss of pleasure in life, depression and anxiousness.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Saya pikir itu konyol, tetapi sewaktu saya melakukan seperti yang Elder Cutler minta dan membaca di ayat 1: “Dan sekarang, putraku [Joaquin], aku merasa ada sedikit lagi yang mencemaskan pikiranmu, yang tidak dapat kamu pahami.”
I thought it was silly, but I did as Elder Cutler asked and read in verse 1: “And now, my son [Joaquin], I perceive there is somewhat more which doth worry your mind, which ye cannot understand.”LDS LDS
▪ Pengobatan: Jika seorang penderita susah tidur atau menderita kecemasan, ketegangan, atau depresi, dokter mungkin menyarankan obat penenang atau obat antidepresi untuk meringankan gejala-gejala ini.
▪ Medication: If a sufferer has difficulty sleeping or suffers anxiety, tension, or depression, a doctor may prescribe sedatives or antidepressants to ease these symptoms.jw2019 jw2019
Kecemasan saya terhadap masalah ini menjadi besar, dan saya mulai merasakan suatu perasaan tidak berdaya dan kerentanan dalam melindungi anak-anak saya.
My anxiety over this issue grew, and I began to feel a sense of helplessness and vulnerability in protecting my children.LDS LDS
Jadi jangan cemaskan mereka.
So don't you worry about them.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(Mazmur 25:17) Ya, Daud berharap kepada Allah untuk melepaskan kecemasannya.
(Psalm 25:17) Yes, David looked to God to relieve his anxieties.jw2019 jw2019
Clark, kau terlalu cemas:
Clark, you said so yourself:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dan dia menulis secara deskriptif apa yang ia rasakan saat cemas.
And she wrote a sort of descriptive set of what it felt like to have had this anxiety.QED QED
Aku cemas diagnosa Michelle tidak sesederhana itu.
I'm afraid Michelle's diagnosis is not that simple.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Apakah Anda memiliki masalah dan kecemasan serta kekhawatiran?
Do you have problems and concerns and worries?LDS LDS
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