humphrey oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels


Per gli uomini della famiglia Humphrey ogni giorno e'il venerdi'casual.
The humphrey men do casual friday every day. Oh.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels


Mi sa che da quando e'finito il liceo sei regredito, Humphrey.
I think you've actually gotten less smart since high school, Humphrey.



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Doris Humphrey
Doris Humphrey
Humphrey Carpenter
Humphrey Carpenter
Hubert Humphrey
Hubert Humphrey
Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome
Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome
Humphrey Cobb
Humphrey Cobb
Humphrey Bogart
Humphrey Bogart


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«Ernie è morto, Humphrey, Aggy.
‘Ernie’s dead, Humphrey – Aggy.Literature Literature
«Sì, e ho già spiegato tutto a Humphrey», rispose la madre in tono indulgente.
“Yes, and I’ve already given Humphrey the details,” she said indulgently.Literature Literature
Ma la domanda rimase senza risposta, perché Humphrey svenne.
But the question went unanswered, for Humphrey fainted awayLiterature Literature
Il più selettivo club del mondo, si diceva che l'avesse definito Sir Humphrey.
Most exclusive club in the world, Sir Humphrey had been told.Literature Literature
«Sì, quella donna che era stata sposata con Humphrey Bogart» spiegò il cugino.
“You know, that dame who was married to Humphrey Bogart,” the relative explained.Literature Literature
«Humphrey era il preferito di suo marito?»
"""So Humphrey was your husband's favorite?"""Literature Literature
Non sento un cazzo di cio'che dici, Humphrey.
I can't hear a goddamn thing you're saying, Humphrey.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
«Humphrey sta puntando tutto su Stati come l’Illinois, dove il sindaco Daley controlla i voti dei delegati.»
Humphrey is working hard on states such as Illinois, where Mayor Daley controls the delegate votes.”Literature Literature
Quando gli acquirenti usciranno da qui, conosceranno il nome Jenny Humphrey.
They will know the name jenny humphrey.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"HUMPHREY, N., DENNETT, D. (1989), ""Speaking for our selves: An assessment of multiple personality disorder""."
HUMPHREY, NICHOLAS, and DANIEL DENNETT, 1989, “Speaking for Our Selves: An Assessment of Multiple Personality Disorder.”Literature Literature
Le sue idee non saranno innovative perché ci saranno già... in quel libro di Henry Humphrey...».
Her ideas won't be groundbreaking, because they will already be there—in this book by Henry Humphrey...""Literature Literature
Lo sapevo che il mio Humphrey avrebbe fatto qualcosa di bello per te, e l’ha fatto
"""I knew dear Humphrey would do something handsome for you and he has."""Literature Literature
" Ci scusiamo per l'omissione involontaria di Daniel Humphrey dal programma della cerimonia.
" We apologize for the omission of Daniel Humphrey from the graduation program.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Humphrey rimase a fissarla per diversi secondi.
Humphrey stood watching her for several seconds.Literature Literature
Pensò a Humphrey e agli altri Cavalieri del Drago.
He thought of Humphrey and the Knights of the Dragon.Literature Literature
Humphrey l’ha spinta giù... per farla stare zitta?»
Is that why Humphrey pushed her off the roof – to shut her up?’Literature Literature
A nessuno importa cosa penso io di Humphrey Bogie, dice lei.
No one care my thoughts about Humphrey Bogie, she says.Literature Literature
Ma naturalmente la ciotola serviva a Winifred per lavarsi, e lei non voleva che Humphrey ci vomitasse dentro.
But of course Winifred’s bowl was for washing and she didn’t want to use it for Humphrey to be sick in.Literature Literature
Sir Humphrey continuò il suo elenco.
Sir Humphrey continued with his roll call.Literature Literature
“Aspetta qua,” dissi a Humphrey, domandandomi come si sentiva, a farsi comandare a bacchetta da due ragazzine.
“Wait here,” I said to Humphrey, wondering how it felt to be bossed around by two girls.Literature Literature
Le rivendicazioni di Humphrey vennero fortemente contestate dai Lords del consiglio del re, in particolare dal cardinale Henry Beaufort.
Humphrey's claims were strongly contested by the lords of the king's council, and in particular his half-uncle, Cardinal Henry Beaufort.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tutti guardarono Karim, tranne Humphrey, che scoppiò a ridere.
They all stared at Karim, apart from Humphrey, who began to laugh.Literature Literature
L’unico baluardo solido contro il caos imminente è il duca Humphrey, il Lord Protettore.
The one steady bulwark against impending chaos is Duke Humphrey, the Lord Protector.Literature Literature
Annette Phillips si ritirò come direttore della compagnia nel 1957 e fu sostituito dal professor Humphrey Procter-Gregg.
Annette Phillips retired as director of the company in 1957 and was replaced by Professor Humphrey Procter-Gregg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Signora Humphrey... non voglio che suo marito faccia del male a se stesso o ad altri.
I don't want your husband to hurt himself or anybody else.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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