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The small number of troops provided by Maacah, as compared with those of the other allies, may indicate the small size of the Maacathite kingdom.jw2019 jw2019
20 夜中のその時刻に出て行って,開いている灯油店,もしくは必要な油を用立ててくれる灯油商を探し出すのは,それら愚かな処女たちにとってどんなに困難なことかは想像するにかたくありません。
20 We can imagine what difficulty that would entail upon those foolish virgins, to go at that hour of the night and try to locate an open oil shop or oil dealers who would accommodate them with the needed oil.jw2019 jw2019
I accommodated him with money.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The bank came through with the loan we had requested.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
She was kind enough to accommodate me with some money.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I accommodated my friend with money.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
After a careful survey to ascertain where the need was really the most pressing, the Society began to make that money available to congregations that needed to build or otherwise acquire new Kingdom Halls.jw2019 jw2019
Thomas's uncle James died in 1764, and his widow Jane probably provided both the funds and accommodation which allowed Thomas to attend school in London.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The solution Jefferson came up with was, as scholar Clay Jenkinson noted, "a graduated income tax that would serve as a disincentive to vast accumulations of wealth and would make funds available for some sort of benign redistribution downward" as well as tariffs on imported articles, which were mainly purchased by the wealthy.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
I lent my friend some money.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
ハリーはドナに結婚費用を用立てたいと語り、2人は昔を思い出す("Our Last Summer")。
Harry offers to Donna to pay for the wedding, and they reminisce about their fling ("Our Last Summer").LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
困 り 果て た 源五 兵衛 は 、 身請け する と 言 っ て 、 伯父 の 用立て て くれ た 百 両 を 差し出 す こと に な る 。
Being at a complete loss , Gengobe offers the 100 ryo prepared by his uncle , saying that he will buy out Koman .KFTT KFTT
母 の 居 な い 姫 君 の 境遇 に 同情 し た 少将 は 、 こっそり と 素晴らし い 貝 を 用立て て 、 味方 し て や る 。
He sympathizes with the princess , who had lost her mother , and takes her side by secretly bringing wonderful shells .KFTT KFTT
しかし ながら 、 父 から 旧主 の ため に 百 両 の 金子 の 用立て を 頼 ま れ た 。
However , he was asked by his father to gain 100 ryo for his father 's former master .KFTT KFTT
勘平 は 、 すべて を 飲み込 み 、 金 を 用立て する と 約束 し 、 現在 の 住処 を 教え る 。
Kanpei understands everything , promises to come up with the money and tells SENZAKI where he lives .KFTT KFTT
In order to ascertain what funds will be available, the elders may ask those in the congregation to write on slips of paper what they individually expect to be able to donate to the project or, possibly, to make available for a number of years.jw2019 jw2019
御 養蚕 所 で 飼 わ れ る 蚕 から 出来 た 絹製 品 は 、 主に 皇室 の 儀典 用 衣裳 等 に 用立て られ る 。
The silk products made of silkworms reared at Sericultural Institute are used for the ceremonial costumes of the Imperial Family and so on .KFTT KFTT
このような体ですが,私が望んでいるのは,物ごいをしに行くことではなく,私がこじきの生活から足を洗う契機となった希望の実現のために両手両足を用立てることです。 それは地球を楽園にするのを手伝わせて頂くという見込みです。
With such a body I wish —not to go begging— but to lend hands and legs to realizing the hope that was the starting point for me to abandon the life of a beggar: The prospect of helping to make the earth a paradise, where “there will come to be plenty of grain” for everyone.jw2019 jw2019
この たび 父 が 旧主 の ため に 金子 百 両 を 必要 と し て い る こと を 知 り 、 これ を 用立て て 勘当 を 解 い て もら お う と 考え 、 女房 お 六 に 因果 を 含め 、 小 万 と 名乗 ら せ て 芸者 勤め を さ せ て い る 。
Since Sangoro 's father needs 100 ryo for his former master , Sangoro planned to prepare the money for gaining his father 's forgiveness ; he persuaded his wife Oroku of its necessity and she eventually became a geisha calling herself Koman .KFTT KFTT
同年 11 月 18 日 ( 旧暦 ) ( 12 月 13 日 ) 、 近藤 勇 は 資金 の 用立て ・ 国事 の 相談 が あ る と の 口実 で 七条 の 妾宅 に 伊東 を 招 い て 酒宴 を 張 っ た 。
On December 13 of the same year ( November 18 according to the old calendar ) , Isami KONDO asked Ito over to his mistress ' home in Shichijo , to discuss a loan and national affairs , and served Ito alcohol .KFTT KFTT
必要な資金を調達するには、特例国債(臨時復興債)で用立てするのが 現実的である。
A realistic method of procuring the necessary funds is by issuing deficit-financing bonds (special recovery bonds).JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Life was certainly not easy for Miwa, but one year, a neighborhood woman came to her in tears, seeking money.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Collage, sound, and documentary became tamed, placed at the service of sponsors.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Health: In 2007 France provided a total of 1,445 billion USD for health in Africa of which 466 million USD for AIDS, 166 for malaria, 166,2 for tuberculosis and 35 for polio.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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