immergergli oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

Compound of immergere and gli.
Compound of immergere and gli.

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«Qualcuno dovrebbe immergergli lo strumento nell’olio di oliva e poi infilarglielo su per il culo.
“Someone ought to dip that trumpet in olive oil and stick it up his ass.Literature Literature
Lei approfittò del momento per immergergli il coltello nella gola.
She used the moment to plunge the knife into his throat.Literature Literature
«Intendete, immergergli la testa nel trogolo del cavallo finché non torni in sé e riporti a casa la ragazza?
“You mean submerge his head in the horse trough until he came to his senses and took the girl home?Literature Literature
Sono tentato di immergergli la testa nell’olio bollente e tenerlo fermo per qualche secondo, prima che Viktor mi fermi.
I’m tempted to dunk his head into the boiling oil and hold him there for a few seconds before Viktor stops me.Literature Literature
Trangugia il resto dello scotch, mentre prendo fiato e immagino di immergergli il coltello tra gli occhi.
He knocks back the rest of his scotch while I catch my breath and imagine plunging my knife between his eyes.Literature Literature
«Qualcuno dovrebbe immergergli lo strumento nell’olio di oliva e poi infilarglielo su per il culo.
‘Someone ought to dip that trumpet in olive oil and stick it up his ass.Literature Literature
Due giovani yuppie in smoking cercavano di immergergli la mano in una ciotola piena d'acqua.
Two young whippersnappers wearing dinner suits were giggling and trying to dip his hand in a bowl filled with water.Literature Literature
Immergergli la mano in acqua calda mentre dorme, quel genere di cose.
Soak his hand in warm water while he's sleeping, that sort of thing.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
«Immergergli testa e orecchie in un secchio d’acqua, suppongo.»
Soakin’ him head and ears in a water bucket, I suppose.”Literature Literature
Sciacquare gli strumenti sotto acqua corrente o immergergli in acqua.
Rinse instruments under running water or by immersion in clean water.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
10 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.