구글링 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Koreaans - Engels


transitive verb, meaning to search for something using the Google search engine

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
그리고 전세계 플랫폼 업체들이 '혹시 스마트TV 컨텐츠를 만드는 회사가 있지 않을까?'하고 구글링을 해 볼 거 아닙니까?
So the world's smart TV manufacturers started looking around if there was anyone developing content for smart TV'sQED QED
둘째, 만약 Fedora 기여자라면, 터무니없는 이력서가 필요없습니다: 당신은 잠재적인 고용주에게 당신의 이름을 '구글링하라'고 말해주면 됩니다.
Second, if you're a Fedora contributor, you don't need a fancy resume; you can just tell potential employers to 'Google' your name.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
전체 list는 스프레드 오퍼레이터를 사용하여 추가합니다.(...연산자: ES6 문법. 본적이 없다면 구글링을..)
The entire list is added through the use of a spread operator (Google this if you've not seen this before — it's ES6 syntax).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
3 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.