assecondarle oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

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Compound of assecondare and le.

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Nang cercava un lavoro, e forse anche la possibilità di lasciare il Paese; Smith decise di assecondarlo.
Undoubtedly Nang was interested in a job and a ticket out of North Korea — something Smith could take advantage of.Literature Literature
Jason rideva e Irina sembrava assecondarlo.
Jason laughed at her, Irina was condescending.Literature Literature
Lo sono se continui ad assecondarle.
It is if you indulge in it all the time.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perché non dovrei assecondarli in una credenza innocua?""
Why not let them indulge in a little harmless make believe?”Literature Literature
Era chiaro che Faust ci teneva, e siccome non poteva parlare subito con Colm, Gabrielle decise di assecondarlo
Faust obviously wanted to watch, and since she couldn’t talk to Colm until later, she decided to accommodate her guard.Literature Literature
Pensai che la mia unica possibilità fosse di stare zitto e assecondarli, qualunque fossero i loro piani.
I figured my best chance was to be quiet, to go along with whatever they had planned.Literature Literature
De Mortimer decise di assecondarlo.
De Mortimer decided to play along.Literature Literature
E non sapevo perché, ma non avevo la minima voglia di assecondarla.
And I didn’t know why, but I didn’t have any inclination to give her what she wanted.Literature Literature
Capii perfettamente le sue intenzioni, e mi fu subito chiaro che sarebbe stata una follia assecondarlo.
I thoroughly gauged his disposition from his behaviour, and saw at once it would be folly to attempt humouring him.Literature Literature
Non avrei dovuto assecondarlo quando mi ha chiesto di andarmene.
I should have refused to cooperate when he told me to leave.Literature Literature
Permettere a González di ospitare la festa di benvenuto della Nicaro Nickel era ben più che assecondarlo.
It was more than humoring Gonzalez to let him host Nicaro Nickel’s welcoming party.Literature Literature
Il minimo che posso fare è assecondarlo se desidera un po' di equipaggiamento in più
The least I can do is humor him if he wants to put in more equipment.”Literature Literature
Provai ad assecondarlo, avrei fatto qualsiasi cosa per evitare che mi colpisse di nuovo.
I actually tried to comply, anything to keep him from hitting me again.Literature Literature
Ehm, cerca solo di assecondarla quando comincerà ad assillarti sul matrimonio.»
Just, uh, try to humor her when she starts pestering you about a wedding.”Literature Literature
Oddio, veramente non abbiamo detto niente del genere, ma non mi costa nulla assecondarlo.
Oh god, we said nothing of the kind, but it doesn’t cost me anything to humor him.Literature Literature
Decise di assecondarli, finché Travis e John non fossero venuti in cucina per buttarli fuori.
She decided to humor them until then, or until Travis and John came into the kitchen and tossed them out.Literature Literature
Il cambiamento può essere positivo e a volte devi solo assecondarlo».
Change can be positive and sometimes you simply need to roll with it.’Literature Literature
vincerle, non assecondarle.
Conquer them, not coddle them.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La baronessa sulle prime oppose qualche rifiuto, ma Baptiste fu così insistente che dovette assecondarlo.
She at first made some objections, but the instances of Baptiste were so urgent, that She was obliged to comply.Literature Literature
L’unica possibilità che avevo di controllarle era essere sempre vigile e assecondarle.
The only control I had over them was to be watchful and to attend to them.Literature Literature
Da ultimo decide di assecondarlo.
At last, resolves to oblige him.Literature Literature
Nel frattempo, quella là vuole vederci tutti ai suoi piedi, e io non ho nessuna intenzione di assecondarla.
Meantime what she means to do is to take us all in hand, and I won’t be taken in hand.Literature Literature
«L’ho convinta ad assecondarlo» dice Kyle.
“I encouraged her to go for it,” Kyle says.Literature Literature
L’ho accompagnato qui solo per assecondarlo
I accompanied him here only to humor him.”Literature Literature
Meglio assecondarlo, per il momento.
Better to just play along for now.Literature Literature
218 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.