bókaskápur oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Yslands - Engels



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- Fáðu eitthvað húsgögn: sófa, hillu, bókaskápur og borð!
The white house just released a statement that the passengers of Avias # are recovering well from the effects of the substance they were exposed to onboard.They also say they will be released as soon as doctors determine their condition is stableParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
- Mjög þægileg bókhólf: Snúðu hratt bókamerkjalista, sync, bókaskápur osfrv.
Madam President, Europe needs to give itself the resources to match its ambitions.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The herbergi hefur eigin svalir, tvöfalt sófi-rúm, og lítið bókaskápur.
Tell Donald to run to Murphy' s and get half a dozen bottles of beer.And some canned salmonParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rúmföt innri hönnunar hentugur fyrir alvöru rúm, sófi, bókaskápur, stól sem gengur vel með stofunni minni!
She had these little stubby wings.She could' ve glued ' em on, you know?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
✓ Húsgögn og Tæki: Ísskápur, eldavél, örbylgjuofn, loftkæling, þvottavél, sófi, bókaskápur og allt heimili þarfnast.
Management of claimsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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