restare immobile oor Engels

restare immobile

Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

stand still

noun verb
L'Europa può superare la crisi, ma non restando immobile e fossilizzandosi nella posizione attuale.
Europe can overcome the crisis, but not by standing still and remaining where we are today.
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Facendo a tutti cenno di restare immobili, Pendergast controllò le cartine, poi svanì silenzioso nel vecchio tunnel.
Motioning them to stay put, Pendergast checked his maps and then vanished noiselessly into the ancient tunnel.Literature Literature
Muoversi e restare immobili.
Try and stay still.QED QED
Deglutisce, lotta per restare immobile.
She swallows, struggles to remain still.Literature Literature
Ma fu sufficiente a farli sussultare e restare immobili, in attesa, per un minuto o due.
It was still enough to make them all wince, and stay very still for a minute or two, waiting.Literature Literature
Doveva comportarsi bene: doveva restare immobile, e sorriderle col cuore che gli batteva incontrollabile nel petto.
He must be well-behaved: he must lie still, smile up at her as his heart pounded uncontrollably in his breast.Literature Literature
A una cert'ora della notte Sims sentì il treno rallentare e poi fermarsi, poi restare immobile nel buio.
Sometime in the night Sims felt the train slow and then stop, then sit still in the dark.Literature Literature
Alla fine lo videro fermarsi e restare immobile.
At last, they saw him stop and stand motionless.Literature Literature
Tutto d’un tratto avrebbe voluto rassicurare Ruth, ma non osò e così si limitò a restare immobile
She wanted so much suddenly to reassure Ruth, but dared not, and so she simply stood there.Literature Literature
Cerco di restare immobile anche dentro di me, come lo sono fuori.
I try to make the inside of me as still as the outside.Literature Literature
Mike si sforzò di restare immobile, concentrato su quella bocca che continuava a gemere nella sua.
Mike forced himself to lie still, concentrating on the mouth that pushed low moans into his.Literature Literature
Pip pensò alla fuga, ma una forza che andava oltre la sua comprensione la faceva restare immobile.
Pip thought about fleeing, but a force beyond her understanding held her immobile.Literature Literature
L’impulso a lanciarsi verso quel suono era schiacciante, ma il tribuno si costrinse a restare immobile.
The urge to launch himself towards the sound was overwhelming, but he willed himself to stay motionless.Literature Literature
«Ma hai una sola possibilità per salvarti la pelle: devi restare immobile e in assoluto silenzio.
“But the only way you’ve got a chance is to stay real still, and real quiet.Literature Literature
La tentazione di prenderla tra le braccia fu tale, che lui dovette imporsi di restare immobile.
The impulse to gather her into his arms was so strong he had to force himself not to move.Literature Literature
Devo restare immobile e ascoltare le voci; devo tacere per un terribile momento.
I must keep still and listen for the voices; I must remain quiet for a terrifying moment.Literature Literature
Damaris chiuse gli occhi e si concentrò per restare immobile, in modo da non svegliarlo.
Damaris closed her eyes and concentrated on lying very still so that she would not awaken him.Literature Literature
Sa quando il bisogno di volare avrebbe sopraffatto il bisogno di restare immobili nel loro nascondiglio.
It knew when the bird's need to fly was going to overmaster its need to stay still, in its hide.Literature Literature
Durante tutto ciò, feci del mio meglio per restare immobile.
Through all of this I did my best to remain still.Literature Literature
Si contorce per qualche istante, per poi restare immobile.
He contorts for a few moments, then he stays motionless.Literature Literature
«Quanto può essere pericoloso restare immobili
“How dangerous could it be to just sit still?”Literature Literature
Ancora una volta sentì montare l’irritazione e dovette costringersi a restare immobile.
Again he felt his irritation rising and had to force himself to sit still.Literature Literature
A meno che tu non preferisca restare immobile ad aspettare di essere mangiata da uno squalo».
Unless you want to sit around waiting to be shark bait.”Literature Literature
Morgana continuò a restare immobile.
Morgana was still standing there motionless.Literature Literature
Almeno finché riusciremo a restare immobili.
At least until we are ready to make our stand.Literature Literature
Adesso vi prego di appoggiarvi allo schienale e di restare immobile
Now please, lie back and remain still.”Literature Literature
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