timur tengah oor Engels

timur tengah

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middle east

Pergolakan di timur tengah, krisis di Eropa, demonstrasi di Arab...
The turmoil in the middle east, the crises in Europe, the Arab spring...

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Timur Tengah

Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels

Middle East

eienaam, naamwoord
region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa
Timur Tengah terkenal akan tempat-tempat bersejarah dari masa lampau, ketidakstabilan politik, dan sumber daya alam yang melimpah.
The Middle East is best known for its ancient historical sites, political instability, and abundant natural resources.


Anda membayar tol di Timur Tengah, tidak peduli apa negara ini!
You pay a toll in the Mideast, no matter what the country is!
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Near East

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the Middle East

Perusahaan kami memiliki hubungan jangka panjang dengan beberapa negara di Timur Tengah.
Our firm has longstanding relationships with several countries in the Middle East.

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Inilah satu-satunya tempat di Timur Tengah tempat umat Kristen benar-benar bebas menjalankan agama mereka.
This is the only place in the Middle East where Christians are fully free to practice their faith.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
Negara-negara lain di Afrika dan Timur Tengah hendaknya memperhatikan.
Others in Africa and the Middle East should take note.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Studi anyar [TIDAK DITERJEMAHKAN] kekeringan baru-baru ini di Timur Tengah (?)
New studies <UNTRANSLATED> current drought in the Middle East (?)Literature Literature
Falafel berkembang menjadi bentuk makanan jalanan atau makanan cepat saji umum di Timur Tengah.
Falafel grew to become a common form of street food or fast food in much of the Middle East, especially in the Levant and Egypt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ini praktek umum di Timur Tengah.
It's common practice in the Middle East.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Detasemen tentara Kongo juga bertugas di Timur Tengah dan Burma.
Detachments of Congolese soldiers also served in the Middle East and Burma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Templat:Konflik Timur Tengah
Middle East Conflict.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Belgistan – negara fiktif di Timur Tengah di anime Gasaraki.
Belgistan – a fictional Middle Eastern country in the anime Gasaraki.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jules Kaigan, Middle East International, 17 Desember 1993; Jaringan keadilan Timur Tengah, Februari—Maret 1994.
Jules Kagian, Middle East International, December 17, 1993; Middle East Justice Network, February–March 1994.Literature Literature
Jadi pertanyaannya adalah, Apakah perdamaian, bukan hanya di Timur Tengah melainkan perdamaian sedunia, akan pernah tercapai?
So the question is, Will peace, not just in the Middle East but world peace, ever be achieved?jw2019 jw2019
Kami turun dari kapal di Aleksandria, dan saya segera beradaptasi dengan gaya hidup Timur Tengah.
We disembarked in Alexandria, and I soon acclimatized to the Middle-East life-style.jw2019 jw2019
Kekaisaran Osmanli menguasai Anatolia, Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara, dan wilayah Balkan semenjak abad ke-16.
The Ottoman Empire controlled Anatolia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans from the 16th century onwards.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ia telah menulis beberapa novel, buku dan esai mengenai Islan, Timur Tengah dan dialog Kristen-Islam.
He is the author of several novels as well as books and essays on Islam, the Middle East and Christian-Muslim dialogue.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Apakah Armagedon akan dilangsungkan di Timur Tengah saja?
Will Armageddon be fought only in the Middle East?jw2019 jw2019
Concorde 002 melakukan perjalanan pada 2 Juni 1972 dengan tur ke Timur Tengah dan Timur Jauh..
Concorde 002 followed suit on 2 June 1972 with a tour of the Middle and Far East.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Umat Kristen Libanon beserta seluruh Timur Tengah bisa menyelamatkan keberadaan mereka hanya dengan menerapkan kalimat suci ini.
The Christians of Lebanon and entire Middle East can save their existence only by adopting this sacred sentence.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
Dinasti Mahameghavahana di Kalinga di India bagian timur tengah juga memisahkan diri dari pemerintahan kekaisaran setelah kematian Asoka.
The Mahameghavahana dynasty of Kalinga in central-eastern India also broke away from imperial rule after the death of Ashoka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ini adalah teknologi yang sangat mirip dengan yang digunakan oleh petani pertama di Asia dan Timur Tengah.
It's a very similar technology as that used by the first farmers in Asia and the Middle East.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pada 1889, dia berwisata ke Timur Tengah sebagai bagian dari penyembuhan dan bermukim di sana selama beberapa tahun.
In 1889, he travelled to the Middle East as part of his convalescence, and remained there for several years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mereka ingin menghancurkan Israel karena yakin Bangsa Yahudi tidak berhak berada di mana pun di Timur Tengah.
They want to destroy Israel because they believe that Jews have no right to be in the Middle East whatsoever.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
Walaupun begitu, karier Snouck tidak ditakdirkan membuatnya berfokus pada sejarah tekstual Timur Tengah.
His career, however, was not destined to keep him focussed on the textual history of the Middle E ast.Literature Literature
Konflik Arab-Israel mendominasi sejarah modern Timur Tengah.
The Arab–Israeli conflict has dominated much of the recent history of the Middle East.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Asia dan Timur Tengah dikombinasikan untuk menggunakan 24% sedangkan Amerika Latin dan Afrika memiliki penggunaan terendah yaitu 9%.
Asia and the Middle East combined to use 24% whereas Latin America and Africa had the lowest usage at 9%.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kekaisaran Sriwijaya pada abad ke-8 telah memiliki kontak dengan kekhalifahan Islam di Timur Tengah.
The Srivijaya empire back in 8th-century has established contacts with Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pergolakan di timur tengah, krisis di Eropa, demonstrasi di Arab...
The turmoil in the middle east, the crises in Europe, the Arab spring...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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