rivederla oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

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Compound of rivedere and la.

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Quel giorno Kelly sarebbe tornata al lavoro e lui non vedeva l’ora di rivederla.
Kelly would be back in the office today and he was really looking forward to seeing her again.Literature Literature
E'solo che voleva rivederla.
He just wanted to see you again.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La signora Roper, com’era prevedibile, fu felicissima di rivederli.
Mrs Roper was, predictably, delighted to see them.Literature Literature
Sono sicura che sei impaziente di rivederli.
I’m sure you can’t wait to see them both again.Literature Literature
Forse dovrò rivederlo, con il permesso del mio stomaco».
Perhaps I should go and see it again when my stomach stops churning.”Literature Literature
Ardeva del desiderio di rivederlo ancora e per una sola volta, prima della fine, di stringerlo fra le braccia.
He longed with a burning desire to see him again, and just once, before the end, to hold him in his arms.Literature Literature
In seguito la incontrò di nuovo, questa volta al mercato, e la donna fu molto contenta di rivederlo.
He later met her again, this time in the market, and she was very happy to see him.jw2019 jw2019
Cinque giorni prima gli era sembrata contenta di rivederlo.
Five days ago she had seemed pleased to see him back.Literature Literature
Felice di rivederla.
Nice to see you again.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nemmeno io avevo programmato di rivederla.
I hadn’t planned on being around her either.Literature Literature
Avevo nutrito una piccola speranza di rivederlo qui, almeno una versione di lui.
I’d even cherished a small hope of seeing him again here, at least a version of him.Literature Literature
Eppure, dopo il fallimento di quella festa di fidanzamento, ha voluto assolutamente rivederla
But after the messed up engagement party you absolutely had to see her?’Literature Literature
«Signorina Prim, che piacere rivederla
“Miss Prim, how lovely to see you again!”Literature Literature
Zach non aveva nessuna voglia di rivederlo e ho capito che preferiva che non lo cercassi.
Zach had no interest in seeing Fred again and I knew he didn’t want me to either.Literature Literature
Devo rivederla.
I must see her again.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rivederla avrebbe fatto differenza?
Would seeing her again make a difference?Literature Literature
Agente Mitchell, e'bello rivederla.
Agent Mitchell, good to see you again.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Che bello rivederla, generale.
Wonderful to see you again, general Tennyson.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Adesso rischiava di non rivederla mai più.
Now he might never see her again.Literature Literature
Quindi sara'bello rivederla.
So, it'll be nice to see her.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
E meraviglioso rivederle, anche se trovarmele davanti così cresciute mi fa ricordare quanto tempo è passato.
It is wonderful to see them, even if it reminds me of how time has passed—to see those young girls all grown.Literature Literature
Quella notte disse a Charles che tra loro era finita, che non voleva più rivederlo.
The next day she told Charles it was all over, she didn’t want to see him again.Literature Literature
Adesso, dopo questo, non avrebbe voluto rivederlo mai più.
Now, after this, she never wanted to see him again.Literature Literature
Quanto mi piace il film di Pietro Germi Divorzio all’italiana, non mi annoio mai a rivederlo.
I love Pietro Germi’s film Divorce Italian Style, I’m never bored, no matter how often I see it.Literature Literature
Presumo che lo zar temesse di non rivederlo mai più, visto che soffre di emofilia e non è certo un ragazzino in salute.
I dare say the Tsar feared he might never see his son again, and being a haemophiliac he is not a healthy child.Literature Literature
224 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.