pappa d'avena oor Engels

pappa d'avena

Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels


verb noun
Io preferisco la pappa d'avena.
And my favorite is gruel!


A hot breakfast cereal dish made from oatmeal, milk and, or water heated and stirred until thick.
Non ti preoccupa il fatto che stai preparando french toast nel giorno della pappa d'avena?
Aren't you worried you're making French toast on oatmeal day?


A hot breakfast cereal dish made from oatmeal, milk and, or water heated and stirred until thick.


A hot breakfast cereal dish made from oatmeal, milk and, or water heated and stirred until thick.


A hot breakfast cereal dish made from oatmeal, milk and, or water heated and stirred until thick.

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In realtà Nerva soffriva di cattiva digestione e spesso non riusciva a mangiare altro che pappa d’avena.
In fact, Nerva was a martyr to indigestion and seldom took anything but porridge.Literature Literature
Nel giorno della pappa d'avena?
On oatmeal day?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A tavola tutti si litigavano l’unica ciotola di pappa d’avena, ma lei non aveva fame.
At the table they fought over the only bowl of barley porridge, but she wasn’t hungry anyway.Literature Literature
Non c’era traccia di caffè, fette di pane, pappa d’avena o pranzo.
There was no sign of any coffee, sandwiches, porridge or lunch.Literature Literature
«Cartelloni pubblicitari per pappa d’avena e Coca-Cola» afferma sprezzante.
“Billboards for Cream of Wheat and Coca-Cola,” she says disdainfully.Literature Literature
Assorto nei suoi pensieri, Simon prese una cucchiaiata di pappa d’avena e rivolse una preghiera silenziosa al cielo.
Lost in thought, Simon dished out a spoonful of the steaming porridge and sent a silent prayer to heaven.Literature Literature
«La nebbia era densa come la pappa d’avena, che, a proposito, il nostro cuoco non bruciava mai.
“Mist as thick as the porridge—which, by the way, our cook never burned.Literature Literature
«Gliel’ho detto: latte, yogurt e pappa d’avena
‘I told her – milk, yoghurt and porridge.’Literature Literature
Sembra quella schifosa pappa d’avena che facevano mangiare a Oliver Twist.»
Like what they make Oliver Twist eat.”Literature Literature
Che noia, questa pappa d'avena.
I guess we'll have to eat this boring oatmeal.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Servivano pappa d’avena e dovevi mangiarla.
They served oatmeal and you had to eat it.Literature Literature
Mangia mentre io calmo il bambino e gli do la sua pappa d'avena».
Enjoy it while I calm the boy and give him his porridge.’Literature Literature
«Ho messo la pappa d’avena sul tavolo,» disse «e il latte è ancora caldo della latteria della vacca».
‘I have put the stirabout on the table,’ he said, ‘and the milk is still hot from being inside the cow’s milk-bag.’Literature Literature
Devo mangiare solo uova con il tuorlo poco cotto e pappa d’avena.
I must eat only soft-boiled eggs and porridge.Literature Literature
Pappa d’avena a colazione, con della frutta, se arrivavi abbastanza presto.
Oatmeal for breakfast, with fruit, if you got there early enough.Literature Literature
pappa d'avena ovunque.
Nothing but gruel.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wil mi porse una ciotola di pappa d'avena e ci sedemmo su uno dei tronchi a mangiare.
Wil handed me a bowl of oatmeal and we sat on one of the logs to eat.Literature Literature
«Siamo felicissimi di fare la tua conoscenza e quella del tuo delizioso paiolo di pappa d’avena
‘We are delighted to make your acquaintance, and that of your gracious porridge pot.’Literature Literature
«Ha lo stomaco pieno di pappa d'avena, che non starebbe bene addosso a te.»
“He’s got a belly full of oatmeal that won’t look good all over you.”Literature Literature
I ragazzi presero posto al tavolo di cucina e guardarono nervosamente nella pappa d'avena.
The children took seats at the kitchen table and stared nervously into their oatmeal.Literature Literature
Carl guardò tristemente le sue due uova strapazzate e la pallida pappa d’avena di Hardy.
Carl glanced despondently down at his pale scrambled eggs and Hardy’s stale oatmeal porridge.Literature Literature
Com'e'quella pappa d'avena?
How's that oatmeal?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Io preferisco la pappa d'avena.
And my favorite is gruel!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
«Questo forestiero può chiederti una ciotola di pappa d’avena, Giovane Signore?»
“Could a stranger beg for a bowl of porridge, Young Master?”Literature Literature
Però passerà, mi danno pappa d’avena e vino rosso con il miele, come in sanatorio.
But that will subside, they’re giving me porridge and red wine with honey, as if I was taking a spa cure.Literature Literature
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