scuotevo oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

first-person singular imperfect indicative of scuotere

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Io guardai Muhammad e compresi, dal fatto che scuoteva la testa, che mi ero spinta troppo in là.
I looked at Muhammad and saw, by his lifted eyebrows and shaking head, that I had gone too far.Literature Literature
E Bernard, di presso, lo scuoteva allo stesso modo: «Sì, ne hai di fortuna.
And Bernard, beside himself with rage, joined in: “Yes, you can think yourself lucky.Literature Literature
Lei batté gli occhi e si trovò davanti Fort che la scuoteva, più preoccupato che arrabbiato.
She blinked her eyes open to find Fort shaking her, and more with concern than anger.Literature Literature
E Barry scuoteva la testa come per dire: «Ah, questi ragazzi di oggi.»
And Barry was shaking his head as if to say, “These young people these days.”Literature Literature
Lui scuoteva i rami degli alberi sopra i muri, e le gocce d’acqua cadevano a pioggia sul viso riverso dell’amica.
He shook the tree branches above the walls, and water droplets rained down over his friend's surprised face.Literature Literature
Con la coda dell'occhio, Alise notò il capitano Trell che scuoteva tristemente il capo.
From the corner of her eye, Alise glimpsed Captain Trell regretfully shaking his head.Literature Literature
Ogni volta che Donata cercava di farlo parlare di lui o di quella notte, Stefano scuoteva la testa.
Whenever Donata tried to make him talk about Silvio or that night, he just shook his head.Literature Literature
I soldati si guardarono l’un l’altro con espressioni incerte, poi tornarono a rivolgersi a Thorne, che scuoteva il capo.
The soldiers looked blankly at each other and then turned back to Thorne, who shook his head.Literature Literature
Al scuoteva le mani nell’aria come se le avesse lavate.
Al was shaking her hands in the air, as if they were damp washing.Literature Literature
In tasca aveva le chiavi che aprivano tutti i bei posti e ogni tanto le scuoteva.
He had keys to all the nice places in his pocket, and seemed to jingle them from time to time.Literature Literature
Sentì che qualcuno lo scuoteva, ma decise di non lasciarsi disturbare e continuò placidamente a dormire.
He felt somebody shaking him, but resolved that he wouldn’t be disturbed and went on placidly sleeping.Literature Literature
Patricia Chelm scuoteva la testa in modo spasmodico, aprendo e chiudendo la bocca senza pronunciare una parola.
Patricia Chelm shook her head spastically, opening and closing her mouth but not saying anything.Literature Literature
" Il vento scuoteva le cime degli alberi secolari... "
The wind whistled through the tops of the ancient trees.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Poi ci fu un rumore di passi e qualcuno che la scuoteva per le spalle
Then there were footsteps and someone shaking her shoulders.Literature Literature
Jacqueline scuoteva all’indietro i lunghi capelli rossi.
Jacqueline swept back her long red hair.Literature Literature
Poteva quasi vedere Warren che scuoteva la testa.
He could almost see Warren shake his head.Literature Literature
Poteva quasi vederla, mentre scuoteva la testa e stringeva gli occhi in quel suo modo, mezzo geniale, mezzo pazzo.
He could almost see her, shaking her head and squinting in that half-crazed genius way she'd had.Literature Literature
Chiedeva scusa decine di volte, fino a quando Mac scuoteva la testa e gli diceva di stare zitto.
He’d apologized half a dozen times, until Mac shook his head and told him to shut up.Literature Literature
Poi continuarono, con William che scuoteva la testa.
They continued on, William shaking his head.Literature Literature
Si drappeggiava il fazzoletto su una mano e lo scuoteva, come se gli stesse dando degli ordini.
He would drape the handkerchief over his hand and shake it, as if giving it commands.Literature Literature
Hubert scuoteva la testa, quasi potesse vedere i brutti pensieri che covavano in me.
Hubert would shake his head at me, like he saw the bad things stewing in my brain.Literature Literature
«Mi stanno aspettando» continuò Cassandra rivolgendosi al re in tono allegro, mentre la terra si scuoteva violentemente.
“Everyone is waiting for me,” Kassandra told the kings happily as the ground shook violently again.Literature Literature
Lei scuoteva la testa, aveva il naso che le colava e non se ne accorgeva neanche.
She was shaking her head, her nose running and she didn’t even know.Literature Literature
Come sempre alla Eastern, voci e commenti continuavano finché un nuovo scandalo non scuoteva il campus.
As always at this school, whispers and tabloid-worthy stories continued until another scandal rocked the campus.Literature Literature
Una simile emergenza stava proprio per verificarsi, mentre un servitore nervoso scuoteva il padrone per svegliarlo.
Such an emergency was now occurring even as a nervous servant shook his master awake.Literature Literature
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