divarica oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

second-person singular imperative of divaricare
third-person singular present indicative of divaricare

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splay · spread · straddle
wide apart


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Ma non riesce a trattenersi e le divarica le gambe.
But he can’t hold himself back and parts her legs.Literature Literature
Poi prese l'altra gamba e la divaricò al massimo cercando qualcosa a cui legarla.
He took her other leg and spreading it wide, looked for something to attach it to.Literature Literature
Mi divarica le gambe e si fa strada dentro di me con i suoi fianchi pesanti.
He parts my legs, burrows into me with his heavy hips.Literature Literature
Muovendosi per coprirla, Nikolai incuneò le ginocchia fra le sue gambe e le divaricò sotto di sé.
Moving to cover her, Nikolai wedged his knees between her legs and spread her wide beneath him.Literature Literature
Da dietro, mi divaricò le gambe, seppellendo la faccia tra le mie braccia, tra le mie scapole.
From behind, he split my legs apart, burying his face between my arms, my shoulder blades.Literature Literature
Red divaricò la pelle con le mani mentre Glass col coltello la staccava dalla carcassa.
Red used his hands to pull the hide back while Glass cut it away from the carcass.Literature Literature
Divaricò le ginocchia così che lei potesse avanzare tra di esse... se avesse osato.
His knees spread out on either side of her so that she could step between them . . . if she dared.Literature Literature
Si fermò, divaricò le gambe, tese le braccia massicce come per bloccare il passaggio e disse: Ohe!
He stopped, spread his legs wide, stretched out his large arms as though to block passage, and said, Ho!Literature Literature
Cominciava a provare il brivido di quella piccola vittoria quando Tate infilò un piede tra i suoi e glieli divaricò.
He started to feel the thrill of victory at his small win until Tate put his foot between his and kicked them apart.Literature Literature
«Sali sul letto e divarica le tue splendide gambe per me».
“Get on the bed and spread your gorgeous legs for me.”Literature Literature
Alzò le ginocchia e divaricò le gambe, avvertendo un leggero dolore attraversarle velocemente la carne stanca.
She raised her knees and spread her legs, feeling a brief ache run through her weary flesh.Literature Literature
«Divaricò le gambe e sollevò le braccia.
“He placed his legs apart, and lifted his arms.Literature Literature
Le divaricò le gambe, e le sue cosce si aprirono con una facilità tale che doveva per forza essere sveglia.
He spread her legs; her thighs parted with an ease that could only mean she was awake.Literature Literature
Gli leccò il ventre e i fianchi e quando Jimmy divaricò le gambe senza vergogna, gli accarezzò l’interno delle cosce.
He licked Jimmys belly and hips and, when Jimmy splayed his legs shamelessly, smoothed the insides of his thighs.Literature Literature
Divaricò le gambe e alzò la testa per guardare Emul.
She parted her legs and cocked her head up to watch Emul.Literature Literature
Ancheggiando di nuovo verso di lui, gli divarico ancora di più le gambe e poi mi preparo a togliere l’ultimo indumento.
Prancing back over to him, I use my hands to push his knees further apart then prepare to strip off my final layer.Literature Literature
Fa come le chiedo, divarica le gambe e mi ci posiziono in mezzo, appoggiandomi sulle mie braccia.
She does as I ask and I spread her legs wide, positioning myself between them, resting on my arms.Literature Literature
Ok, divarica meglio.
Okay, get that retracted.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tuttavia divaricò le cosce e grugnì come una bestia, e il toro batté lo zoccolo in terra.
Still she put her thighs apart and grunted like a beast, and the bull pawed the ground.Literature Literature
C’è un’aria di sfida nel modo in cui divarica le gambe.
There is defiance in the way he plants his legs apart.Literature Literature
Capitolo Trentasettesimo RAUL Divarico le gambe, guardando l’apertura da cui attaccherà il Condannato.
Chapter Thirty-Seven RAUL I stand with my feet spread wide, facing the opening from which The Convicted will attack.Literature Literature
Poi si massaggiò le cosce, le accavallò, le divaricò, si muoveva, si rigirava, leggeva, mangiava, mangiava e leggeva.
Then she stroked her thighs, crossed and uncrossed them, moved and twisted and read and ate and ate and read.Literature Literature
Tremo leggermente quando mi divarica le gambe.
I’m trembling slightly as he parts my legs.Literature Literature
Divarico le gambe per lui che spinge con i fianchi, la testa della sua erezione preme contro il mio centro.
I spread my legs for him and he nudges his hips between them, the head of his erection brushing against my center.Literature Literature
Manikuza le divaricò gli organi genitali con le dita e disse ad Ewana: “Guarda, qualcosa di buono per te da penetrare”».
Manikuza pulled her genitals apart with his fingers and said to Ewana: “Look, here is something good for you to enter.”’Literature Literature
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