더글러스 호프스태터 oor Engels

더글러스 호프스태터

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koreaans - Engels

Douglas Hofstadter

HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

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더글러스 호프스태터가 지적했듯이 "slithy"란 단어는 영어의 "slimy", "slither", "slippery", "lithe", "sly" 같은 단어를 연상시킨다.
Douglas Hofstadter noted in his essay "Translations of Jabberwocky", the word 'slithy', for example, echoes the English 'slimy', 'slither', 'slippery', 'lithe' and 'sly'.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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