singgasana oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


ornate seat
Tempat seorang penari selalu di bawah singgasana, di lantai istana.
A dancer's place is always below the throne, on the court's floor.

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Dan singgasananya didorong keluar dari lingkaran.
And his throne had been pushed out of the circle.Literature Literature
Suatu hari aku akan duduk di singgasana?
One day I will be enthroned?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
kupikir ini saatnya kita mengunjungi singgasana Luthorcorp
I think it's time to pay a visit to Villa, of Luthorcorp.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dia kemudian mengalihkan perhatian ke Persia, tempat asal Raja Besar Darius, dengan singgasananya di Babilonia, yang menakutkan Philip.
He then turned his eye on Persia where it was said the Great King Darius himself on his throne in Babylon, feared Philip.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sekarang Istana Kerajaan Siak Sri Indrapura dijadikan tempat penyimpanan benda-benda koleksi kerajaan antara lain : kursi singgasana kerajaan yang berbalut emas, duplikat mahkota Kerajaan, brankas Kerajaan, payung Kerajaan, tombak Kerajaan, komet sebagai barang langka dan menurut cerita hanya ada dua di dunia, serta barang-barang lain-lainnya.
Now the Royal Palace of Siak Sri Indrapura is used as the storage of royal collection items such as: the seat of the golden throne of the kingdom, the crown duplicate of the Kingdom, the Kingdom safes, the Royal umbrella, the Royal spear, the comet as a rare item and according to the story there are only two in the world, and other goods.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tempat seorang penari selalu di bawah singgasana, di lantai istana.
A dancer's place is always below the throne, on the court's floor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"Sesungguhnya aku menjumpai seorang wanita yang memerintah mereka dan dia dianugerahi segala sesuatu serta mempunyai singgasana yang besar.
I found a woman ruling them, and she has been given of all things, and she has a great throne.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ketika ia sekarat, Ayahku memberitahuku hanya dengan darah aku akan datang dengan singgasana.
On his death bed, my father told me that only by blood did I come by the throne.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" Tempat-ku di Singgasana ".
My place is on the throne.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dia masuk dalam barisan tentara dan mengizinkan salah seorang temannya yang dapat dipercaya untuk duduk di singgasananya.
He slipped into the ranks of the army and let one of his trusted associates occupy the throne.LDS LDS
Aku ingin kau berlari dan belikan aku singgasana, dan sebuah tongkat dan sebuah mahkota, karena aku adalah raja!
I want you to run out and buy me a throne, and a scepter and a crown, because I am the king!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sudah saatnya- - saatnya untukmu- - untuk kembali ke singgasanamu dan menjilat luka-lukamu.
[ Gasping ] It's time... time for you to blink your tired ass back to your throne and lick your wounds.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ia memusatkan seluruh perhatiannya kepada pria yang duduk di singgasana, yang menentukan hidup matinya.
She trained all her attention on the man seated upon the throne, the man who held her life in his hands.jw2019 jw2019
Sewaktu kata-kata tersebut sampai kepada raja kota Niniwe, ia bangkit dari singgasananya, menanggalkan jubah kebesarannya, menyelubungi dirinya dengan kain kabung, dan duduk di abu.—Yunus 3:4-6.
When the word reaches the king of Nineveh, he rises from his throne, removes his official garment, covers himself with sackcloth, and sits down in the ashes.—Jonah 3:4-6.jw2019 jw2019
Seperti semua bangunan dan struktur di Istana , Balairung Singgasana ini menghadap ke timur dan paling bagus difoto di pagi hari.
As with all buildings and structure at the Palace, the Throne Hall faces east and is best photographed in the morning.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kau memberikan singgasana kepada adikku, dan memberikan pergantian hadiah ini buat aku,
After giving the throne to my brother are you compensating me with these gifts?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pelatihan Pulcheria tentang Theodosius disertakan "... bagaimana seorang Kaisar harus berjalan, dan naik kudanya, sendirian atau dalam prosesi; bagaimana dia harus duduk di singgasananya: bagaimana memakai baju besi dan jubah Kekaisarannya; dan bagaimana berbicara dengan bermartabat.
Pulcheria's training of Theodosius included "... how an Emperor must walk, and ride his horse, alone or in procession; how he should sit upon his throne: how to wear his Imperial armor and robes; and how to speak with dignity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Setelah Pertempuran Kounaxa, Klearkhos mengirim Cheirisofos dengan sebuah delegasi ke jenderal Persia Ariaeus untuk mengajukan tawaran untuk menempatkannya di singgasana Persia, tawaran yang ditolak Ariaeus.
After the Battle of Cunaxa, Clearchus sent Cheirisophus with a delegation to the Persian general Ariaeus to make an offer of placing him on the Persian throne, an offer which Ariaeus declined.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dan sekarang dia hanyalah sebentuk rasi bintang di langit, sebaris bintik di tangan berbentuk singgasana terbalik.
And now she's just a constellation in the sky, a bunch of English freckles in the shape of a throne.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tapi dia duduk disinggasana disampingmu.
But she sits on a throne beside you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Teman tercinta kita dibuang, Loki di singgasana,
Our dearest friend banished, Loki on the throne,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tuduhan pelanggaran hak cipta juga diajukan oleh novelis Lewis Perdue dan para penulis dari buku tahun 1982 dengan judul The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail yang mengemukakan hipotesis bahwa Yesus historis menikahi Maria Magdalena, anak-anak atau keturunan mereka beremigrasi ke daerah yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Prancis selatan dan menikah dengan keluarga yang kemudian menjadi Dinasti Meroving, yang mana klaim atas singgasana Prancis sekarang diperjuangkan oleh Biarawan Sion.
Charges of copyright infringement were also leveled by the novelist Lewis Perdue and by the authors of the 1982 book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, which puts forward the hypothesis that the historical Jesus married Mary Magdalene, and that their children or their descendants emigrated to what is now southern France, and married into families that became the Merovingian dynasty, whose claim to the throne of France is championed today by the Priory of Sion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Akan mudah bagiku untuk berjalan ke dalam ruang singgasana bahkan tanpa melihat.
It would be easy to walk to the throne room without even looking up.Literature Literature
(1 Samuel 26: 8- 11) Daud tahu bahwa bukan haknya untuk menyingkirkan Saul dari singgasana.
(1 Samuel 26:8-11) David knew that it was not his place to remove Saul from the position of king.jw2019 jw2019
Aku yang menaruhnya di singgasana dan memberinya kekuasaan
It was also I... who sat him there and gave him the power.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
163 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.