sentire fame oor Engels

sentire fame

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to feel hungry


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Di conseguenza si sentirà fame.
As a result, you feel hungry.jw2019 jw2019
Cominciavo già a sentire fame.
I was beginning to feel hungry already.Literature Literature
Il mal di testa era solo un ricordo, però aveva sonno e cominciava a sentire fame.
The headache was now a distant memory, but he was sleepy and beginning to feel hungry.Literature Literature
Il sole era caldissimo e cominciavo a sentire fame.
The sun was very hot now and I was beginning to feel hungry.Literature Literature
Aveva cominciato a sentir fame in tassi, all’altezza di Hyde Park Corner, ma ora la fame l’aveva abbandonato.
He had begun to feel hungry in the taxi going round Hyde Park Corner but his hunger had left him.Literature Literature
Ma, vede, non sentire fame né sete non significa che queste persone non esistano.
But you see, not feeling hunger and thirst doesn’t mean they don’t exist.Literature Literature
«Non che mi ci voglia molto a sentire fame.
"""Not that it takes much for me to get hungry."Literature Literature
Poche settimane dopo la partenza di Titi Tettine, iniziò a sentire fame di donna.
A few weeks after the departure of Titi Little-Tits, he began to crave a woman.Literature Literature
Sulla strada per Calgary, Brad cominciò a sentire fame.
Sometime before arriving in Calgary, Brad grew hungry.LDS LDS
Vado su e giù per la stanza e comincio a sentir fame, sempre di più.
I pace up and down the room and start feeling a greater and greater hunger.Literature Literature
Si svegliò nel pomeriggio senza sentire fame.
He awoke in the afternoon feeling no hunger.Literature Literature
Resto lì a sedere fino a quando non comincio a sentir fame.
I sit on until I start feeling hungry.Literature Literature
Stava cominciando a sentire fame, a sentirsi veramente avida di frittelle, di uova, di salsiccia.
Now she was beginning to feel hungry, really ravenous for pancakes, eggs, sausage.Literature Literature
Tornai alla mia auto e guardai l'orologio perché incominciavo a sentir fame.
I got back in my car and looked at my watch because I was starting to get hungry.Literature Literature
Cominciò a sentir fame, e si accorse che in casa non c’era niente da mangiare.
She felt hungry and realised there was nothing to eat in the house.Literature Literature
Se continuava a sentir fame, beveva un bicchiere di latte scremato, a volte due.
If he still felt hunger he drank a glass of skim milk, sometimes two.Literature Literature
Ora che avevo riposato a sufficienza, cominciavo a sentire fame.
Sufficiently rested by now, I was beginning to feel hungry.Literature Literature
Errò così per tutta la mattina, senza aver mangiato e senza sentire fame.
He wandered thus the whole morning, without having eaten anything and without feeling hungry.Literature Literature
Dovrei sentire fame ma non ho appetito.
I ought to be hungry, but I have no appetite.Literature Literature
Non ha mai dimenticato che vuol dire sentire fame e vedere tutti morire
She never forgot the feeling of being hungry and watching everybody dieopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Cominciai a sentire fame, anche.
I was beginning to feel hungry as well.Literature Literature
E proprio come quando era viva, Tea poteva ancora sentire fame, sete, sonno, caldo, noia e irritazione
And just as if she was alive, Teo still got hungry, thirsty, sleepy, hot, bothered and cross.Literature Literature
Fargli sentire fame, o qualcosa del genere?
"""Make them hungry or something?"""Literature Literature
Aveva girato per qualche tempo in quella casa, quando cominciò a sentir fame.
He had gone some time in the house, when he began to be hungry.Literature Literature
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