ホステス oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Japannees - Engels


bargirl (a female companion)
He married an air hostess.


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air hostess

He married an air hostess.
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Craig and I eventually stopped taking drugs and abusing alcohol, and I quit my job as a barmaid.jw2019 jw2019
She is, first and foremost, the hostess of the White House.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The unofficial period of mourning ended when Emily hosted a New Year's party at the White House on January 1, 1830.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
『 泥 だらけ の 純情 』 で は 実際 に 中平 が 通 っ て い た 銀座 の バー で 馴染み だっ た ホステス を 、 浜田 光夫 に 脇毛 を 抜 か せ よ う と する ホステス 役 と し て 起用 し た 他 、 新聞 勧誘 員 の 役 で 登場 する 野呂 圭介 も 中平 な ら で は の 絶妙 な 味 で あ っ た 。
In " Doro darake no Junjo " he casted a hostess who worked for a bar in Ginza which Nakahira often visited as an actress and made her play a hostess who tried to have Mitsuo HAMADA pull her hircus and also casted Keisuke NORO as a newspaper salesman , which were examples Nakahira 's unique and superb casting .KFTT KFTT
Ruth and her son moved in with her parents and she went back to prostitution to make ends meet.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Let's drink to our charming hostess!tatoeba tatoeba
During the 1950s, the economy was still driven by Todd Shipyards, Maxwell House, Lipton Tea, Hostess and Bethlehem Steel and companies with big plants were still not inclined to invest in huge infrastructure elsewhere.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Ellis became a nightclub hostess through nude modelling work, which paid significantly more than the various factory and clerical jobs she had held since leaving school.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
そして 銀座 の バー の マダム や ホステス は 、 実際 に 中平 の 行き つけ の 店 に い た 本物 を セット に 連れ て 来 て 出演 さ せ た 。
In addition , he made the bar hostesses of Ginza , who he often visited , actually come on stage .KFTT KFTT
It has been speculated that even before Rachel Donelson Jackson's death in 1828, Jackson had planned for Emily to accompany them to Washington to assist Rachel in the duties of White House hostess.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
そして,ホステスとして働く女性バーテンダーを雇いました。 彼女たちの仕事は,アメリカ兵にできるだけ多くの酒を飲ませることでした。
We had bar girls working for us as hostesses, whose job was to get the GIs to buy as much liquor as possible.jw2019 jw2019
「ブロンドのナイト=クラブのホステス」("blonde night-club hostess")が、「英語をはなせない、白髪の、とまどっている、お祖母さん」("a grey-haired and bewildered grandmother who spoke no English.")よりもだんぜんこころをひきつけた。
A "blonde night-club hostess" was much more alluring than "a grey-haired and bewildered grandmother who spoke no English."LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
接客 サービス を 提供 する バー や クラブ など で は 、 ホステス や ホスト が 客 に おしぼり を 開 い て 手渡 す の が 一般 的 で あ る 。
At bars and nightclubs that provide individual customer service , oshibori are unfolded and handed directly to customers by ' hostesses ' and ' hosts . 'KFTT KFTT
On November 21, 2012, U.S. bankruptcy judge Robert Drain approved Hostess' request to shut down, temporarily ending Twinkie production in the United States.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
ホステス ね 。
A hostess?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
東京 の 浅草 、 京都 の 京 の 花街 、 大阪 の 北新 地 など で は 、 芸者 ( 舞妓 、 芸妓 ) や ホステス が 、 節分 の 前後 に 通常 の 芸妓 衣装 で は な い 、 様々 な 扮装 を する 。
Around the time of setsubun , geisha ( maiko , geiko ) ( Japanese professional female entertainers at drinking parties ) as well as other hostesses in such places as Asakusa in Tokyo , Kyo no Hanamachi ( Kagai ) in Kyoto and Kita-Shinchi in Osaka make themselves up in costumes other than their usual attire .KFTT KFTT
And, in addition, a housewife who is all tired out from the hard work of preparing for her guests is not a happy hostess.jw2019 jw2019
少しお金があると ホステス・フルーツパイを買っていました
If I had a little extra money, I'd buy a Hostess Fruit Pie.ted2019 ted2019
これ は 京都 の 舞妓 の 項 に も 記述 が あ る 通り に 単なる 憧れ や 一 職業 と し て ホステス や コンパニオン 感覚 で 入門 し た 場合 に その 世界 の 厳し さ や 労働 と 賃金 と の 対価 が 納得 でき ず に 辞め て しま う 者 も 事実 、 多数 存在 する 。
As mentioned in the section for Maiko in Kyoto , after becoming apprentice geigi out of superficial longing or by interpreting geigi to be another profession such as hostess of a club or companion girl , in fact , many of them quit due to the competitiveness of the world of geigi and they cannot accept the relationship between labor and pay .KFTT KFTT
When I was 16 I lied about my age and obtained work as a barmaid.jw2019 jw2019
He married an air hostess.tatoeba tatoeba
The death of Rachel Donelson Jackson caused these plans to be abandoned and Andrew Jackson asked Emily to take over all the responsibilities of the White House hostess, which she did with the aid of her niece Mary Ann Eastin.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In the 1920s and 1930s, Cartland was a prominent young hostess in London society, noted for her beauty, energetic charm, and daring parties.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Beginning in 1834, Sarah Yorke Jackson, President Jackson's daughter-in-law, served as the White House hostess.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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