accarezzarlo oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

Compound of accarezzare and lo.
Compound of accarezzare and lo.

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chiese lui, infilandole la mano sotto la giacca per accarezzarle il seno, mentre la baciava di nuovo.
he asked, reaching under the jacket of her habit to caress her breasts as he kissed her again.Literature Literature
Suzanne cercò di accarezzarle la testa.
Suzanne tried to pat her head.Literature Literature
Lui alzò gli occhi solo per un attimo, e allungò la mano per accarezzarla: «Sto salvando la nostra vita, mia cara.
"He looked up only for a moment, and reached out a hand to caress me: ""Saving our lives, my dear."Literature Literature
Smetto di accarezzarlo e lui muove i fianchi, uscendo lentamente da me, lasciando un vuoto enorme.
I stop caressing his back and he shifts his hips, slowly pulling out of me, leaving a massive empty void.Literature Literature
Allie gli avvicinò una mano al volto per accarezzarlo, ma lui si allontanò.
Allie put a hand out to touch his face but he moved away.Literature Literature
chiese lui, cominciando ad accarezzarle i seni, sentendo il suo tremore di desiderio e anche il proprio.
he asked, beginning to stroke her breasts, feeling her tremor of desire and his own.Literature Literature
Allora smetto di accarezzarle i capelli e lei si mette a sedere e mi guarda negli occhi.
So I stop stroking her hair and she sits up again and looks me in the eyes.Literature Literature
Ora che ha constatato quanto io sia pronto ad ubbidire, posso accarezzarla ancora?»
Now that you've seen how obedient I am to your every wish, may I touch you again?""Literature Literature
Posso accarezzarli?
Can I rub them?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
«A me Paddy piace» dissi io, ricordando che una volta avevo visto Jim Elkington accarezzarlo come un gatto.
“I like Paddy,” I said, remembering how I’d once seen Jim Elkington rub him like a cat.Literature Literature
stava cercando di accarezzarlo.
It... she was trying to pet it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Voleva riprendere la mano e accarezzarla, ma sfortunatamente quella mano accarezzava ora Tony.
She wanted to retrieve the lost hand and stroke it, but unfortunately it was now stroking Tony.Literature Literature
Lui le baciò il viso, poi continuò ad accarezzarla lentamente, finché non la sentì gemere.
He kissed her face and then slowly continued to stroke her until she was moaning.Literature Literature
Alzai una mano per accarezzarle la guancia ferita, ma mi trattenni per paura di farle male.
I raised my hand to stroke her bruised cheek, but refrained for fear of hurting her.Literature Literature
Siccome lei non c’era non mi presi il disturbo di accarezzarli.
Since she wasn’t there, I didn’t mind petting them.Literature Literature
Vorrei accarezzarla.
I'd like to pet her. Oh.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Potevo accarezzarla.
I could caress it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Grazie al cielo, aveva smesso di accarezzarla, perché in quel momento doveva essere lucida.
Thank goodness, he’d stopped caressing her, because she really needed to think straight right now.Literature Literature
Poteva passare ore a cullarla e accarezzarla, facendo l’amore con profonda dolcezza.
He would spend hours cuddling and stroking her, making love with exquisite gentleness.Literature Literature
Continuo ad accarezzarle i capelli e a preparare il viaggio nel passato.
I continue to stroke her hair and try to make that journey back into the past.Literature Literature
Una volta nudi, cominciai ad accarezzarla lentamente, e lei me.
When we were nude, I began to stroke her, slowly, and she me.Literature Literature
«Volevo solo accarezzarlo,» piagnucolò.
“I just wanted to pet it,” he whined.Literature Literature
Non passò molto tempo prima che allungasse le mani, come previsto, cominciando con l’accarezzarle i capelli e il collo.
It wasn’t long before his hands started wandering, as she had expected, just touching her hair and throat at first.Literature Literature
Dovette restare a contemplare quel corpo, ad accarezzarlo con l’unico strumento che gli dava emozioni, il suo coltello.
He remained with the body and caressed it with the only instrument that gave him a thrill, his knife.Literature Literature
Lui sollevò la mano, come se volesse accarezzarle la gola o i capelli, ma poi indietreggiò.
He raised his hand, as if to touch her throat or her hair again, but she stepped back.Literature Literature
219 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.