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Vertalings in die woordeboek Koreaans - Engels

apple blossom

the flower of an apple tree

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프레즈노 카운티의 봄은 과실수들의 꽃과 함께 일찌감치 찾아옵니다. 2월 중순부터 단 3주 동안, 프레즈노 카운티 블라썸 트레일(Fresno County Blossom Trail) 을 이루는 과수원들은 일제히 분홍빛 복숭아꽃과 살구꽃, 하얀 아몬드와 자두, 사과꽃으로 뒤덮이죠.
Starting in mid-February and lasting only about three weeks, the Fresno County Blossom Trail , made up of the county's orchards, is festooned in rosy sprays of peach and nectarine petals, pink bouquets of apricot blossoms, and white blazes of almonds, plums, and apples.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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