はぬけ oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Japannees - Engels

falling out of teeth


person with missing teeth




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Soortgelyke frases

to give up one's membership of a society · to quit an association · to withdraw from a society
fugitive ninja · runaway ninja
bypass · byway
cast-off skin · empty shell · exuvia · exuviae · husk
stealing a march on


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The Bible reveals the source of many supernatural phenomena to be wicked invisible spirit creature—and not departed spirits of humans.jw2019 jw2019
「 もぬけ の 殻 」
Here we go.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
ベニテスは、ブルーバードを愛 - 飛びぬけて優れた自由の唯一の元である愛 - そのもののための比喩と考える。
Benitez regards the bluebird as a metaphor for love itself - love that is the only source of transcendent freedom.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Women who wanted to bear children stood near the path of these runners.jw2019 jw2019
This cork will not come out.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
材質 は アカガシ や シラカシ が 多 い が 、 黒檀 、 す ぬけ 、 枇杷 など の 高価 な 素材 の もの も あ る 。
Most bokuto are made of Japanese evergreen oak ( quercus acuta ) and bamboo-leaf oak ( quercus myrsinaefolia ) , but some of them are made from expensive materials , such as ebony , winterhazel ( distylium racemosum ) , and loquat ( eriobotrya japonica ) .KFTT KFTT
コースどりはヴェネツィアの街らしさを感じさせてくれるものになっていて、calli (小道)、campi (広場)、ponti (橋)を通りぬけてゆく。
Walkers follow a route characteristic of the city, which leads them through calli (streets), campi (squares) and ponti (bridges).LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
He called the girls “crazy little morons” and said he was “ashamed for their parents, who raised such idiots.”gv2019 gv2019
If your father calls you a jerk because he doesn’t like the way you waxed the family car, try responding: “You’re upset because I did a poor job of waxing the car.”jw2019 jw2019
ひとりは直ちに屋根に登って,おおい戸を開き,天窓を取り除く。 廊下や階段の毒煙がぬけるよう,建物の通気をよくすることなら何でもする。
One man quickly gets to the roof, opening the bulkhead door, removing skylights —doing anything to ventilate the building so that toxic fumes from the interior hallways and stairwell can escape.jw2019 jw2019
She works by far the hardest of anyone in my office.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
断固 ヘリウム 3 を 守 り ぬけ
Defend Helium-3 at all costs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
ぬけ の 言い分 だ
Well, some people are pussies.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
現在 で は 転 じ て 、 主に 駅伝 や 長 距離 走 など の スポーツ に お い て 、 山岳 区間 で 飛 び ぬけ た 実力 を 発揮 する 人物 に 対 し て 比喩 的 に 「 山の 神 」 と 表現 する 場合 が あ る 。
Today , ' Yamanokami ' can be used as a figurative expression in sports referring to a person who shows an extraordinary ability in mountain stages at ekiden or long-distance races .KFTT KFTT
My heart must have skipped a couple of beats.jw2019 jw2019
The decayed tooth came out on its own.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He is by far the cleverest student in the class.tatoeba tatoeba
二 月 十 日 に 都 を で て 、 逢坂 関 から 近江 に ぬけ 、 琵琶 湖 を 船 で 海津 まで わたり 、 有乳 山 を こえ て 気比 の 海 ( 今 の 福井 県 敦賀 市 ) に たどりつ き 、 越前 国 を とお っ て 、 花 の 季節 に 加賀 国 安宅 に つ い た と い う 謡 で あ る 。
It 's a song saying that they left the capital on February 10 , passed through the Osaka Barrier to Omi , crossed Lake Biwa to Kaizu by ship , crossed Mt . Aruchi to reach the seashore of Kei ( present Tsuruga City , Fukui Prefecture ) , passed Echizen Province , and arrived Ataku in Kaga Province in the flower season .KFTT KFTT
The gatekeeper permitted me through the gate.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And so the two little rabbits lived together happily in the big forest; eating dandelions, playing Jump The Daisies, Run Through The Clover and Find The Acorn all day long.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
にわか 落ち 、 ひょうし 落ち 、 逆さ 落 ち 、 考え 落ち 、 まわり 落ち 、 見立て 落ち 、 まぬけ落ち 、 とたん 落ち 、 ぶっつけ 落 ち 、 しぐさ 落ち など が あ る ( 落ち の 項 参照 ) 。
Otoshi-banashi have various kinds of sage or ochi , such as niwaka-ochi ( punchlines using a pun ) , hyoshi-ochi ( forming part of a rhythmical story ) , sakasa-ochi ( which have been hinted at to the audience early on ) , kangae-ochi ( which might make the audience think or may be difficult to understand ) , mawari-ochi ( which link to the beginning of the story ) , mitate-ochi ( which liken something to a different thing ) , manuke-ochi ( ending in nonsense or absurdity ) , totan-ochi ( which add plausibility to the story as a whole ) , buttsuke-ochi ( where characters ' words are at odds with each other ) , and shigusa-ochi ( using gestures ) ( see the article Ochi for details ) .KFTT KFTT
するとそれはぬけ落ちます。 体がそれを拒絶するからです。
Then they would slough off, as the body rejected them.jw2019 jw2019
There are those searching for the light [who] will gladly pass through the gate of baptism onto the straight and narrow way that leads to eternal life (see 2 Nephi 31).LDS LDS
Did some part of him —a soul or a spirit— leave his body and go to live somewhere else?jw2019 jw2019
For eight days, they crossed rugged terrain and were bedraggled by frequent rainstorms.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
204 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.