a debita distanza oor Engels

a debita distanza

Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

at arm's length

[ at arm’s length ]
at a distance
So che Alicia deve tenermi a debita distanza.
I know Alicia needs to keep me at arm's length.

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Fascino che era anche il suo scudo, lo usava per tenere il mondo a debita distanza.
Charm was also his shield, he used it to keep the world at arm’s length.Literature Literature
So che Alicia deve tenermi a debita distanza.
I know Alicia needs to keep me at arm's length.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ranald lo seguì, tenendosi a debita distanza dalla bestia mentre faceva il suo resoconto.
Ranald followed along, keeping his distance from the horse even while giving his report.Literature Literature
Quel quadro dovrebbe essere appeso in una grande stanza per essere visto solo a debita distanza.
It needs to be hung in an enormous chamber where one only need view it from a distance.Literature Literature
Nel passare, abbassavano lo sguardo, dividendosi per tenersi a debita distanza da Karl e dal Kommandant.
They lowered their eyes as they passed, parting to give Karl and the Kommandant a wide berth.Literature Literature
D’accordo, in Scozia, purché a debita distanza dal... ramo sgradevole della tua famiglia
Very well, in Scotland, as long as it’s nowhere near the . . . obnoxious side of your family.”Literature Literature
L’avrebbe avuta in terapia da solo o in gruppo, così aveva bisogno di tenerla a debita distanza.
He'd probably have her for group or solo therapy, so he'd need to keep her at a safe distance.Literature Literature
Purché si fosse tenuto a debita distanza da Jaytha, poteva restare fino al termine della settimana.
As long as he stayed away from Jaytha, he could remain until the weekend.Literature Literature
Per anni, Jack lo tenne a debita distanza dal suo segreto.
For years, Jack kept Skip far away from his secret.Literature Literature
Indicò un tavolino rotondo nell’angolo più lontano dalle finestre, a debita distanza dagli occhi curiosi in strada.
She nodded to a small round table in the far corner, well away from prying eyes out on the street.Literature Literature
Il traffico sul Wilson Boulevard a debita distanza.
The passing traffic on Wilson Boulevard was perfectly far away.Literature Literature
Di solito fanno gruppo e si tengono a debita distanza dagli altri, perché tutti li detestano.
They usually cluster well away from everybody else, because everybody else hates them.Literature Literature
Quei ragazzi erano tutti di buona famiglia, educati, rispettabili e soprattutto a debita distanza.
All of them were well-bred, well-mannered young men, well born and at a safe distance.Literature Literature
Da quel momento Gong si mantenne a debita distanza.
From then on, Gong kept his distance.Literature Literature
Quando furono a debita distanza dal club, rallentarono.
At a safe distance from the club, they slowed.Literature Literature
Ma si teneva sempre a debita distanza dalle macchine fotografiche.
But he’d always ducked away from cameras.Literature Literature
Scendendo le scale tenevi il pezzo di cartone a debita distanza e io intanto canticchiavo sottovoce per distrarmi.
Marching down the stairs, you held the strip of cardboard at arm's length and I hummed to create a distraction.Literature Literature
Percorsi qualche centinaio di metri, mantenendomi a debita distanza.
We covered a few hundred metres with a good distance between us.Literature Literature
Quindi lo seguì in silenzio e a debita distanza.
So he followed, quiet and at a distance.Literature Literature
Personalmente, mi tenevo a debita distanza dall'organizzazione.
I held myself at a proper distance from the planning.Literature Literature
Lysandra si avviò verso la porta, tenendosi insieme a Evangeline a debita distanza da Aelin.
Lysandra walked to the door, keeping herself and Evangeline a healthy distance from Aelin.Literature Literature
Almeno là puoi tornare indietro e fermarti a debita distanza, ma questo...».
At least you can get your head back and get stuck into a proper distance, but this ...’Literature Literature
Le serviva un’arma, subito, ma nel salone non c’era nulla con cui tenerlo a debita distanza.
She needed an immediate weapon, but there was nothing in the entire hall suitable to ward him off.Literature Literature
Vivevano in città densamente popolate, ma restavano a debita distanza dai loro concittadini pagani.
They lived densely populated cities but remained aloof from the pagans all around them.Literature Literature
Vicino ma sempre a debita distanza, seguiva la commessa da una vetrina all’altra.
Staying close but keeping his distance, he followed the girl from one display case to another.Literature Literature
1060 sinne gevind in 92 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.