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Vertalings in die woordeboek Japannees - Engels

closely packed

That film is made up of closely packed cells, microorganisms that are present in the air.

crowded close

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that had been hemmed in by dense mats of water hyacinth.
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“Spending time with friends is played down as an optional indulgence that steals scarce hours out of an already jam-packed schedule,” notes the paper.jw2019 jw2019
粘土でできています 円筒型に 成形されています びっしりと文章が書かれ 日干しされました
It's made of clay, and it's been fashioned into a cylinder shape, covered with close writing and then baked dry in the sun.ted2019 ted2019
He gathered a mass of knowledge and filled a personal notebook with quotations and excerpts from classical works.jw2019 jw2019
There must be something different about a book of well over a thousand closely printed pages that has been translated in its entirety into 275* languages, and parts of it into no less than 1,710 languages and dialects.jw2019 jw2019
住みかとしては,池や湖,川,湿地などのそばが理想的です。 そこが樹木に囲まれていて下草がびっしりと生えていればなお結構。
Areas near ponds, lakes, rivers, and swamps —preferably surrounded by woods with thick undergrowth— suit me as home.jw2019 jw2019
アラスカの海岸を歩いていて 潮だまりを見つけました そこにはイソギンチャクがびっしり 実にきれいな食肉動物で 珊瑚やクラゲの親戚です
I was walking along the shore in Alaska, and I came across this tide pool filled with a colony of sea anemones, these wonderful eating machines, relatives of coral and jellyfish.ted2019 ted2019
綱 が 、 髪 を つか ん で い た 鬼 の 腕 を 手 に 取 っ て 見 る と 、 雪 の よう に 白 かっ た はず が 、 真っ黒 で 、 銀 の 針 を 立て た よう に 白 い 体毛 が びっしり 生え て い た 。
When Tsuna picked up the arm that had been grasping his hair , he saw that it was actually jet-black and covered in needle-like white hairs , which was why it had seemed to be white as snow .KFTT KFTT
正平 ( 日本 ) 年間 ( 1346 - 70 ) に 東福 寺 第 30 世 ・ 無 夢 一清 禅師 が 開 い た 塔頭 で 、 びっしり と 杉苔 に 覆 わ れ た 枯山水 の 庭園 に 凛と 咲 く キキョウ の 青 や 白 の 花 が 美し い 。
Founded by Zen master Mumu Issei during the Shohei era ( 1346-1370 ) in Tofuku-ji Temple 's 30th year ; the dry landscape garden completely covered in hair moss is beautifully complemented by the blue and white of the Chinese bellflowers .KFTT KFTT
As we walked down a long, straight road with heavy undergrowth on both sides, a small boy of about ten fell in step beside us and stared at us with open curiosity.jw2019 jw2019
Soon the camp had thick clusters of long-stemmed roses, sweet Williams, and other beautiful and, more important, tall flowers.jw2019 jw2019
5 わたしたちは個人研究をもっと行なうよう勧められると,すぐさま,予定はすでにびっしり詰まっています,と言うかもしれません。
5 When we are encouraged to do more personal study, we may be quick to point out that we already have a full schedule.jw2019 jw2019
When the case was pulled from the seabed, it was badly corroded and encrusted.jw2019 jw2019
ワタリウム美術館の外壁にびっしりと張られた 東北でのプロジェクト参加者ポートレイト
[Pictures of Tohoku area project participants posted on the wall of the Watari Museum Portraits of participants in the Tohoku project.]gv2019 gv2019
そこ に は 細か い 文字 で 、 浅草 の 米 相場 価格 が びっしり と 書 か れ て い た 。
This paper was filled with rice prices of Asakusa written in small characters .KFTT KFTT
I noticed that the ground was full of greenery.LDS LDS
These lists were sometimes written on paper 27 inches [70 cm] wide by 36 inches [90 cm] long and sometimes included the names of all of those inhabiting two or three villages.”jw2019 jw2019
Yet that was a passing phase, because in the shade under their tight canopy few pine seedlings could take root.jw2019 jw2019
A web of wild vine, ivy, liana, and other vegetation clings to these trees in eternal competition for sunlight.jw2019 jw2019
The second message, written in the margins of that same sheet of paper, was much more ominous.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
There they continue to grow, spreading out to form dense canopies.jw2019 jw2019
黒 く びっしり 張り付 い て た
They were covered in black widows, man.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Examined more closely, the landscape resembles a mass of densely packed florets of broccoli.jw2019 jw2019
1 か月 先 まで オペ が びっしり 入 っ て て さ... 。
I'm booked solid for the next month...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Rangoon there are long rows of uniform, four-storied flats side by side, running from street to street with no spaces between them.jw2019 jw2019
And their toes, sparsely feathered during the warmer months, become heavily feathered, forming efficient “snowshoes.”jw2019 jw2019
203 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.