rivelarglielo oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

Compound of rivelare and glielo.
Compound of rivelare and glielo.

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Sebbene Wally ricordasse la formula, Jesse gli chiese di non rivelargliela, ricordandogli che prima lui le aveva detto che lei necessitava comunque di rallentare un po'.
Although Wally knew the formula, she told him not to remind her, reminding him that he had earlier told her that she needed to slow down anyway.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non avrebbe potuto chiederne conto al proconsole, ma forse Sergio e Rufio avrebbero potuto rivelarglielo.
He couldn’t ask the proconsul the reason for their journey, but perhaps Sergius and Rufius could help him understand.Literature Literature
«Può ben dirlo, signore, ma le sarei grata se mi promettesse di non rivelarglielo
'You could say that, sir, but I'd appreciate it if you'd promise not to tell him.'Literature Literature
Io credo lei sappia dove si trova ma non vuole proprio rivelarglielo!
I think she knows where they are and she has no intention of telling him!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
-È ancora presto per rivelarglielo.
“It’s still too soon to tell you about it.Literature Literature
E se non riesce a comprendere da sé come funziona la magia del trasferimento, non sarò io a rivelarglielo.
And if she cannot figure out the magic of the transfer herself, she will not learn it from me.Literature Literature
Oh, beh, non dovrei proprio rivelarglielo, ma penso che fosse una certa signora...
Oh, well, I shouldn't really tell you, but I believe it was a Mrs...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ha cercato di convincermi a rivelarglielo.
He tried to get me to tell him.Literature Literature
Magari lei dà qualcosa a me, e io do qualcosa a lei, e potrei rivelarglielo».
Maybe you give a little, I give a little, and I will tell you.”Literature Literature
Ti costringerà a rivelarglielo.
He's going to force you to disclose it to him.Literature Literature
Come se Nick intendesse rivelarglielo!
As if Nick would ever tell her.Literature Literature
Se mai avesse scoperto qualcosa di sgradevole sul padre che Sam venerava, come avrebbe potuto rivelarglielo?
If she uncovered something untoward about Sam’s sainted father, how would she ever tell Sam that?Literature Literature
Ma ora che ho finito, e mi sto preparando a rivelarglielo, mi sento male.
But now that I’ve finished, and I’m getting ready to unveil it, I feel sick.Literature Literature
Avevo appena fatto una scoperta importante, ma rivelargliela avrebbe potuto risultare difficile.
I’d made an important discovery, but revealing it could be tricky.Literature Literature
Non aveva nessuna intenzione di rivelarglielo.
He had no intention of telling her.Literature Literature
Quanto avrebbe tardato a decidere di rivelarglielo?
How long before she decided to tell him?Literature Literature
Ed era stato Charles Hunter a rivelargliela.
And it was Charles Hunter who had taught her that.Literature Literature
E tu devi aiutarmi a rivelargliela».
You must help me reveal it to her.""Literature Literature
La loro madre diceva sempre che non aveva bisogno di rivelarglielo; l’avrebbe fatto il mondo per lei.
She always said she didn’t need to tell them; the world would do it for her.Literature Literature
Senza dubbio avrebbe scoperto cosa nascondeva Schmidt solo quando quello si fosse degnato di rivelarglielo.
Doubtless he would find out what Schmidt had up his sleeve when the man chose to tell him.Literature Literature
Remington non lo vuole sapere, e io non voglio scoprirlo per paura di rivelarglielo per sbaglio».
Remington doesn’t want to know, and I don’t want to find out from a doctor and spoil it accidentally for him.”Literature Literature
Gli uomini non conoscono la vostra posizione, e vi è vietato rivelargliela.
The men do not know how you are ranked, and you are forbidden to tell them.Literature Literature
“È stato suo figlio, sir Lawrence, a rivelarglielo.”
"""It was her son, Sir Lawrence, who brought it to her notice."""Literature Literature
Se Rose aveva deciso di rivelarglielo, di sicuro aveva avuto buoni motivi per farlo
If Rose had chosen to tell him, then she’d had a reason for doing so.Literature Literature
L’aveva stuzzicata quando era incinta, rifiutandosi di rivelarglielo.
He had teased her with that when she was first pregnant, refusing to let her in on the secret.Literature Literature
202 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.