dipingeva oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

third-person singular imperfect indicative of dipingere

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Discoglosso dipinto
Painted Frog
dipingere con le mani
ciclo di dipinti
cycle of paintings
dipinto ad acquerello
color · colour · decorate · depict · draw · dye · limn · paint · picture · portray · render · represent · shine · show · sign · stain · tinge · to paint · to portray · write


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«Mentre dipingevo i luminosi petali di una campanula, essa mi ha raccontato questa storia».
"""As I was painting the bright petals of a blue bell, it told me this tale."""Literature Literature
Mi disse che dipingeva in maniera del tutto diversa dai soliti artisti.
He told me about how he painted quite differently from other artists.Literature Literature
Stava affrontando un divorzio difficile e dipingeva soltanto ritratti della sua ex moglie.
He was going through a tough divorce, he said, and only painted his ex-wife.Literature Literature
Com-perava i kit da eBay, li costruiva e li dipingeva al piccolo banco da lavoro, poi li riponeva sulle mensole.
He bought the kits off eBay, built and painted them at a little workbench, then put them on shelves above the bench.Literature Literature
Io dipingevo e Jennifer scriveva».
I painted and Jennifer wrote.’Literature Literature
Guida si dipingeva le unghie di rosso e aveva un figlio adolescente.
Guida painted her nails red and had a teenage son.Literature Literature
Mia mamma... mia madre... di solito dipingeva cicogne.
My mum—my mother—used to paint the storks.Literature Literature
Se non avevo voglia di suonare il flauto leggevo ancora un po', oppure tiravo fuori gli acquerelli e dipingevo.
If I didn’t feel like playing my flute, I’d read more, or get out my watercolours and paint.Literature Literature
George Gissing, per esempio, dipingeva Southwark in termini di odori sgradevoli.
George Gissing, for example, depicted Southwark in terms of its unpleasant odours.Literature Literature
Lavoravo in un’agenzia di pubblicità, e dipingevo solo durante il fine settimana.
I could only do my painting at weekends.Literature Literature
Quello che so è che più bevevo, meglio dipingevo
But I do know that the more I drank, the better I painted.”Literature Literature
Non era nei cottage, i capelli annodati con la sciarpa, a canticchiare mentre dipingeva.
She wasn’t in the cottages, her hair tied up in that scarf, humming tunelessly as she painted.Literature Literature
«Ti era mai capitato di pensare che potesse succedere una cosa simile quando dipingevi quei quadri?»
“Did you ever think such a thing might happen when you made those paintings?”Literature Literature
Ma forse l’altra persona si ostinava a guardare fuori dalla finestra mentre quella dipingeva.
But perhaps the other person insisted upon looking out of the window while the painter was at work.Literature Literature
Greta dipingeva con una concentrazione flessibile che Einar ammirava.
Greta painted with a flexible concentration that Einar admired.Literature Literature
Oltre a insegnare arte ai bambini della scuola, Hugh Fuller dipingeva.
Besides teaching art to schoolchildren, Hugh Fuller painted.Literature Literature
La ragazza che dipingeva con te in ospedale non era di Skokie?
Wasn't that girl in the hospital from Skokie?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dipingevo con colori a olio quando ancora Gilbert Stuart sminuzzava tabacco a Narragansett.
I was painting oils while Gilbert Stuart was still shredding snuff in Narragansett.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Io una volta dipingevo.
I used to paint.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In effetti, l’articolo dipingeva la coppia come il Re e la Regina dei ghiacci.
In many ways, the story brought clarity to the couple’s image as the King and Queen of Ice.Literature Literature
"""Dipingeva, scherzava e raccontava buffe storie."
She was painting and telling jokes and funny stories.Literature Literature
Lei dipingeva e si occupava di giardinaggio mentre lui costruiva muri di mattoni e cucinava.
The woman painted and gardened, while the man built brick walls and did the cooking.Literature Literature
mio padre dipingeva facce come le sue quando ero ragazza.
My father used to draw faces like yours when I was a girl.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Di lui e anche delle ragazze e dei signori che dipingeva.
His hands and the hands of girls and men he painted.Literature Literature
– È quel mio amico geniale e strano che tra le altre cose dipingeva
“It’s that strange, brilliant friend of mine who’s been a painter, among other things.”Literature Literature
218 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.