affascinato oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels


Fascinated by something; entranced as if by a spell
Come tutti i cinesi, sono affascinata dal mio paese.
Like all Chinese, I'm spellbound by my own country.


under the influence of enchantment
La stagnola rifletteva la luce del soggiorno in modo affascinante.
The tinfoil reflected the light of our living room in an enchanting way.


Questo produce i disegni e le forme che rendono le perline così affascinanti e attraenti.
This results in the designs and patterns that make the beads so fascinating and attractive.

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drawn · ecstatic · fascinated · in fascination · mesmerized · smitten

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Ma anche restare affascinati da cio'che circonda il sacro, anche se e'di qualcun altro.
But there's also the fascination associated with the sacred, even when it's someone else's.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
L'artista non si guarda nello specchio perché è affascinato da quel che vede.
He is not simply looking into the mirror because he is transfixed by what he sees.Literature Literature
Uno della comitiva era affascinato dai piccoli cucchiaini che facevano parte del servizio di posate e così chiese a un cameriere se poteva comprarne uno per ricordo.
One of the party was intrigued by the tiny teaspoons that were part of the silverware and so asked a waiter if he could purchase one of them as a souvenir.jw2019 jw2019
Rimase affascinato dal modo in cui sembrava a suo agio nella propria pelle.
He was captured by the way that she seemed to be so at home in her own skin.Literature Literature
Fin da ragazzo Ravilious era rimasto affascinato dal romanzo delle regioni polari.
Since boyhood, Ravilious had been entranced by the romance of the polar regions.Literature Literature
Poi fanno rotta alla volta di Urbino, affascinate dalle stradine medioevali e dall’imponente fortezza.
Then they go to Urbino and are fascinated by its medieval alleyways and impressive castle.Literature Literature
Ma von Neumann, che temeva che un’altra guerra mondiale fosse imminente, ne era affascinato.
But von Neumann, who feared that another world war was imminent, was enamored of the hydrogen bomb.Literature Literature
Sigmund fu affascinato da rapporti che fin dal 1787 parlavano dei benefici effetti della coca in campo psichiatrico.
What fascinated Sigmund even more were the reports, as early as 1787, on psychiatric patients.Literature Literature
Sono di sicuro attratto da lei, sono affascinato persino, ma è ancora da vedere se c’è alchimia tra noi.
I’m definitely attracted to her, intrigued even, but whether we have any chemistry remains to be seen.Literature Literature
Mio nonno era affascinato da quella storia e me la raccontò, facendomi conoscere allo stesso tempo la firma di Colombo.
My grandfather was fascinated with the story and told me about it, along with introducing me to Columbus's signature.Literature Literature
La nazione scivolava impercettibilmente verso la guerra, spaventata e affascinata al tempo stesso.
The nation slid imperceptibly toward war, frightened and at the same time attracted.Literature Literature
Joseph si sentiva sia affascinato che raggelato da quanto la voce di Doug gli ricordava quella di suo padre.
Joseph was both intrigued and chilled by how much Doug’s voice reminded him of his father’s.Literature Literature
1 In seguito all’ottima testimonianza data da due ragazzi cristiani, i loro genitori ricevettero una lettera che in parte diceva: “Sono rimasto affascinato dalla lunga conversazione avuta questa mattina con i vostri due figli. . . .
1 Due to the fine witness given by two Christian boys concerning their faith and convictions, the parents of these youths received a letter, which said in part: “I am still under the charm of the long conversation I had this morning with your two children. . . .jw2019 jw2019
Era la prima volta che vedevo qualcuno con i capelli rossi e rimasi affascinata dai suoi occhi verdi.
I had never seen red hair before, and now I was fascinated to see that her eyes were green.Literature Literature
Era davvero lusinghiero che lui potesse restare così affascinato da un’unica gonna di Marc Jacobs presa in liquidazione.
It was quite flattering really, that he could be so taken in by one Marc Jacob skirt, reduced.Literature Literature
«È un figlio unico, e penso che la questione della piccola lo abbia affascinato.
“He’s an only child, and I think he was fascinated by the baby.Literature Literature
Elinor guardava affascinata, come se stesse osservando qualcosa di vivo come un serpente.
Elinor watched, fascinated, as if she beheld animate things, like snakes.Literature Literature
Anand studiava il registro dell’albergo, improvvisamente affascinato dai nomi degli ospiti scritti a mano.
Anand studied his hotel register, suddenly fascinated by the hand-written entries.Literature Literature
Aveva iniziato una nuova opera, che partiva proprio dalla seconda Eroina, dal cui cuore era molto affascinato.
A new work he had begun, starting with the second Heroine, the heart of which he was the most fascinated by.Literature Literature
Sembravano così bizzarre, così esotiche che ne era rimasta affascinata.
They looked so bizarre, so literally outlandish, that she had been fascinated by them.Literature Literature
La Sicilia lo aveva colpito sin dall’inizio r per dieci anni lo aveva di continuo affascinato.
Sicily had captured his imagination from the start and for ten years had continuously fascinated him.Literature Literature
Sono affascinati e deliziati ed eccitati da ogni scoperta, e mormorano: questo cos'è e quello chi era?
They are fascinated and delighted and appalled by each discovery, murmuring, what is this?Literature Literature
Come storica ero affascinata dal rapporto che li legava.
As a historian, I was intrigued by the relationship between them.Literature Literature
Era facile da leggere e io lessi, affascinato e sordo agli impazienti richiami dei miei due strani compagni.
It was easy to read and I read, fascinated and oblivious to the impatient sounds from my two curious companions.Literature Literature
Michael Poole era affascinato e incantato come lo sarebbe stato un bambino di fronte a un animale leggendario.
Michael Poole was charmed, as enchanted as a child would be by a mythical beast.Literature Literature
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